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Cool=VS 2013: What’s new for C++

Hey wait a minute, is this only a year since VS 2012?  Yep, that would be correct, and VS 2013 is like 3 years past suddenly.

So what is cool about VS 2013 is that C++ is being simply AWESOME.  Ok, C++ is never AWESOME, but let’s pretend it is.

What’s new for the brave Windows Store Developers who use C++”

  • Support For Boxed Types In Value structs. You can now define value types by using fields that can be null—for example, IBox<int>^ as opposed to int. This means that the fields can either have a value, or be equal to nullptr.

  • Richer Exception Information. C++/CX supports the new Windows error model that enables the capture and propagation of rich exception information across the application binary interface (ABI); this includes call stacks and custom message strings.

  • Object::ToString() Is Now Virtual. You can now override ToString in user-defined Windows Runtime ref types.

  • Support For Deprecated APIs. Public Windows Runtime APIs can now be marked as deprecated and given a custom message that appears as a build warning and can provide migration guidance.

  • Debugger Improvements. Support for native/JavaScript interop debugging, Windows Runtime exception diagnosis, and async code debugging (both Windows Runtime and PPL).

What about the underlying stuff like C++ 11?

See this link: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh409293(v=vs.120).aspx, which I copied the items above from.