I survived the first day back
Phew, a lot happened today (in no particular order, I'm just going for the step effect)
- Approved Expenses
- Had lunch with Dr Neil
- Returned 12 phone calls
- Upgraded LS800 to Vista RC2
- Upgraded Toshiba A7 to Vista RC2
- Read and processed countless emails
- Bumped into a bunch of MVPS in the lobby
- Posed for a photo shoot for an upcoming article
- Interviewed by a Post Graduate Student on Blogging
- Spoke to all my team members (or left messages for those I couldn't reach)
- Had countless corridor conversations with other people who wanted to know where I had been
Technorati tags: Work, Frank Arrigo, Blogging, Vista RC2, LS800
[ Current Listening to : Radio Song by Jet from Get Born ]
October 15, 2006
Yes, that's right- that post graduate student you were interviewed by happen to be muah! I did it Frank- i started my own blog- with a bit of your help of course! Now if your readers are interested in helping with my thesis on how blogs have impacted companies within Australia, just go to my blog at http://bloggingthesis.spaces.live.com and say hello so i can send you a survey- i've probably broken every blogging rule in the book, but hey- you've got to start somewhere! Thanks for the inspiration- now i believe you owe me a couple of surveys my friend! (Now i've just got to learn how to create links to other sites- any tips?)Anonymous
October 16, 2006
In my last post, I mentioned that yesterday I was interviewed by a post graduate student . She left me