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Open XML Podcasts

If you're too busy to learn about the Open XML file formats, here's something to do on the way home from work tonight: listen to some podcasts about Open XML. It won't take a single minute out of your day, and you'll get an overview of how the formats work, what developers can do with them, and the benefits they offer to users and developers.

Brian Jones and I recorded an ARCast with Ron Jacobs over in MS Studios last month, and it's now available online as a two-part podcast. Here are the links to download them off Channel 9:

PART 1 - https://channel9.msdn.com/Showpost.aspx?postid=246549

PART 2 - https://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=247408

One thing that's a bit strange is listening to us talk without seeing the screencast we were doing at the time. But, hey, if you're driving you probably should be watching the road anyway. And if you check them out at your desk, you can watch the Windows Media Player acid flashbacks as shown above.

After these podcasts whet your appetite, head on over to OpenXmlDeveloper.org, where you can learn a lot more about the world of Open XML!