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August 2003

Microsoft Corporation

Summary: This document describes the IFECommon interface for the Microsoft IME 2003, Japanese version. The IFECommon interface provides IME-related services that are common for different languages. (3 printed pages)

This is a global interface.

Interface ID: IID_IFECommon
Version: 1.0

The following IFECommon interface-related services are currently available for applications:

IFECommon Methods Description
IsDefaultIME Checks whether the specified IME is already set to the default IME
SetDefaultIME Sets Microsoft® IME to the default IME
InvokeWordRegDialog Invokes the Word Register dialog box
InvokeDictToolDialog Invokes the Dictionary Tools dialog box

Getting Information on IME

A client uses this method to find out whether or not the IME specified by the class ID is the default IME on a local machine. The name of the IME is obtained from the Win32 keyboard layout API.



CHAR *szName The name of the IME for the specified class ID; can be NULL
INT cszName The size of szName in bytes

Return Values:

HRESULT S_OK if this Microsoft IME is already the default IME
S_FALSE if this Microsoft IME is not the default IME
E_FAIL otherwise

Making Microsoft IME the Default IME

This method allows Microsoft IME to become the default IME in the keyboard layout. For example, if a client specifies CLSID_MSIME_JAPANESE_6, this method sets Microsoft IME 2000 as the default IME. This method only applies when Microsoft IME uses the Input Method Manager (IMM) of the operating system.

HRESULT IFECommon::SetDefaultIME



Return Values:

HRESULT S_OK on success
IFEC_S_ALREADY_DEFAULT if this Microsoft IME is already the default IME
E_FAIL otherwise

Invoking the User Word Register Dialog

This method allows clients to invoke a word register dialog that includes a dialog tab containing error and correction words. IME98 defined this method, but didn't implement it.

typedef struct _IMEDLG
  int    cbIMEDLG;   //size of this structure
  HWND   hwnd;       //parent window handle
  LPWSTR lpwstrWord; //optional string
  int    nTabId;     //specifies a tab in dialog

HRESULT IFECommon::InvokeWordRegDialog


IMEDLG *imedlg Contains needed parameters

Return Values:

HRESULT S_OK on success
E_FAIL otherwise

Invoking the Dictionary Tools Dialog

This method allows clients to invoke the Microsoft IME dictionary tools dialog. IME98 will have this method defined, but will not implement it.

HRESULT IFECommon::InvokeDictToolDialog


IMEDLG *imedlg Contains needed parameters

Return Values:

HRESULT S_OK on success

E_FAIL otherwise