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the Connector Space

A blog dedicated to the Installation, Configuration and Troubleshooting of Microsoft Identity Manager

Schema Management - Setting Permissions to manage new attributes.

In this post we will discuss what needs to be completed after you have successfully created a new...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 12/05/2014

Managing Send-To Permissions With FIM

So we all know FIM is great at managing the lifecycle of a user, handling their group membership and...

Author: ktackett Date: 12/03/2014

Schema Management - Binding a New Attribute

In this Series of Blogs we have been focusing on the necessary steps to mange the FIM Portal Schema....

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 12/03/2014

Schema Management - Creating a new attribute

The FIM Portal offers a vast selection of Default Attributes that can be used to store data for...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 12/02/2014

Working with Names and Name Based Attributes: Redux

This post is a follow-up to a previous post entitled “Working with Names and Name Based...

Author: ktackett Date: 12/01/2014

RCDC - Session 0 - Understanding RCDC.

What is the RCDC? Think of the RCDC as the means for the FIM Portal to provide a User Friendly...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 12/01/2014

RCDC - Session 2 - Adding a new Attribute to an Existing TAB.

Required: Understanding Understanding of Schema Management - Creating new Attributes within the FIM...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 12/01/2014

Criteria-Based Bulk Portal Object Deletion

Today I’d like to discuss a topic that comes up from time to time: how to (intelligently) bulk...

Author: ktackett Date: 11/18/2014

Group Synchronization and Group Management

There are a lot of guides out there that walk you through the steps of setting up Inbound Group...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 11/11/2014

Workflows, Function Evaluator, and Activities

Basic Function Evaluator activity(Building a Display Name) So for aBuild Display Name Workflow...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 11/06/2014

2 Way Account Expires Rules Extension

Updated 11/26/2017 To assist in the understanding of managing the "accountExpires" attribute in AD...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 11/04/2014

Manipulating Date/Time Attributes: Delaying Object Deletion for Data Retention

Here’s the first of a two-part piece on working with time and dates within the FIM portal....

Author: ktackett Date: 10/29/2014

RCDC - Session 1 - Backing up your RCDC Files.

There are 2 ways to Back up your RCDC Configuration Files, The Easy way Automated with Script or the...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 10/28/2014

5 Minute FIM Hacks: Find the right XPATH syntax to use in FIM PowerShell scripts or advanced set/group definitions

I recently had a colleague ask me to come with XPATH filter that he was using for PowerShell script...

Author: Glenn Zuckerman Date: 10/23/2014

Using PowerShell To Generate The Custom Expression For The Domain Attribute Flow (Single or Multiple Domain)

The Following Script can be used to generate the IIF Statement for the Domain Custom Expression...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 10/22/2014

Deleting a Connector Space: When, Why and How

***PLEASE NOTE:  This post is explicitly intended for use with on-prem (FIM/MIM) only and is NOT for...

Author: ktackett Date: 10/15/2014

5 Minute FIM Hacks: Change the "Employee Type" Validation String Pattern

In today’s 5 Minute FIM Hack, we’re going to look at changing regular expressions used...

Author: ktackett Date: 10/14/2014

View what groups a user is a member of on a separate tab of the User Interface (Member Of Tab)

The following piece of XML Code can be used to add a Tab to the User Edit RCDC which allows users to...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 10/09/2014

Are they registered or not?

I Thought I would play around with the Scripts to query for users who have registered for SSPR and...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 10/09/2014

Who has Not Registered for SSPR

The Following script can be used to determine who has not Registered for Self Service Password Reset...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 10/08/2014

Who has Registered for SSPR

The Following script can be used to determine who has Registered for Self Service Password Reset for...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 10/08/2014

5 Minute FIM Hacks: Hiding the "New" and "Delete" User Buttons

This is the third in a series of posts we’ll be calling “5 Minute FIM Hacks”. The...

Author: ktackett Date: 10/02/2014

Provision a Home Directory for new Accounts

UPDATED 1/26/2016 The Below Workflow is made possible with the use of an installed Custom Workflow...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 10/01/2014

5 Minute FIM Hacks: Changing FIM Portal Time Zone

This is the first in a series of posts we’ll be calling “5 Minute FIM Hacks”. The...

Author: ktackett Date: 09/25/2014

Working with Names and Name Based Attributes

I’d like to take a minute to discuss something that can be a real pain when deploying an identity...

Author: ktackett Date: 09/25/2014

Run Profile Script Builder

The Following script can be used to build a basic Run Profile Script around your current...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 09/24/2014

Sharepoint Foundations 2013 Configuration Script

Script Verified 26 August 2016 ### ## This script can be used with the FIM / MIM Preperation...

Author: Anthony Marsiglia Date: 09/23/2014
