Blog spam
I've had enough. There are so many robot created spam posts to the comments to this blog - I've just removed 60 and accidentally removed one valid comment in the process - that I've made 2 changes.
One is to cap posting at 7 days. The other is that I'm going to moderate anonymous posts from now on. The people who provide us with the site software are working on a better solution.
- Anonymous
August 25, 2006
Good to hear! I am also under attack of spammers. Killed today about 15 comments of quite disgusting content, same two days ago. And I moderated anonymous for weeks -- thre are too many guys who just cannot keep their hands and everything else in appropriate places. - Anonymous
August 25, 2006
There is an answer. This looks like a Community Server blog, which is what we use at You can modify the options so that only logged-in users can post.