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James O'Neill's blog

Windows Platform, Virtualization and PowerShell with a little Photography for good measure.

Moving to ultimate part 1.

On the roadshow I've been saying how great the Microsoft IT build of Vista is. The sheer simplicity...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/03/2007

Announcement rumour

I don't normally get involved in rumours, preferring to keep to facts, but news seems to be out at a...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/01/2007

The Numpty paradox: trying not to insult customers

A long time ago, in a company far far away, I ran a Novell network (2.15 !). The other administrator...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/30/2007

Things that suck / Things that rock

I think everyone knows the saying an optimist says the glass is half full, and a pessimist says it...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/30/2007

Jon Honeyball got it wrong.

GAG HALFRUNT: Zis iz most regrettable. VOGON CAPTAIN: A personal friend? GAG HALFRUNT: Ah no, in my...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/29/2007

The "people ready" journey

I'm off to Belgium tomorrow and, fortunately, I've just printed my boarding pass. Despite plans to...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/27/2007

When communication about Unified Communications doesn't communicate anything.

A year ago tomorrow, I posted something entitled "Civilisation will come to an end because no one...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/27/2007

Whither (or wither) Virtual PC Express.

I was a bit surprised to find someone still blogging about VPC Express - especially as they linked...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/27/2007

Office Communications server 2007 Beta available for public download.

Little more to say. It's here Documents are available separately. So is speech server Given our...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/26/2007

On Time-zones...

Spring is here, Spring is here ... I think the loveliest time of the year is the spring, yes I do,...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/18/2007

Windows Vista Deployment slides

I was presenting "Everything you want to know about Vista imaging but were afraid to ask" again this...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/18/2007

Vista Squad - our newest UK user group.

This user group is going to try to concentrate on those things which are Vista specific - rather...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/18/2007

ePHOTOzine article on Windows Vista

I was asked a little while ago if I would answer some questions form the UK's leading online photo...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/18/2007

Windows Server Virtualization and memory

Mark Wilson asked an interesting question about virtualization. Would Windows Server Virtualization...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/17/2007

64 bit – and the end of the line for some things.

I like 64 bit vista. It's proved be excellent at performance, reliability and application...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/17/2007

Windows Vista "breaking" OWA

One of the things that annoys any technical person is when you get asked a question and have to...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/15/2007

The mobility dilemma.

I'm on my third Orange C500 phone. The first got lost on a flight home from the Channel Islands at...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/11/2007

Tech-ed EMEA 2007: save the dates

Tech-Ed 2006 was a judged to be a great success and we're keeping the timing ,format (Tech-ed...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/10/2007

Pentax manifesto.

Regular readers (it seems I have some) may have picked up that (a) I use Pentax cameras and (b) I...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/09/2007

Windows Server Virtualization round-up

A few days ago I blogged about a Longhorn Server Virtualization video featuring Jeff Woolsey. I said...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/09/2007

Rolling your own support for 64 bit Vista.

A few days ago someone who had installed 64 bit Vista asked us "why Microsoft developed an operating...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/09/2007

Office Communications Server 2007 Beta announced

I said last week that Jeff Raikes was going to make an announcement, he has. It starts:"Within three...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/07/2007

Getting PDF Preview in Vista and Outlook. A "must have".

In place preview of files is a great feature of Vista's shell and Outlook 2007. The lack of support...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/06/2007

Ooh 'eck. Now I'm the blog Police ?

No sense denying it, I like Mary Jo Foley linking to something I wrote. Although being cast as a...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/04/2007

Vista Reliability...

Later this afternoon I'm going to reboot this Dell Latitude 820 for the second time since I finished...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/03/2007

See Longhorn server core and Virtualization

One of the things that people argue about whenever we discuss "blogging smart" is when it is fitting...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/03/2007

At Voice-con next week Jeff Raikes will announce...

Er, no. After what I said about leaking a few days ago I'm not going ruin Jeff's carefully prepared...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/01/2007

Groove, Vista and "better together"

Groove is infectious. Everyone who has started using it in the office, loves it and sets up...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/01/2007

Bye bye NTL... could this be a whole new beginning

When I moved into my house BT told me I couldn't keep my number. So I decided I would take cable TV...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/28/2007

Brave and stupid posts.

Someone ... and I don't know his name ... leaked some information about Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/28/2007

The Campaign for real numbers

Sorry to rant about phones twice on the same day, but hopefully this will get something out of my...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/21/2007

Voice mail must become extinct .

Eileen blogged a few days back about her frustration that we can't roll out Unified Messaging any...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/21/2007

Get into the Groove ...

The serendipity fairy has been at it again. On Tuesday Eileen posted something about Groove to her...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/15/2007

Not exactly a valentine for IBM

One of those odd coincidences. Back in January 26 when I was blogging about IBM FUD , I mentioned an...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/14/2007

Virtualization - never knowing where your next core comes from ?

Returning from TechReady4 I've noticed some trends in how we are going to think about datacenters...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/13/2007

Change the world and go home.

It's been quiet on my blog this week because I have been in Seattle for the twice yearly Geek-fest...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/09/2007

After 83 days I need to empty the trash :-)

Technorati tags: Microsoft, Exchange, 2007, Outlook Web Access, OWA No this isn't a reference to my...

Author: James ONeill Date: 02/01/2007

Another machine another rebuild and a Backup headache.

Santa came late this year, and brought me a new Dell Latitude 820. Nice. Two 64-bit cores, a...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/31/2007

The mouse James Bond would have.

A week or so ago I wrote about daft voices, and I feel like this should be in the voice of Sean...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/28/2007

Another lesson in FUD, from a past master.

A little culture to lead into the weekend. A quote from Voltaire no less. I have never made but one...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/26/2007

Interview with a top Microsoft person.

Somewhere in my "Pending" file is a blog post about working for Microsoft provisionally entitled...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/26/2007

A guide to FUD, thanks to Canon.

One of the Interesting things about this job is getting a new point of view on how Marketing and PR...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/21/2007

Vista activation

One of the things I learnt in the run up to last week’s BETT show was about licensing. I often joke...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/19/2007

Friday Humour

I seem to be able reduce the other members of the team to laughter with silly voices. I met up with...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/19/2007

Ooops. I gave out some duff information about limiting logons

As Eileen has already said our team spent last week at the BETT show. My first "proper" IT job after...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/18/2007

Business Desktop Deployment 2007, now available.

There's lots of of information on the Technet Desktop deployment page. To quote from the mail I had...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/18/2007

End of an era. Apple is no longer a computer company.

I don't know what has happened between Steve Jobs' company and the one owned by the Beatles. It was...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/09/2007

The first Windows Vista "Ultimate Extras"

Darren blogged about Bill Gates Keynote at CES, which I watched at home last night. In passing was...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/09/2007

Vista Backup ...

It's quite impressive how many different sorts of backup we've put into Vista, and the launch of...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/08/2007

A good day to be a fake doctor ...

I mentioned we had something big planned for the CES show in Vegas, and that something is Windows...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/08/2007

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