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Open XML links for 11-15-2007

Office Developer Conference 2008. It's time once again for an Office Devcon, and this time it will be in San Jose, February 10-13, 2008. You can find registration info on the official web site, and soon there will be complete information about the agenda. Sessions and hands-on labs are being planned for Open XML and MOSS, Open XML and VSTO, and the Open XML SDK. And of course you'll be able to learn about all the other technologies used in Office as well, everything from SharePoint, InfoPath, and Groove to Office Communications Server, Exchange, and numerous sessions on topics related to OBAs and Office integration in general. It's been almost two years since the last Office Devcon, and there's a lot of new material to cover, so this will be a valuable event for Office developers. Early bird registration is open through November 30, so if you sign up now you can still get the lowest rate.

Open XML in Health Care. Another health-care application is now using Open XML. A company called Records For Living has announced a new system that allows users to "design their own reports and have them automatically populated with data from their personal health record. " I don't know any details on this one, but I'm guessing they're taking advantage of content controls and custom XML parts to get the job done. And after all the debate leading up to the ETRM announcement, it's nice to see more Open XML implementations coming out of Massachusetts.

Ballot Resolution Meeting FAQ. The SC34 Secretariat has posted a BRM FAQ to answer common questions about the BRM process and the upcoming meeting in Geneva on February 25-29. It doesn't tell you who hAl, the Wraith, and Pam Jones are in real life, but it does have a lot of good information about how the BRM process will work in the months ahead.
