Вопросов с тегами, связанными с Azure: 74
Сортировать по: Обновленные возможности
I can't create a new account or subscriptions. "Your account is under review"
I'm trying to create a new Azure account using my old email, but I keep seeing the 'Your account is under review' page. What happened, and how can I fix it?
"we’re unable to validate your phone number"
Столкнулся с несколькими ошибками сразу: AADSTS50020: User account '-------------------' from identity provider 'live.com' does not exist in tenant '-----------------------' and cannot access the application '----------------------------------'(Office…
Request to Unlock Azure Subscription on a Different Account (Suspicious Activity)
I am contacting you regarding two interrelated issues with the subscription associated with a different account (Azure subscription 1, ID: 4b76982e-413f-4098-87a9-bbcd971343a1). First, when attempting to update the support plan, I receive the following…
Suspicious activity has been detected in this Azure subscription.
An unexpected issue has arisen: my subscription has suddenly been flagged as having “suspicious activity,” even though I have not performed any unusual operations. Until now, everything worked perfectly. Please help me investigate the matter and restore…
Неожиданный счёт в 500$
Получил счёт в размере 500$ , за использование подписки, хотя изначально при подписке было указано 25$ в месяц, в итоге прилетел счёт на 500$. Очень оказалось незапланированно...
I have problems with free amount for 12 months, I can't use it even though it's the first time I'm registering. I can't understand the reasons, but because of this, I can't work with this program.
I have problems with free amount for 12 months, I can't use it even though it's the first time I'm registering. I can't understand the reasons, but because of this, I can't work with this program.
How can i change extension schema
How can i change extension(postgis) schema from public to my custom schema in Azure Database FOR PostgreSQL flexible servers?
Our custom translation models stop working!
ASAP! We use translator service to customize our translation models to translate from EN to target language! 25/02/2025 all our api requests to translate with custom model stop working! Timeout from your API. Can you check…
Как отвязать Microsoft entra аккаунт от уже не существующей Active Directory
У нас есть корпоративные аккаунты Microsoft которые были созданы для сотрудников. Недавно я создал локальный AD и попытался синхронизировать их. Все получилось успешно но я потерял доступ к серверу на котором был создан локальный AD и теперь хочу…
Unable to verify Trusted Signing Account
I have filled Organization Public Identity form and received verification email. Opening verification link always leads to "We're sorry! This link has expired." page.
i can choose plan for subscription
i cant choose plan for subscription. It absent. and if i will choose plan it goes me round and round and after im return to 1st screenshot
как сделать на компьютере в домене при входе в систему автоматический вход в аккаунт майкрософт (который синхронизирован с доменной учетной записью) при использовании приложения майкрософт
Я настроил домен и создал учетные записи AD на Windows server. Учетные записи AD синхронизировал с ранее созданными учетными записями microsoftчерез админ центр microsoft. Теперь с помощью Azure AD connect сделал единый вход и пароли синхронизировал и…
Azure Relay Does not work on East US location
Recently we have seen that our Relays stop working on EastUS location. We are getting timeouts wheny try to connect to relay. On East US 2 it works fine. The issue is reproducible only with HTTP protocol. Websockets implementation works fine. How to…
Azure Devopse Server 2022 - Is it possible to know how much space takes each project
Hello! We use Azure DevOps Server 2022 (om-premise) and we need to know how much space takes each project in our collection. We've tried to find some information in tech tables but had no success. Could You, please let us know are there any ways to find…
Request for Assistance with Azure Account Creation
Good day to all, I faced a problem with authorization Azure, I have at the first stages does not pass the number of the phone number, I live in Ukraine, my number does not pass, I have already created another Microsoft account. And it also does not pass,…
Subscription plan
I accidentally chose the wrong subscription plan. Instead of the student plan, there is a different plan, and now there is a dude on the part of the bank. I don't know how to solve this problem with the tariff plan.
как переключить каталог что бы появилась подписка
с университетского аккаунта мне надо переключить каталог на каталог моего университета что бы появилась подписка, сайт просит при нажатии "переключение" войти в аккаунт и ввести код с приложения. код ввожу, но говорит что не правильный
Ваша учетная запись находится на рассмотрении, как исправить?
Пытаюсь оформить пробную подписку, получаю такое сообщение, я так понимаю это просто отписка и ждать смысла нет? уже несколько дней прошло.
Orbbec Femto Bolt Unreal Engine
When building the Unreal shipping build, we manage to connect the camera using the usual kinect sdk and the camera (seems) to work correctly, but when we try to connect with BodyTracking skd, we get Failed to create k4abt tracker! at the…