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Create a new report

Use the Reports tab to create custom reports. As you enter metrics, the report automatically updates based on the selected criteria.

Dimension and Primary Metric are the only two required fields to run a report.

  1. On the Reports page, in the Configuration panel, specify the report's basic configuration.
    1. In the Dimension field, select the primary data you want to analyze (e.g., Product or Advertiser). This determines the available primary metrics.
    2. If you have selected a numeric dimension (e.g., a date), select the date interval or numeric increment for the dimension (e.g.,Daily).
    3. In the Primary Metric field, select the main component that you want to report on. This determines the available secondary metrics.
    4. In the Secondary Metric area, select the secondary component against which you're comparing the dimension. You can't select the same option for the primary and secondary metric.
    5. In the Group By field, select an option by which to segment primary or secondary metric values. For numeric options, select a date or an increment for the numeric display range on the X-axis. In the bar chart view, primary metric groups appear as different colored stacked segments on each bar. Secondary metric groups appear as multiple colored dot anchors for each group.
    6. In the Trend Lines field, select the trend line that you want to show and select Update.
    7. In the Sort field, select a sort option (Primary Metric or Dimension, ascending or descending) to determine the order in which data appears on the chart or graph.
  2. In the Dimension Filters panel, select dimension filters by selecting the text next to the filter name, selecting a value, and selecting Update.
  3. In the Dimension Filters panel, set the Include Zero Values field to Yes or No to include or exclude zero values.
  4. In the Metric Filters panel, in the Time Period field, specify the date range that you want to analyze.
  5. In the Metric Filters panel, specify any additional components that restrict the set of analyzed primary and secondary metric values. This is accomplished by selecting a filter, selecting its value, and selecting Update, or by adjusting the slide bar.