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Quotable Quotations, Part Two

I'm tremendously excited to learn that Joel Silver is producing a sequel to "Dungeons and Dragons". That movie was one of the cheesiest, chewiest, goofiest and lowest-grossing episodes of Scripting Goes To The Movies ever, and that's saying something. Say what you will about the plot, acting, set design and special effects; they certainly did an excellent job of capturing the inherent ridiculousness of the D&D gaming system. I was particularly fond of Richard O'Brien as a thief who builds elaborate traps for no apparent reason.

Rumour has it that the plot of the new movie is about some evil wizard -- big surprise there -- who steals some black magical orb dingus and chaos ensues. (Which, oddly enough, was exactly the plot of the last D&D game I played, which was some time ago. Nice to know that the classics never go out of style.) 

I'm breathless with anticipation to see if they can top lines like "People of Izmer: you are now free!!!"

Speaking of bad dialogue, today is part two of my ongoing series on the wit and wisdom of the Visual Studio Tools For Office team. (Part one is here.)

"I value diversity -- but -- girls are weird."

"This feature will take thirty seconds to test." (Spoken by, you guessed it, a dev.)

"Now that is thinking in an entirely different box."

"I'm not Andrew Clinick; you can't whip me like you whip him!"

Devs are smart, but sometimes it takes a moment to deduce all logical consequences of a statement in realtime:

Dev: "I'll schedule you for five o'clock."
PM: "I can't make it then, I have to pick up my kid from day care."
Dev: "I didn't know you had kids!"
PM: "Yeah, I have a four year old."
Dev: "Really? Since when?"
PM: "Uh… just over four years actually."

And finally, a conversation that sums up the relationship between program management, development and quality assurance:

A PM: "Is there anything I can do for you?"
A Dev: "Go get me a coffee."
A Tester: "Here, let me taste that for you."


  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2004
    obviously the dev guy took the lever off to figure out how it worked (probably thought he could build his own free version and keep it at his desk), and in the process broke it.
  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2004
    That's why you buy your own coffee machine and keep it in your office :-)
  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2004

    I have one, but we're packed in so tight over here in 9 that if I try to brew a cup, I trip the circuit. :(
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2004
    I'm soooooo glad that Peter Jackson was able to show the world what a true fantasy movie could be. I shudder to think of another D&D movie being developed.
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2004
    A real DnD movie should be in 8 bits:
