Access resources in .NET Aspire tests
In this article, you learn how to access the resources from the .NET Aspire app host in your tests. The app host represents the full application environment and contains all the resources that are available to the application. When writing functional or integration tests with .NET Aspire, you might need to access these resources to verify the behavior of your application.
Access HTTP resources
To access an HTTP resource, use the HttpClient to request and receive responses. The DistributedApplication and the DistributedApplicationFactory both provide a CreateHttpClient method that's used to create an HttpClient
instance for a specific resource, based on the resource name from the app host. This method also takes an optional endpointName
parameter, so if the resource has multiple endpoints, you can specify which one to use.
Access other resources
In a test, you might want to access other resources by the connection information they provide, for example, querying a database to verify the state of the data. For this, you use the ConfigurationExtensions.GetConnectionString method to retrieve the connection string for a resource, and then provide that to a client library within the test to interact with the resource.
Ensure resources are available
Starting with .NET Aspire 9, there's support for waiting on dependent resources to be available (via the health check mechanism). This is useful in tests that ensure a resource is available before attempting to access it. The ResourceNotificationService class provides a ResourceNotificationService.WaitForResourceAsync method that's used to wait for a named resource to be available. This method takes the resource name and the desired state of the resource as parameters and returns a Task that yields back when the resource is available. You can access the ResourceNotificationService via DistributedApplication.ResourceNotifications, as in the following example.
It's recommended to provide a time-out when waiting for resources, to prevent the test from hanging indefinitely in situations where a resource never becomes available.
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
await app.ResourceNotifications.WaitForResourceAsync(
A resource enters the KnownResourceStates.Running state as soon as it starts executing, but this doesn't mean that it's ready to serve requests. If you want to wait for the resource to be ready to serve requests, and your resource has health checks, you can wait for the resource to become healthy by using the ResourceNotificationService.WaitForResourceHealthyAsync method.
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
await app.ResourceNotifications.WaitForResourceHealthyAsync(
This resource-notification pattern ensures that the resources are available before running the tests, avoiding potential issues with the tests failing due to the resources not being ready.