Data Map (ImportMap) table/entity reference (Microsoft Dynamics 365)
Data map used in import.
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Data Map (ImportMap) table extends the Microsoft Dataverse Data Map (ImportMap) table.
Customized columns/attributes
Microsoft Dynamics 365 modifies the definition of columns/attributes defined in other solutions. Listed by SchemaName.
Changes from TargetEntity (Microsoft Dataverse)
TargetEntity Choices/Options
Value | Label |
3 | Opportunity |
4 | Lead |
16 | AccountLeads |
17 | ContactInvoices |
18 | ContactQuotes |
19 | ContactOrders |
20 | Service Contract Contact |
21 | ProductSalesLiterature |
22 | ContactLeads |
24 | LeadCompetitors |
25 | OpportunityCompetitors |
26 | CompetitorSalesLiterature |
27 | LeadProduct |
32 | Sales Process Instance |
112 | Case |
113 | Child Incident Count |
123 | Competitor |
952 | Phone To Case Process |
953 | Opportunity Sales Process |
954 | Lead To Opportunity Sales Process |
1004 | Competitor Address |
1006 | Competitor Product |
1010 | Contract |
1011 | Contract Line |
1013 | Discount |
1017 | Lead Address |
1022 | Price List |
1024 | Product |
1025 | Product Association |
1026 | Price List Item |
1028 | Product Relationship |
1038 | Sales Literature |
1048 | Property |
1049 | Property Option Set Item |
1055 | Unit |
1056 | Unit Group |
1070 | Sales Attachment |
1080 | Discount List |
1083 | Opportunity Product |
1084 | Quote |
1085 | Quote Product |
1088 | Order |
1089 | Order Product |
1090 | Invoice |
1091 | Invoice Product |
1141 | Characteristic |
1142 | Rating Value |
1144 | Rating Model |
1145 | Bookable Resource Booking |
1146 | Bookable Resource Booking Header |
1147 | Bookable Resource Category |
1148 | Bookable Resource Characteristic |
1149 | Bookable Resource Category Assn |
1150 | Bookable Resource |
1151 | Bookable Resource Group |
1152 | Booking Status |
1235 | Property Association |
1333 | Property Instance |
2011 | Contract Template |
4000 | Facility/Equipment |
4001 | Service |
4002 | Resource |
4005 | Scheduling Group |
4006 | Resource Specification |
4007 | Resource Group |
4009 | Site |
4010 | Resource Expansion |
4206 | Case Resolution |
4208 | Opportunity Close |
4209 | Order Close |
4211 | Quote Close |
4214 | Service Activity |
4215 | Commitment |
4300 | Marketing List |
4301 | Marketing List Member |
4400 | Campaign |
4401 | Campaign Response |
4402 | Campaign Activity |
4403 | Campaign Item |
4404 | Campaign Activity Item |
4405 | Bulk Operation Log |
4406 | Quick Campaign |
4421 | Bookable Resource Booking to Exchange Id Mapping |
4503 | Opportunity Relationship |
4545 | Entitlement Template Product |
6363 | Entitlement Product |
7272 | Entitlement Contact |
9700 | Entitlement |
9701 | Entitlement Channel |
9702 | Entitlement Template |
9703 | Entitlement Template Channel |
9704 | Entitlement Entity Allocation Type Mapping |
9931 | Incident KnowledgeBaseRecord |
9942 | Topic Model Configuration |
9943 | Topic Model Execution History |
9944 | Topic Model |
9946 | Topic History |
9948 | Text Analytics Topic |
9954 | Knowledge Article Incident |
10390 | List Operation |
10391 | Marketing Form Display Attributes |
10392 | Database Version |
10393 | Upgrade Run |
10394 | Upgrade Step |
10395 | Upgrade Version |
10396 | Activity monitor |
10397 | Originating Queue Mapping |
10398 | Unified Routing Setup Tracker |
10399 | Available Times |
10400 | Available Times Data Source |
10401 | resource group data source |
10402 | Virtual Resource Group Resource |
10403 | Migration tracker |
10404 | Asset Category Template Association |
10405 | Asset Template Association |
10406 | Customer Asset |
10409 | Customer Asset Attachment |
10410 | Customer Asset Category |
10411 | Functional Location |
10412 | Functional Location Type |
10413 | Location Template Association |
10414 | Functional Location Type Template Association |
10415 | Property Definition |
10416 | Property Asset Association |
10417 | Property Location Association |
10418 | Property Log |
10419 | Property Template Association |
10420 | Template For Properties |
10421 | Warranty |
10428 | IoT Alert |
10429 | IoT Device |
10430 | IoT Device Category |
10431 | IoT Device Command |
10432 | IoT Device Command Definition |
10433 | IoT Device Data History |
10434 | IoT Device Property |
10435 | IoT Device Registration History |
10436 | IoT Device Visualization Configuration |
10437 | IoT Field Mapping |
10438 | IoT Property Definition |
10439 | IoT Provider |
10440 | IoT Provider Instance |
10441 | IoT Settings |
10444 | IoT Alert to Case Process |
10446 | Playbook Callable Context |
10447 | Playbook activity |
10448 | Playbook activity attribute |
10449 | [DEPRECATED] Playbook category |
10450 | Playbook |
10451 | [DEPRECATED] Playbook template |
10453 | admin_settings_entity |
10454 | Collab Space Team Association |
10455 | CRM Connection |
10456 | External CRM |
10457 | External Record |
10458 | Tagged Record |
10459 | Copilot for Sales customer list |
10460 | msdyn_vivaentitysetting |
10461 | msdyn_vivaorgextensioncred |
10462 | msdyn_vivaorgsetting |
10463 | msdyn_vivausersetting |
10464 | Sales Copilot Insight |
10465 | Org level settings for Sales Copilot apps |
10466 | Sales Copilot User Setting |
10467 | App profile |
10468 | Application Extension |
10469 | Application Tab Template |
10470 | App profile role mapping |
10471 | Notification Field |
10472 | Notification Template |
10473 | Session Template |
10474 | Template Parameter |
10480 | Channel Integration Framework v1.0 Provider |
10481 | Notification Field (Deprecated) |
10482 | Notification Template (Deprecated) |
10483 | App Parameter Definition (Deprecated) |
10484 | Session Templates (Deprecated) |
10485 | Application Tab Template (Deprecated) |
10486 | Parameter (Deprecated) |
10487 | Template Tag (Deprecated) |
10488 | Application Type (Deprecated) |
10497 | Channel Integration Framework v2.0 Provider |
10499 | Conversation Data (Deprecated) |
10500 | KPI Event Data |
10501 | KPI Event Definition |
10502 | Session Data (Deprecated) |
10503 | Session Participant Data (Deprecated) |
10504 | Channel Definition |
10505 | Channel Definition Consent |
10506 | Channel Definition Locale |
10507 | Channel Instance |
10508 | Channel Instance Account |
10509 | Channel Message Attachment |
10510 | Channel Message Context Part |
10511 | Channel Message Part |
10512 | Consuming Application |
10513 | msdyn_DefExtendedChannelInstance |
10514 | msdyn_DefExtendedChannelInstanceAccount |
10515 | Productivity pane configuration |
10516 | Pane tab configuration |
10517 | Pane tool configuration |
10519 | Agent script |
10520 | Agent script step |
10522 | Action Input Parameter |
10523 | Action Output Parameter |
10524 | Macro Action Template |
10525 | Macro Solution Configuration |
10526 | Macro Connector |
10527 | Macro Run History |
10528 | Parameter definition |
10531 | Adaptive Card Configuration |
10532 | Smartassist configuration |
10534 | Read Tracker |
10535 | Read tracking enabled information |
10536 | Microsoft Teams Graph resource Entity |
10537 | msdyn_msteamssetting |
10538 | msdyn_msteamssettingsv2 |
10539 | Microsoft Teams Collaboration entity |
10540 | Teams Dialer Admin settings |
10541 | Teams Contact Suggestion by AI |
10542 | Contact suggestion rule |
10543 | Contact suggestion ruleset |
10544 | Microsoft Teams chat association entity |
10545 | Microsoft Teams chat suggestion |
10546 | Microsoft Orgchart node entity |
10547 | Forecast Manual Adjustment History |
10548 | Distributed Lock |
10549 | Entity Delta Change |
10550 | File Upload Status Tracker |
10551 | Forecast |
10552 | Forecast Configuration |
10553 | Forecast definition |
10554 | Forecasting Cache |
10555 | Forecast Insights |
10556 | Forecast |
10557 | Forecast Prediction Data |
10558 | Forecast Prediction Status |
10559 | Forecast recurrence |
10560 | Recompute Tracker |
10561 | Forecast Recurrence |
10562 | ShareAs Configuration |
10563 | Customer email communication |
10564 | GDPRData |
10565 | ODOSFeatureMetadata |
10566 | ODOSMetadata |
10567 | Recurring Sales Action |
10568 | Recurring Sales Action V2 |
10569 | msdyn_relationshipinsightsunifiedconfig |
10570 | siconfig |
10571 | SI Key Value Config |
10572 | Usage Metric |
10573 | Action Card Regarding |
10574 | Action Card Role Setting |
10575 | EntityRankingRule |
10576 | flowcardtype |
10577 | salesinsightssettings |
10578 | Action Card Usage |
10579 | Action Card Usage Aggregation |
10580 | Auto Capture Rule |
10581 | Auto Capture Settings |
10582 | UntrackedAppointment |
10583 | Suggested Activity |
10584 | Suggested Activity Data Source |
10585 | Suggested Contact |
10586 | Suggested Contacts Data Source |
10587 | Notes analysis Config |
10588 | icebreakersconfig |
10589 | dealmanageraccess |
10590 | Deal manager settings |
10591 | Account KPI Item |
10592 | Activity Analysis CleanUp State |
10593 | Relationship Analytics Config |
10594 | Contact KPI Item |
10595 | Daily Kpis for account |
10596 | Daily kpis for contact |
10597 | Daily kpis for lead |
10598 | Daily kpis for Opportunity |
10599 | Lead KPI Item |
10600 | Most Contacted |
10601 | Most Contacted By |
10602 | Opportunity KPI Item |
10603 | Relationship Analytics Metadata |
10604 | Similar entities feature importance |
10605 | wkwcolleaguesforcompany |
10606 | wkwcolleaguesforcontact |
10607 | wkwconfig |
10608 | Attribute Influence Statistics |
10609 | Prediction Computation Operation |
10610 | Prediction Model Status |
10611 | Prediction Scheduled Operation |
10612 | Predictive Model Score |
10613 | Predictive Score |
10614 | Predictive Scoring Sync Status |
10615 | Real Time Scoring |
10616 | Real Time Scoring Operation |
10617 | Submodel Definition |
10618 | Time spent in BPF |
10619 | Training Result |
10620 | OpportunityModelConfig |
10621 | LeadModelConfig |
10622 | ModelPreviewStatus |
10623 | Profile Album |
10624 | Post Configuration |
10625 | Post Rule Configuration |
10626 | Wall View |
10627 | Filter |
10628 | Customer Voice alert |
10629 | Customer Voice alert rule |
10630 | Customer Voice survey email template |
10631 | Customer Voice file response |
10632 | Customer Voice localized survey email template |
10633 | Customer Voice project |
10634 | Customer Voice survey question |
10635 | Customer Voice survey question response |
10636 | Customer Voice satisfaction metric |
10637 | Customer Voice survey |
10638 | Customer Voice survey invite |
10639 | Customer Voice survey reminder |
10640 | Customer Voice survey response |
10641 | Customer Voice unsubscribed recipient |
10642 | Customer Service Key Value Configuration |
10643 | AddToCalendar style |
10644 | basestyle |
10645 | Button style |
10646 | Code style |
10647 | Column style |
10648 | Content Block |
10649 | Divider style |
10650 | General styles |
10651 | imagestyle |
10652 | Layout Style |
10653 | QR code style |
10654 | Text style |
10655 | Video style |
10656 | App state |
10657 | CSAdminConfig |
10658 | Custom API Ruleset Configuration |
10659 | Decision contract |
10660 | Decision rule set |
10661 | Rulesetentitymapping |
10662 | Routing diagnostic item |
10663 | Routing diagnostic |
10664 | Template Rule Set |
10665 | Inbox card configuration |
10666 | Inbox Configuration |
10667 | Inbox Entity Configuration |
10668 | App Profile Copilot Configuration |
10669 | Swarm |
10670 | Swarm participant |
10671 | Swarm participant rule |
10672 | Swarm role |
10673 | Swarm skill |
10674 | Swarm template |
10675 | Autonomous case creation and update rules |
10676 | Entity Attachment |
10677 | Time Tracker |
10678 | Customer feedback survey |
10679 | Customer feedback survey invite |
10680 | Customer feedback survey response |
10681 | msdyn_surveyconfig |
10682 | Survey setting |
10683 | Entity Attribute Prediction Rule |
10684 | Email Sentiment |
10685 | Master Entity Routing Configuration |
10686 | Routing Rule Set Setting |
10687 | Assignment Configuration |
10688 | Assignment Configuration Step |
10689 | Capacity Profile |
10690 | Overflow Action Config |
10691 | Preferred Agent |
10692 | Preferred Agent Customer Identity |
10693 | Preferred Agent Routed Entity |
10694 | Routing configuration |
10695 | Routing configuration step |
10696 | Bot Channel Registration |
10697 | Channel Configuration |
10698 | Channel State Configuration |
10699 | Provisioning State |
10700 | AdminAppState |
10701 | Agent Status history |
10702 | Power BI Configuration |
10703 | Authentication Settings |
10704 | Auth Settings Entry |
10705 | Quick reply |
10706 | Entity Routing Context |
10707 | Channel Capability |
10708 | Conversation Action |
10709 | Conversation Action Locale |
10710 | Conversation Message Block |
10711 | DeletedConversation |
10712 | Deprecated Workstream Entity Configuration |
10713 | Entity |
10714 | Ongoing conversation (Deprecated) |
10715 | Live work item event |
10716 | Work Stream |
10717 | Masking Rule |
10718 | Auto block rule |
10719 | Bot Channel Registration Secret |
10720 | Omnichannel channel api conversation privilege |
10721 | Omnichannel channel api message privilege |
10722 | Channel api method mapping |
10723 | External context |
10724 | Flagged spam |
10725 | Language |
10726 | Conversation |
10729 | Context item value |
10730 | Live Work Item Participant (Deprecated) |
10731 | Conversation Sentiment |
10732 | Context variable |
10733 | Localization |
10734 | OC Payment Profile |
10735 | Recording |
10736 | Omnichannel Request |
10737 | Rich message |
10738 | Rich message map |
10739 | Rule Item |
10740 | Sentiment daily topic |
10741 | Sentiment daily topic keyword |
10742 | Sentiment daily topic trending |
10743 | Session |
10744 | Session Participant Event |
10745 | Session Sentiment |
10746 | Message |
10747 | Tag |
10748 | Geo Location Provider |
10749 | Omnichannel Configuration |
10750 | Omnichannel Personalization |
10751 | Omnichannel Queue (Deprecated) |
10752 | Omnichannel Sync Config |
10753 | Operating Hour |
10754 | Personal quick reply |
10755 | Personal sound setting |
10756 | Persona Security Role Mapping |
10757 | Presence |
10758 | Provider |
10759 | RoutingRequest |
10760 | Search Configuration |
10761 | Sentiment analysis |
10762 | Session event |
10763 | Session participant |
10764 | Audio File |
10765 | Sound notification setting |
10766 | Transcript |
10767 | UR notification template |
10768 | UR Notification Template Mapping |
10769 | User settings |
10770 | Self service |
10777 | Agent capacity update history |
10778 | Bookable Resource Capacity Profile |
10779 | Work stream capacity profile |
10780 | Conversation Capacity profile |
10781 | Agent Capacity Profile Unit |
10782 | Agent Channel State |
10783 | Agent Status |
10784 | Agent Group |
10785 | Agent Group Membership |
10786 | Conversation Characteristic |
10787 | Session Characteristic |
10788 | Skill Attachment Rule |
10789 | Attach Skill |
10790 | Model training details |
10791 | Training data import configuration |
10792 | Characteristic mapping |
10793 | Training record |
10794 | Skill finder model |
10795 | Effort estimate |
10796 | Effort estimation model |
10797 | Effort model training details |
10798 | ConversationInsight |
10799 | Active ICD Extension |
10800 | Entity-Workstream Map |
10801 | ICD Extension |
10802 | Lock Status |
10803 | Omnichannel agent assignment custom api privilege |
10804 | Conversation Action Item |
10805 | Conversation Aggregated Insights |
10806 | Comment |
10807 | Conversation Participant Insights |
10808 | Conversation Participant Sentiment |
10809 | Conversation Question |
10810 | Conversation Segment Sentiment |
10811 | Conversation Sentiment |
10812 | Conversation Signal |
10813 | Conversation Subject |
10814 | Conversation Summary Suggestion |
10815 | Conversation System Tag |
10816 | Conversation Tag |
10817 | Recording (Deprecated) |
10818 | SCI Conversation |
10819 | Custom Email Highlight |
10820 | Custom Highlight |
10821 | Custom Publisher |
10822 | EnvironmentSettings |
10823 | UserSettings |
10824 | CatalogEventStatusConfiguration |
10825 | Configuration |
10826 | Trigger |
10827 | Triggers To Sdk Message Processing Steps |
10828 | EventParameterMetadata |
10829 | TrackingContext |
10830 | Marketing feature configuration |
10831 | msdynmkt_experimentv2 |
10832 | ACS channel instance |
10833 | ACS channel instance account |
10834 | Infobip channel instance |
10835 | Infobip channel instance account |
10836 | Link mobility channel instance |
10837 | Link mobility channel instance account |
10838 | MockSmsProvider channel instance |
10839 | MockSmsProvider channel instance account |
10840 | TeleSign channel instance |
10841 | TeleSign channel instance account |
10842 | Twilio channel instance |
10843 | Twilio channel instance account |
10844 | Vibes channel instance |
10845 | Vibes channel instance account |
10846 | Predefined Placeholder |
10847 | Metadata Entity Relationship |
10848 | Metadata Item |
10849 | Metadata Store State |
10850 | DigitalSellingActiveTask |
10851 | DigitalSellingCompletedTask |
10852 | Sales Tag |
10853 | Sequence |
10854 | Sequence Stat |
10855 | Sequence Target |
10856 | Sequence Target Step |
10857 | Sequence Template |
10859 | sabackupdiagnostic |
10860 | SABatchRunInstance |
10861 | salesroutingdiagnostic |
10862 | SARunInstance |
10863 | Segment |
10864 | segmentsetting |
10865 | Segment property |
10866 | SegmentsUtil |
10867 | Assignment Rule |
10868 | Seller attribute |
10869 | Seller attribute value |
10870 | Assignment Map |
10871 | Sales Assignment Setting |
10872 | Sales routing run |
10874 | Extended User Setting |
10875 | Sales acceleration insights |
10876 | Sales Acceleration settings |
10877 | Insight |
10878 | Work List Suggestion |
10879 | Work list suggestion source |
10880 | Work List View Configuration |
10881 | Work Queue Record |
10882 | Work Queue Record State |
10883 | Work list user setting |
10884 | WQDataSource |
10885 | Suggestion Assignment Rule |
10886 | Suggestion Principal Object Access |
10887 | Suggestion Seller Priority |
10888 | Data Hygiene Setting Info |
10889 | Duplicate Detection Plugin Run |
10890 | Duplicate Lead Mapping |
10891 | Lead Hygiene Setting |
10892 | Linked Entity Attribute Validity |
10893 | Sales provisioning request |
10894 | SalesOmnichannel Message |
10895 | Text message template |
10896 | Data Analytics Admin Settings (Deprecated) |
10897 | Data Analytics Report |
10898 | Insights |
10899 | Sales acceleration reports |
10901 | Bot Session |
10902 | Automated action rule |
10903 | Automated action rules mapping |
10904 | Agent Copilot Setting |
10905 | Copilot Summarization Setting |
10906 | intent |
10907 | intentattribute |
10908 | intentattributeset |
10909 | intentattribute_entity |
10910 | Intent Config |
10911 | intententity |
10912 | Line of Business |
10913 | msdyn_intentfamily_harvestingconfiguration |
10914 | msdyn_intentfeature_configuration |
10915 | Intent Group Condition |
10916 | msdyn_intentharvesting_batchjobstatus |
10917 | msdyn_intentharvesting_batchjobstatusdetail |
10918 | msdyn_intentharvesting_provisioning_status |
10919 | Intent Solution Map |
10920 | msdyn_intentsolution_mappingconfiguration |
10921 | Case Enrichment |
10922 | Case follow up and closure configuration |
10923 | Case Suggestion |
10924 | Case Suggestion Request Payload |
10925 | Case Suggestions Data Souce |
10926 | Agent Preference For Copilot |
10927 | Copilot assisted case form fill settings |
10928 | Copilot Interaction |
10929 | Copilot Interaction Data |
10930 | Copilot knowledge interaction |
10931 | Copilot Transcript |
10932 | Copilot Transcript Data |
10933 | KB Enrichment |
10934 | Knowledge Article Suggestion |
10935 | Knowledge Article Suggestion Data Source |
10936 | Next Action |
10937 | Service Copilot Plugin |
10938 | Service Copilot Plugin Action |
10939 | Service Copilot Plugin Role |
10940 | Suggestion Interaction |
10941 | Suggestion request payload |
10942 | Suggestions Model Summary |
10943 | Suggestions Setting |
10944 | Data Analytics User Customized Report |
10945 | Data Analytics Dataset |
10946 | Data Analytics Workspace |
10947 | Report Bookmark |
10948 | Agent Resource Forecasting |
10949 | [Deprecated] Dynamics Customer Service Analytics |
10950 | Case Topic |
10951 | Case Topic Setting |
10952 | Case Topic Summary |
10953 | Case topic Incident mapping |
10954 | Customer Service historical analytics |
10955 | Forecast |
10956 | Knowledge analytics |
10957 | Model Customization analytics |
10958 | UR RecordRouting Real-time Analytics |
10959 | Forecast Summary and Setting |
10960 | Keywords Description Suggestion Setting |
10961 | Conversation Summary Interaction |
10962 | Conversation Summary Setting |
10963 | Conversation Topic |
10964 | Conversation Topic Setting |
10965 | Conversation Topic Summary |
10966 | Conversation topic Conversation mapping |
10967 | Omnichannel historical analytics |
10968 | Omnichannel voice historical analytics (preview) (Deprecated) |
10969 | Omnichannel Realtime analytics |
10970 | Copilot Analytics |
11143 | LOB Backfill Status |
11144 | Email analytics |
11145 | Sales usage telemetry reports |
11146 | Sales usage reporting |
11147 | Derived insights related entity |
11148 | Entity derived insights |
11149 | msdyn_rawinsight |
11150 | msdyn_rawinsightentitylink |
11151 | Sales Copilot Email Insight |
11152 | Sales Copilot Insight Card State |
11153 | Agent Group Language |
11154 | Agent Group Region |
11155 | Agent Language |
11156 | Agent Region |
11157 | Language Hierarchy |
11158 | Region |
See also
Dataverse table/entity reference
Dataverse Web API Reference