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Quick Start

If you are new to Microsoft® Windows Media® Rights Manager, use the following procedure to set up and try out the Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK.


  • This procedure assumes you are using a computer with a clean installation of Microsoft Windows® Server 2003 and do not have Windows Media Rights Manager version 1 installed.
  • By default, Internet Information Services (IIS) and Active Server Pages (ASP) are not enabled on Windows Server 2003. These features must be enabled before you can use the sample pages for the Windows Media Rights Manager SDK.

The Quick Start process includes the following procedures:

  1. Make a working copy of the sample pages.
  2. Create values for your license key seed, content server public key, and content server private key.
  3. Edit the Global.asa file.
  4. Enable the Global.asa file.
  5. Get a certificate and revocation list for Windows Media License Service.
  6. Try out the packaging and licensing process.

For information about Windows Media Rights Manager concepts, see Understanding How Windows Media Rights Manager Works. For information about the sample pages, see Using the Sample Pages.

Make a working copy of the sample pages

After you install Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK, copy the sample pages to a new directory:

  1. Create the following directory: systemroot\inetpub\wwwroot\wm.
  2. Copy all files from the installation directory systemroot\WMSDK\WMRM10\samples to the new directory systemroot\inetpub\wwwroot\wm.

Create values for your license key seed, content server public key, and content server private key

To create values for your license key seed, content server public key, and content private key, you'll need to create and run a script file:

  1. Open a text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad.

  2. Copy the following code and paste it into the document:

    Dim WSHShell
    Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    dim keysobjs
    dim privkey
    dim pubkey
    dim seed
    Set keysobj= CreateObject("wmrmobjs.WMRMKeys")
    keysobj.GenerateSigningKeys privkey, pubkey
    seed = keysobj.GenerateSeed()
    Dim cmd
    ' Write the private key to privkey.txt.
    cmd = " /C echo " + privkey + " > privkey.txt" 
    WSHShell.Run cmd,0
    'Write the public key to pubkey.txt.
    cmd = " /C echo " + pubkey + " > pubkey.txt"
    WSHShell.Run cmd,0
    ' Write the license key seed to seed.txt.
    cmd = " /C echo " + seed + " > seed.txt"
    WSHShell.Run cmd,0
  3. Save the file as WMRMKey.vbs.

  4. Run the WMRMKey.vbs file. Three text files are created (seed.txt, pubkey.txt, and privkey.txt) in the same directory as the script file. Each text file contains a value.

    Note   In real practice, these values should be kept very secure.

Edit the Global.asa file

To edit information that Windows Media Rights Manager needs to package and license files:

  1. Edit the Global.asa file from the directory systemroot\inetpub\wwwroot\wm to include the following information (you can use a text editor such as Notepad):

    • siteurl: The name of your server followed by /wm, such as https://your_server_name/wm.

    • seed: Your license key seed, which you copy and paste from seed.txt.

      Important   When you copy and paste this value, make sure that you do not include spaces at the end of it.

    • contentserverpubkey: Your public key, which you copy and paste from pubkey.txt.

      Important   When you copy and paste this value, make sure that you do not include spaces at the end of it.

    • contentserverprivkey: Your private key, which you copy and paste from privkey.txt.

      Important   When you copy and paste this value, make sure that you do not include spaces at the end of it.

    Ignore the other lines in the Global.asa file, which are related to Windows Media Rights Manager version 1.

  2. Save the updated Global.asa file.

Enable the Global.asa file

To enable the Global.asa file:

  1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services Manager.
  2. Expand the icon for your server, expand Web Sites, and then click Default Web Site.
  3. In the content pane, right-click the WM directory and click Properties.
  4. On the Directory tab under Application Settings, click Create.
  5. In Execute Permissions, click Scripts and Executables, and then click OK.
  6. Stop and restart the World Wide Web Service (at the command prompt, enter Net stop w3svc, then enter Net start w3svc).

Get a certificate and revocation list for Windows Media License Service

You must get a certificate and revocation list for each computer that runs Windows Media License Service. Complete this process on one computer before starting the process on a different computer.

  1. From each computer running Windows Media License Service, go to the Microsoft Web site, click Enroll to get a new certificate, and then follow the instructions to begin the enrollment process.

    You will receive an e-mail message containing the token you need to complete the enrollment.

  2. Return to, click Complete the enrollment with your e-mail confirmation, and then follow the instructions to complete the enrollment.

  3. Return to and click Download the latest License Service Information to install the latest revocation list.

Try out the packaging and licensing process

To use the sample pages to package a file and test license delivery:

  1. Open https://<your_server_name>/wm/package.asp and fill out the form:
    • Specify the Windows Media file to be packaged.

    • Specify the output path and file name for the packaged Windows Media file (use a file name that is different from the source).

Note Make sure the output folder allows Change permission to Everyone. Otherwise, an "Access is denied" message appears when you try to package files.

  - Select **Simple** for **License acquisition URL**.
  1. Click Package.
  2. To test license delivery, play the packaged Windows Media file. If you use Windows Media Player 7 or later, you can change the preferred license delivery method (silent or nonsilent) by selecting Options on the Tools menu, clicking the Privacy tab, and then selecting or clearing the Acquire licenses automatically for protected content option.

See Also