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This guide introduces the Microsoft COM implementation of SAX2, the latest version of the Simple API for XML. SAX2 is a publicly developed standard for event-based parsing of XML documents. The Microsoft SAX2 implementation provides both Microsoft® Visual Basic® and Microsoft Visual C++® interfaces.

In This Section

Starter Kit
Explains the benefits of SAX2 and, helps you choose between the use of SAX2 and the XML Document Object Model (DOM) as well as offering ideas for how to build SAX2-based applications.

Covers some of the fundamental concepts pertinent to SAX2, such as the concept of events-based parsing.

How Do I?
Helps you build SAX2 applications through a series of tutorial applications that range from performing simple searches to more complex tasks, such as using SAX2 to filter and extract data from a large XML document.

Provides reference documentation of all SAX2 application programming interfaces.

See Also

Using XSLT with SAX