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Impromptu Windows 7 Demos

I wanted to take a few minutes to tell you a little story about my trip to the Halifax edition of TechDays 2009. The reason why it’s interesting is the fact that all IT pros at some point need to “demo” or talk about certain solutions. So we must always be prepared.

airport_security030102 So here i am on Sunday morning trying to get quickly through security with 4 laptops, 3 external hard drives, a wireless access point and a bag full of cable. Quickly… yeah right…

Anyway, the security personnel were very puzzled as to why I carry so much hardware, so a discussion followed regarding TechDays 2009. They actually were very interested to talk about Windows 7 once they noticed all the stickers on one of my laptops.

Also because of the amount of hardware I had they made me turn them on. Which lead to more questions and impromptu demo of Windows 7 at the security counter. Other travelers were starting to gather around and we had very good discussion regarding performance, usability, simplicity.

The moral of this story is that when you’re the IT guy people will want to pick your brain about things that will make their lives easier and simpler.  If you want to get prepared, check out the Windows 7 How-to videos that you can base you own demo experience on.

Be prepared there’s an impromptu demo waiting for you just around the corner….




Pierre Roman | Senior Technical Account Manager | Directeur de Compte Technique Senior
Microsoft Canada

E-Mail:pierre.roman@Microsoft.com | Live Messenger: proman_2007@hotmail.com

Premier Support : 1-800-936-7358
