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frankarr - an aussie microsoft blogger

Ponderings from the Pacific Northwest by an Aussie Geek who works at a software company

MIX University

Come to MIX University where you can get overviews, videos, demonstrations and technology...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/19/2007

dmahugh in Sydney?

I've spotted some lovely Sydney photos on Doug Mahugh's blog. That must mean he is in Sydney. For...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/19/2007

At The Whiteboard

There's a series of videos running on Builder.AU, featuring local and international speakers,...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/17/2007

Soapbox is now public beta

The Soapbox Beta is now open to a wide audience. I've been using it for a while and it's a pretty...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/17/2007

SQL Server Hosting Toolkit

Here's something I've been meaning to post for a while. It's a little nugget of gold called the SQL...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/16/2007

NYT: Viewers Fast-Forwarding Past Ads? Not Always

Excerpt from New York Times Article: Viewers Fast-Forwarding Past Ads? Not Always...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/16/2007

Hooked on LINQ - Developers' Wiki for .NET Language Integrated Query

I got an email from someone who I hadn't heard from in a while From: Troy MagennisSent: Thursday, 15...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/15/2007

Trying to stay up to speed

I'm feeling a bit out of touch of what's happening. while I am recovering from my recent bout of...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/14/2007

Have you seen DreamScene?

Nick White has the news that Windows Ultimate Extra 'DreamScene' is available Windows Vista Ultimate...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/14/2007

Helping those that need help

I've been at home for the past few days dealing with my Sinusitis. Moira has been busy doing her...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/14/2007

Wonderful WPF Apps: Notescraps

Tim Sneath is doing a series of posts about great WPF applications, and his #8 caught my eye Great...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/13/2007

NYT: Faces, Faces Everywhere

Excerpt from New York Times Article: Faces, Faces Everywhere...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/13/2007

AASG : Gadget Guy Gadget

Australia's Gadget Guy has his own gadget. It a sidebar gadget that displays the Gadget Guy's news,...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/12/2007

Why Vista Matters to Developers

Spotted this on eWeek Crafting the Code: Why Vista Matters to Developers By Darryl K. TaftFebruary...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/12/2007

Sinusitis returns - Change of plans ahead

The last few days, I've been feeling really achy again. I went to see my local GP and confirmed that...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/11/2007

NYT: Figuring Out Gift Giving in the Age of $2,000-a-Pound Chocolate

Excerpt from New York Times Article: Figuring Out Gift Giving in the Age of $2,000-a-Pound Chocolate...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/10/2007

Si-Mi : A creative social network and digital content marketplace, from downunder

Spotted this story in The SMH : Aussies bid to share the video wealth (thx for bring it to my...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/09/2007

NYT: EMI May Sell Recordings Online With No Anti-Copying Software

Excerpt from New York Times Article: EMI May Sell Recordings Online With No Anti-Copying Software...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/09/2007

Announcing new release of Ruby.Net compiler

It's always nice to find little treasures in the inbox, especially one that is part of a continuing...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/09/2007

NYT: If Leonardo Had Made Toys

Excerpt from New York Times Article: If Leonardo Had Made Toys...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/09/2007

Mixtify (mix•ti•fy [micks-tuh-fahy] )

mix•ti•fy [micks-tuh-fahy] —verb (used with object), -fied, -fy•ing. 1. to share with everyone you...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/09/2007

'The Age of User Experience' is nigh

It is a wonderful moment for a parent to see their children take those first steps, say their first...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/09/2007

The Microsoft Unlimted Potential (UP) Community Conference again

I'll be speaking at the upcoming Microsoft Unlimted Potential (UP) Community Conference next week....

Author: frankarr Date: 02/07/2007

SSW Ideas for Better Microsoft Software

I had a meeting with local Regional Director, Adam Cogan. During the conversation, he mentioned his...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/05/2007

Hugo - You Are Amazing!

People never cease to amaze me. I've had a call from Hugo "Uber Tablet" Ortega yesterday and he told...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/05/2007

Tell us what you want for the Security & Management Seminar

We're doing some research for the upcoming Security & Management Seminar. We invite you to help...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/04/2007

NYT: Wireless Internet for All, Without the Towers

Excerpt from New York Times Article: Wireless Internet for All, Without the Towers...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/04/2007

Wonderful WPF Apps : Wikipedia Explorer (BETA)

I spotted this over on James Senior's blog : Wikipedia Explorer Wikipedia Explorer can be run as a...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/03/2007

NYT: Silicon Valley's High-Tech Hunt for Colleague

Excerpt from New York Times Article: Silicon Valley’s High-Tech Hunt for Colleague...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/03/2007

Team Update : New Look

I've been busy hiring. 3 new people (Nick, Michael, Scott) have all started in the past few weeks...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/02/2007

I love my Palm Treo 750 !

Lots of things happened this week, and a personal highlight for me was getting a new phone - a Palm...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/02/2007

Shout Hacking! Ok, I'll Bite...

ARN is carrying a story - Vista hole opens door to 'shout hacking', from an earlier report Vista...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/02/2007

Browsers used by Visitors in January 2007

Last month, I looked at the operating systems of visitors to my blog This month, I'm looking at...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/01/2007

Top 20 Search Keywords for January 2007

The top 20 Search keywords for people coming to visit my blog during January 2007. elfamorphosis My...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/01/2007

Top 20 Posts for January 2007

TaDa!, top 20 posts for January 2007. Old posts continue to be popular. My Elfamorphosis Windows...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/01/2007

TechTalkBlogs +342 Days

It's so exciting, TechTalkBlogs is almost one year old. It's like the engine that could. System...

Author: frankarr Date: 02/01/2007

It's a baby - but it's alive!

Michael Kordahi is finally online with his new blog. He is the new Developer Evangelist based in...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/30/2007

does the F12 button do something to someone else's computer ?

Good to see Bill Gates on The Daily Show last night. It was a funny interview and I loved it when...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/30/2007

Help is on it's way

It's been a long journey. There were some wonderful candidates, and I feel we have found an...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/29/2007

What's coming up ? Let's look back to find out

Big week this week. Lots of folks are stressing out. Me, I'm reminising... When we launched Windows...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/28/2007

Windows Live SDK is alive

From Windows Live Dev News : What's In a Name? The Windows Live SDK Windows Live SDK The Windows...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/27/2007

Happy Australia Day : Here's An Aussie Meego For You

To celebrate Australia Day, here's an Aussie Meego just for you! Now, I'm off to eat some lamb,...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/25/2007

NYT: Moving It All to Vista

Excerpt from New York Times Article: Moving It All to Vista...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/25/2007

Put Metadata Where It Belongs!

Just in time for Australia Day, the Microsoft Photo Info tool has been released The tool allows for...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/25/2007

Feeds Plus: Those Interns can code

I spotted the post Feeds Plus: An Intern Adventure and was excited about the possibilites What I...

Author: frankarr Date: 01/24/2007

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