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2 Days Missed....

This is what my blog post from last night was supposed to say...

Missed One....

For those of you following closely, I missed making my daily blog post yesterday. I realized this after my wife and I took off to go to karaoke. I did try to get a post online using my Pocket PC phone but I do not have a blogging app installed to it and my attempts to get logged into the blogging portal to use the web based editor were unsuccessful.

...except right after I pressed publish and saw the connection get made to the blog server, I turned my back and went to bed. This morning I had an error message saying essentially "Username or Password incorrect". I had plans for the day which I decided I not to delay, so I left it until now. It will be interesting to see what happens when I go to post this one.

Which brings me to the current two missed posts. When I realized I would not be able to resolve my blog posting issue from Saturday night without taking a serious dent to my personal time, I made the call to take the hit on the blog. Yesterday I was honestly bummed about missing the post and didn't know how to post about it. I made a literal 11th hour post with the above just to fill the gap and as karma would have it, my weak post garnered an equally weak authentication error.

My point is, I will always choose my personal life over having to get a blog post in for the day. But I will not use it as an excuse to not blog either. I could have gotten blogs in both days if I would have thought about them earlier in the day, but I have to admit, weekend blogging is harder for me. I shun my computers as much as possible and head out whenever I can to get away from technology. In short, weekends are spent thinking a lot less about technology.

Example - I spent about 3 hours on Saturday trekking around Redmond looking for a place to plant a Letterbox before deciding on a location in Carnation. Today, I spent about 6 hours hunting down letterboxes (and the process realized just how out of shape I am!). All the while armed with only a compass and some clues that sometimes border on wild goose chases.

Fun Times!

Though I have to admit..........I almost stopped at Fry's on the way back from the first find of the day.  :)

Time to press Publish and see if my blood pressure goes up....

UPDATE ****   Have to T-Shoot Logon now....****

At least I got a chuckle out of it. Look at the text in my blog post just above where the error message popped up. Almost like it is mocking me....hahahaha!


DOUBLE UPDATE **** Logon Fixed ****

Saturday night I must have triggered an account password reset when trying to get logged in using my phone. Had to reset it again and update LiveWriter with new creds...

TRIPLE UPDATE **** I hate incorrect error messages ****

My user account does in fact exist. The password didn't match. And some wonder why customers get frustrated with technology.
