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Fabulous Adventures In Coding

Eric Lippert's Erstwhile Blog

Desafinado, Part Three: Too Many Fifths

Last time we established the diatonic scale which has the nice property that there are five tone...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 04/13/2005

VBScript Quiz Answers, Parts Eleven and Twelve

  1. X andY are both Booleans. Which of the following always assignsTrue? Why? (a) Z = Not X Or Y = X...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 04/05/2005

A Face Made For Email, Part Two

One year ago this week I was the Channel Nine guinea pig -- I'm still not sure why, but for some...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 04/01/2005

VBScript Quiz Answers, Part Eight

  1. Which of these programs is syntactically legal? (a) Class Bar Function Foo End Function Function...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/23/2005

VBScript Quiz Answers, Part Six

This question was designed to highlight some of the oddities in VBScript's rules for what makes a...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/16/2005

VBScript Quiz Answers, Part Five

  1. Which of the following statements are guaranteed to never print False? Assume that On Error...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/09/2005

VBScript Quiz Answers, Part Four, Plus, More Trivia!

Last night I gave away more copies of my book at our Visual Studio Tools for Office developer lab,...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/03/2005

VBScript Quiz Answers, Part Three, and RegEx Memory Leak

Co-Winner Nicholas Allen's prize is en route to his home now. Steven Bone, I need your mailing...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/01/2005

VBScript Quiz Answers, Part Two

When you're getting close to shipping a beta for a big product, the dev team is either insanely busy...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/25/2005

VBScript Quiz Answers, Part One

There were a grand total of eight entries to my VBScript quiz -- I think I made it too hard!...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/18/2005

Why does WScript.ConnectObject not always work?

I've had a tiny handful of entries in my VBScript quiz. I know from my logs that 2600+ people have...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/15/2005

Win Fabulous Prizes!

I want to do a long -- potentially very long -- series of blog articles about the fundamental...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/10/2005

You Want Salt With That? Part Four: Challenge-Response

My friend Kristen asked me over the weekend when I was going to stop blogging about crypto math and...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/07/2005

You Want Salt With That? Part Three: Salt The Hash

Last time we were considering what happens if an attacker gets access to your server's password...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/03/2005

You Want Salt With That? Part Two: We Need A Hash

OK, we want to sketch out an authentication system which is sufficiently secure against common...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/31/2005

You Want Salt With That? Part One: Security vs Obscurity

A poster to one of the Joel On Software fora the other day asked what a "salt" was (in the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/28/2005

Fun With Floating Point Arithmetic, Part Six

One more thing -- I said earlier that the VBScript float-to-string algorithm was a little bit...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/26/2005

That's a Big Transistor

Here's some fun for a Friday. A few years back a bunch of my coworkers and I got to discussing the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/21/2005

Fun with Floating Point Arithmetic, Part Four

A reader also asked the other day why it is that in VBScript, CSng(0.1) = CDbl(0.1) is False. Forget...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/18/2005

Fun With Floating Point Arithmetic, Part Three

I've been getting lots of mail, questions and pointers to interesting articles on some of the trials...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/17/2005

Straight from the source

One of the truly great things about working here is that Distinguished Engineers take time out of...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/14/2005

Floating Point And Benford's Law, Part Two

A number of readers asked for an explanation of my offhand comment that Benford's Law can be used to...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/13/2005

Benford's Law

While I was poking through my old numeric analysis textbooks to refresh my memory for this series on...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/12/2005

Still Scratching The Surface

I was pleased to learn earlier today that Scott Wiltamuth, one of the designers of C#, has started...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/11/2005

Floating Point Arithmetic, Part One

A month ago I was discussing some of the issues in integer arithmetic, and I said that issues in...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/10/2005

T4: VBScript and the Terminator

I had some free time on the flight to Canada and my laptop with me, so maybe I will do a little...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/22/2004

Whidbey Island And Bagel Mathematics

I was highly amused to read on Raymond Chen's blog the other day that mathematicians are hard at...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/15/2004


No technology today -- but, hey, where does that word "technology" come from, anyway? I'm on this...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/08/2004

VBScript Constants Are Not Hoisted

A reader asked me the other day to riff a bit on why this works: Dim iFor i = 1 To 2 print...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/07/2004

Why do built-in JScript functions not appear in the typeinfo?

A reader sent me an email over the weekend asking about some odd behaviour in the guts of the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/06/2004

Integer Arithmetic in VBScript, Part Two

Here's another recent question I've received on bit twiddling in VBScript: You discussed the issues...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/03/2004

Bouncing Zero Bugs, Together

Sorry for not blogging much lately, but good heavens, I've been busy. I'm working on a new book, I...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/15/2004

Democracy in Action

I saw Tom Stoppard's play "Jumpers" recently. The line that got the biggest audience response: "It's...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/03/2004

The National Coin Flipping League Championship Series

No tech today, but a little basic math. In baseball, a sport I know little about, apparently the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/21/2004

Google Desktop On The Cheap Part One: Nope, That Doesn't Work

So, how many files are we talking about here? I've got over thirty thousand source code files...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/20/2004

Google Desktop On The Cheap, Part Zero

Before I get started with my next series, two quick notes. First, at long last I had dinner with...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/18/2004

Wherefore IDispatchEx?

Quite a while back I said that I'd write a post describing why we invented IDispatchEx. I already...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/07/2004

Anthimeria weirds languages

A little non-technical rant for a Friday. Professor Thingo, in a recent blog entry, decries the use...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/01/2004

Breadth is sometimes better than depth

A while back the Scripting Guys blogged about using recursion to list all the files in a directory...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 09/27/2004

Use vs. Mention in JScript Doesn't Come For Free

Before today's entry, a quick note. Work has just gotten insanely busy as we push towards getting...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 09/20/2004

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