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User State Migration Toolkit (USMT) Reference

Publicado: Fevereiro de 2012

Aplica-se a: Windows 8

Nesta Secção

USMT Requirements

Describes operating system, hardware, and software requirements, and user prerequisites.

USMT Best Practices

Discusses general and security-related best practices when using USMT.

How USMT Works

Learn about the processes behind the ScanState and LoadState tools.

Plan Your Migration

Choose what to migrate and the best migration scenario for your enterprise.

User State Migration Tool (USMT) Command-line Syntax

Explore command-line options for the ScanState, LoadState, and UsmtUtils tools.

USMT XML Reference

Learn about customizing a migration with XML files.

Offline Migration Reference

Find requirements, best practices, and other considerations for performing a migration offline.

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Outros Recursos

User State Migration Tool (USMT) Overview Topics
User State Migration Tool (USMT) How-to topics
User State Migration Tool (USMT) Troubleshooting