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FEMA (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

The public's resource for FEMA program data. Promoting a culture of Open Government and increasing transparency, participation, and collaboration among the Whole Community in support of FEMA's mission to help people before, during, and after disasters. FEMA collects vast amounts of data on multiple aspects of emergency management - Disaster Information, Individual Assistance, Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and Grants.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Troy Taylor
Connector Metadata
Publisher Troy Taylor
Privacy policy
Categories Data

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Get authorized declarations

This action contains a list of FEMA declaration types and the types of assistance authorized.

Get data set fields

Metadata for the OpenFEMA API data set fields. It contains descriptions, data types, and other attributes for each field.

Get data sets

Metadata for the OpenFEMA API data sets. It contains attributes regarding the published datasets including but not limited to update frequency, description, version, and deprecation status.

Get declaration areas

This data set contains general information on declared disasters, including the disaster number, declaration type, state, description, incident start and end dates, and incident type.

Get declaration summaries

Disaster Declarations Summaries is a summarized dataset describing all federally declared disasters. This action lists all official FEMA Disaster Declarations, beginning with the first disaster declaration in 1953 and features all three disaster declaration types: major disaster, emergency, and fire management assistance. The dataset includes declared recovery programs and geographic areas (county not available before 1964; Fire Management records are considered partial due to historical nature of the dataset).

Get declarations

This action lists all requests for major disaster declarations and emergency declarations that have been denied.

Get disaster summaries

This data set contains financial assistance values, including the number of approved applications, as well as individual, public assistance, and hazard mitigation grant amounts.

Get emergency management performance grants

This action contains EMPG recipients as reported by their State and a summary of the funded program support as reported by the Recipient in the GRT.

Get FEMA regions

Provides a list of FEMA Regions including the address for each region's headquarters as well as a point in GeoJSON format that identifies headquarters and a geometry shape for the region in GeoJSON format.

Get firefighter grants

The Grant Programs Directorate strategically and effectively administers and manages FEMA grants to ensure critical and measurable results for customers and stakeholders. The grants represented in This action are Preparedness (Non-Disaster or ND) Grants and Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG).

Get hazard mitigation assistance project financial transactions

This action contains information on the HMA subgrants that have received financial transactions in NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants. Sensitive information, such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), has been removed to protect privacy. The information in this dataset has been deemed appropriate for publication to empower public knowledge of mitigation activities and the nature of HMA grant programs.

Get hazard mitigation assistance projects

This action contains Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants grants management systems.

Get hazard mitigation assistance projects by communities

This action contains the communities identified in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants grants management systems.

Get hazard mitigation assistance properties

This action contains the properties identified in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants grants management systems.

Get hazard mitigation grant summaries

The dataset contains disaster level financial information for FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The purpose of HMGP is to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures following a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration in the areas of the State, Tribe, or Territory requested by the Governor or Tribal Executive.

Get hazard mitigation plan statuses

The data found here comes from the Hazard Mitigation Planning Program's Mitigation Planning Portal (MPP). The MPP is an online platform for tracking and reporting on mitigation plans and related data elements across all ten Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regions. MPP data provides insight into which jurisdictions are participating in mitigation plans across the country and what the status of those plans are. Additionally, MPP data provides dates to support tracking of when plans are approved and when they are set to expire which FEMA uses to monitor and support disaster preparedness and resilience.

Get HMA subapplication financial transactions

This action contains the financial transactions for Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA's new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023.

Get HMA subapplication project site inventories

This action contains the Project Site Inventories from the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA's new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023.

Get HMA subapplications

This action contains Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA's new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023.

Get HMA subapplications by communities

This action contains the communities identified in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA's new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023.

Get housing assistance owners

This action is generated by FEMA's Individual Assistance (IA) reporting team to share data on FEMA's Housing Assistance program for house owners within the state, county, and zip code where the registration is valid for the declarations, starting with disaster declaration DR1439 (declared in November 2002). It contains aggregated, non-PII data. Core data elements include number of applicants, county, zip code, inspections, severity of damage, and assistance provided.

Get housing assistance renters

This action was generated by FEMA's Individual Assistance (IA) reporting team to share data on FEMA's Housing Assistance program for house renters within the state, county, and zip code where the registration is valid for the declarations, starting with disaster declaration DR1439 (declared in 2002). It contains aggregated, non-PII data. Core data elements include number of applicants, county, zip code, inspections, severity of damage, and assistance provided.

Get individual and household program registrations

This action contains FEMA applicant-level data for the Individuals and Households Program (IHP). All PII information has been removed. The location is represented by county, city, and zip code. This action contains IA applications from DR1439 (declared in 2002) to those declared over 30 days ago. The full data set is refreshed on an annual basis; the last 18 months of data are refreshed weekly. This action includes all major disasters and includes only valid registrants (applied in a declared county, within the registration period, having damage due to the incident and damage within the incident period). IHP is intended to meet basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts.

Get intake individual and household programs registrations

This action contains aggregated, non-PII data from Housing Assistance Program reporting authority within FEMA's Recovery Directorate to share data on registrations and Individuals and Households Program (IHP) for declarations starting from disaster declaration number 4116, segmented by city where registration is valid. Additional core data elements include: valid call center registrations, valid web registrations, valid mobile registrations, IHP eligible, IHP amount, HA eligible, HA amount, ONA eligible, and ONA amount.

Get IPAWS alerts

The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is a modernization of the nation's alert and warning infrastructure that unifies the United States' Emergency Alert System (EAS), Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio, and other public alerting systems implemented as a set of Web services. IPAWS was designed to modernize these systems by enabling alerts to be aggregated over a network and distributed to the appropriate system for public dissemination.

Get large disaster individual assistance registrants

Individual Assistance (IA) is provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to individuals and families who have sustained losses due to disasters. It is intended to meet basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts. Homeowners, renters, and business owners in designated counties who sustained damage to their homes, vehicles, personal property, businesses, or inventory resulting from a federally declared disaster may apply for disaster assistance.

Get mission assignments

A mission assignment (MA) is a work order issued by FEMA to another Federal agency in anticipation of, or in response to, a Presidential declaration of an emergency or major disaster. Mission assignments are authorized by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act).

Get NFIP claims

Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), 42 U.S.C. 4001 in 1968, creating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in order to reduce future flood losses through flood hazard identification, floodplain management, and providing insurance protection. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) originally administered the NFIP, and Congress subsequently transferred the NFIP to FEMA upon its creation in 1979. FEMA and insurance companies participating in FEMA's Write Your Own (WYO) program offer NFIP insurance coverage for building structures as well as for contents and personal property within the building structures to eligible and insurable properties. The WYO program began in 1983 with NFIP operating under Part B of the NFIA and allows FEMA to authorize private insurance companies to issue the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) as FEMA's fiduciary and fiscal agent. FEMA administers NFIP by ensuring insurance applications are processed properly; determining correct premiums; renewing, reforming, and cancelling insurance policies; transferring policies from the seller of the property to the purchaser of the property in certain circumstances; and processing insurance claims.

Get NFIP community status book

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) enables property owners to purchase flood insurance; in return, communities agree to adopt and implement local floodplain management regulations that contribute to protecting lives and reducing the risk of new construction and substantial improvements from future flooding. The NFIP Community Status Book dataset contains the current NFIP status of a community which determines whether citizens have the opportunity to purchase flood insurance as well as qualify for disaster assistance. In addition, this dataset provides the available insurance discount rates for communities that participate in the Community Rating System (CRS).

Get NFIP comprehensive community layers

This action is also known as the 3d layer and contains a fairly comprehensive set of unaltered source geometry polygons that overlap. It is derived from Census, State of Maine, and National Flood Hazard Layer political boundaries.

Get NFIP flatten whole community layers

This action is flattened and multicounty communities are unsplit by county lines. "Flattened" means that there are no overlaps; larger shapes like counties are "punched out" or "clipped" where smaller communities are contained within them. This allows for choropleth shading and other mapping techniques such as calculating unincorporated county land area. Multicounty cities like Houston are a single feature, undivided by counties. This layer is derived from Census, State of Maine, and National Flood Hazard Layer political boundaries.

Get NFIP flattened split community layers

This action is flattened and multicounty communities are split by county lines. "Flattened" means that there are no overlaps; larger shapes like counties are "punched out" or "clipped" where smaller communities are contained within them. This allows for choropleth shading and other mapping techniques such as calculating unincorporated county land area. Multicounty cities like Houston are split by county lines, allowing easier county summarization and alignment with certain NFIP statistics. This layer is derived from Census, State of Maine, and National Flood Hazard Layer political boundaries.

Get NFIP multiple loss properties

This action provides information on structures that have had multiple National Flood Insurance (NFIP) claims across the history of the program. The data contains NFIP-insured structures that fall within the four categories of Repetitive Loss and Severe Repetitive Loss that FEMA tracks. Definitions of these categories are provided in the field descriptions. There are also fields to show whether a structure is currently NFIP-insured, has been mitigated, and other characteristics. The data includes properties that have since been mitigated or demolished and may no longer considered to be in any of the listed categories.

Get NFIP policies

Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), 42 U.S.C. 4001 in 1968, creating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in order to reduce future flood losses through flood hazard identification, floodplain management, and providing insurance protection. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) originally administered the NFIP, and Congress subsequently transferred the NFIP to FEMA upon its creation in 1979. FEMA and insurance companies participating in FEMA's Write Your Own (WYO) program offer NFIP insurance coverage for building structures as well as for contents and personal property within the building structures to eligible and insurable properties. The WYO program began in 1983 with NFIP operating under Part B of the NFIA and allows FEMA to authorize private insurance companies to issue the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) as FEMA's fiduciary and fiscal agent. FEMA administers NFIP by ensuring insurance applications are processed properly; determining correct premiums; renewing, reforming, and cancelling insurance policies; transferring policies from the seller of the property to the purchaser of the property in certain circumstances; and processing insurance claims.

Get NFIP residential penetration rates

NFIP "take-up rates" or residential penetration rates are an estimate of the percentage of total residential structures covered by an NFIP policy. The NFIP residential penetration rate within an area, such as a county, is the ratio of insured residential structures to total residential structures in that area. Private flood insurance take-up rates are not available to FEMA and therefore, are not included in these estimates. This data can be used for various planning purposes to evaluate community resilience and residual flood risk, help states better understand areas vulnerable to flooding and provide guidance for flood insurance marketing. FEMA derives the number of total residential structures from the 2019 National Structure Inventory (NSI) 2.0.

Get public assistance applicant program deliveries

FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) Grants Manager database, including the Grant Portal tool (collectively Grants Manager) was developed in 2016 and became the processing system for all new PA grants starting on August 25, 2017. Grants Manager documents PA projects from formulation to grant obligation and finally close-out. Grant formulation is a new process that was not previously captured.

Get public assistance applicants

This action was generated by FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) reporting team to share data on assistance made available to eligible state, local and tribal governments, and certain private nonprofit organizations as part of presidentially declared disasters. This data, starting with disaster declaration DR1239 (declared in 1998), lists applicant (subrecipient) information that supplements the Public Assistance Funded Projects Details dataset.

Get public assistance funded project summaries

FEMA provides supplemental Federal disaster grant assistance for debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly owned facilities and the facilities of certain Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations through the Public Assistance (PA) Program (CDFA Number 97.036). The PA Program also encourages protection of these damaged facilities from future events by providing assistance for hazard mitigation measures during the recovery process.

Get public assistance funded projects details

The Public Assistance Funded Projects Details dataset contains obligated (financial obligation to grantee) Public Assistance projects, lists public assistance recipients designated as applicants in the data, and a list of every funded, individual project, called project worksheets. Open projects still under pre-obligation processing are not represented. Applicant details can be obtained by relating This action with the OpenFEMA Public Assistance Applicants dataset using the Applicant ID field.

Get public assistance grant award activities

This action contains data on Public Assistance project awards (obligations), including the project obligation date(s); dollar amount of Federal Share Obligated for each project and its obligation date(s); FEMA Region; State; Disaster Declaration Number; descriptive cause of the declaration (Incident Type); Entity requesting public assistance (Applicant Name); and distinct name for the repair, replacement or mitigation work listed for assistance (Project Title).

Get authorized declarations

This action contains a list of FEMA declaration types and the types of assistance authorized.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get data set fields

Metadata for the OpenFEMA API data set fields. It contains descriptions, data types, and other attributes for each field.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get data sets

Metadata for the OpenFEMA API data sets. It contains attributes regarding the published datasets including but not limited to update frequency, description, version, and deprecation status.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get declaration areas

This data set contains general information on declared disasters, including the disaster number, declaration type, state, description, incident start and end dates, and incident type.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get declaration summaries

Disaster Declarations Summaries is a summarized dataset describing all federally declared disasters. This action lists all official FEMA Disaster Declarations, beginning with the first disaster declaration in 1953 and features all three disaster declaration types: major disaster, emergency, and fire management assistance. The dataset includes declared recovery programs and geographic areas (county not available before 1964; Fire Management records are considered partial due to historical nature of the dataset).


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get declarations

This action lists all requests for major disaster declarations and emergency declarations that have been denied.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get disaster summaries

This data set contains financial assistance values, including the number of approved applications, as well as individual, public assistance, and hazard mitigation grant amounts.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get emergency management performance grants

This action contains EMPG recipients as reported by their State and a summary of the funded program support as reported by the Recipient in the GRT.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get FEMA regions

Provides a list of FEMA Regions including the address for each region's headquarters as well as a point in GeoJSON format that identifies headquarters and a geometry shape for the region in GeoJSON format.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get firefighter grants

The Grant Programs Directorate strategically and effectively administers and manages FEMA grants to ensure critical and measurable results for customers and stakeholders. The grants represented in This action are Preparedness (Non-Disaster or ND) Grants and Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG).


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get hazard mitigation assistance project financial transactions

This action contains information on the HMA subgrants that have received financial transactions in NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants. Sensitive information, such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), has been removed to protect privacy. The information in this dataset has been deemed appropriate for publication to empower public knowledge of mitigation activities and the nature of HMA grant programs.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get hazard mitigation assistance projects

This action contains Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants grants management systems.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get hazard mitigation assistance projects by communities

This action contains the communities identified in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants grants management systems.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get hazard mitigation assistance properties

This action contains the properties identified in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the NEMIS Mitigation and eGrants grants management systems.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get hazard mitigation grant summaries

The dataset contains disaster level financial information for FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The purpose of HMGP is to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures following a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration in the areas of the State, Tribe, or Territory requested by the Governor or Tribal Executive.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get hazard mitigation plan statuses

The data found here comes from the Hazard Mitigation Planning Program's Mitigation Planning Portal (MPP). The MPP is an online platform for tracking and reporting on mitigation plans and related data elements across all ten Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regions. MPP data provides insight into which jurisdictions are participating in mitigation plans across the country and what the status of those plans are. Additionally, MPP data provides dates to support tracking of when plans are approved and when they are set to expire which FEMA uses to monitor and support disaster preparedness and resilience.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get HMA subapplication financial transactions

This action contains the financial transactions for Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA's new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get HMA subapplication project site inventories

This action contains the Project Site Inventories from the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA's new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get HMA subapplications

This action contains Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA's new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get HMA subapplications by communities

This action contains the communities identified in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA's new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get housing assistance owners

This action is generated by FEMA's Individual Assistance (IA) reporting team to share data on FEMA's Housing Assistance program for house owners within the state, county, and zip code where the registration is valid for the declarations, starting with disaster declaration DR1439 (declared in November 2002). It contains aggregated, non-PII data. Core data elements include number of applicants, county, zip code, inspections, severity of damage, and assistance provided.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get housing assistance renters

This action was generated by FEMA's Individual Assistance (IA) reporting team to share data on FEMA's Housing Assistance program for house renters within the state, county, and zip code where the registration is valid for the declarations, starting with disaster declaration DR1439 (declared in 2002). It contains aggregated, non-PII data. Core data elements include number of applicants, county, zip code, inspections, severity of damage, and assistance provided.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get individual and household program registrations

This action contains FEMA applicant-level data for the Individuals and Households Program (IHP). All PII information has been removed. The location is represented by county, city, and zip code. This action contains IA applications from DR1439 (declared in 2002) to those declared over 30 days ago. The full data set is refreshed on an annual basis; the last 18 months of data are refreshed weekly. This action includes all major disasters and includes only valid registrants (applied in a declared county, within the registration period, having damage due to the incident and damage within the incident period). IHP is intended to meet basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get intake individual and household programs registrations

This action contains aggregated, non-PII data from Housing Assistance Program reporting authority within FEMA's Recovery Directorate to share data on registrations and Individuals and Households Program (IHP) for declarations starting from disaster declaration number 4116, segmented by city where registration is valid. Additional core data elements include: valid call center registrations, valid web registrations, valid mobile registrations, IHP eligible, IHP amount, HA eligible, HA amount, ONA eligible, and ONA amount.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get IPAWS alerts

The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is a modernization of the nation's alert and warning infrastructure that unifies the United States' Emergency Alert System (EAS), Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio, and other public alerting systems implemented as a set of Web services. IPAWS was designed to modernize these systems by enabling alerts to be aggregated over a network and distributed to the appropriate system for public dissemination.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get large disaster individual assistance registrants

Individual Assistance (IA) is provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to individuals and families who have sustained losses due to disasters. It is intended to meet basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts. Homeowners, renters, and business owners in designated counties who sustained damage to their homes, vehicles, personal property, businesses, or inventory resulting from a federally declared disaster may apply for disaster assistance.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get mission assignments

A mission assignment (MA) is a work order issued by FEMA to another Federal agency in anticipation of, or in response to, a Presidential declaration of an emergency or major disaster. Mission assignments are authorized by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act).


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get NFIP claims

Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), 42 U.S.C. 4001 in 1968, creating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in order to reduce future flood losses through flood hazard identification, floodplain management, and providing insurance protection. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) originally administered the NFIP, and Congress subsequently transferred the NFIP to FEMA upon its creation in 1979. FEMA and insurance companies participating in FEMA's Write Your Own (WYO) program offer NFIP insurance coverage for building structures as well as for contents and personal property within the building structures to eligible and insurable properties. The WYO program began in 1983 with NFIP operating under Part B of the NFIA and allows FEMA to authorize private insurance companies to issue the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) as FEMA's fiduciary and fiscal agent. FEMA administers NFIP by ensuring insurance applications are processed properly; determining correct premiums; renewing, reforming, and cancelling insurance policies; transferring policies from the seller of the property to the purchaser of the property in certain circumstances; and processing insurance claims.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get NFIP community status book

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) enables property owners to purchase flood insurance; in return, communities agree to adopt and implement local floodplain management regulations that contribute to protecting lives and reducing the risk of new construction and substantial improvements from future flooding. The NFIP Community Status Book dataset contains the current NFIP status of a community which determines whether citizens have the opportunity to purchase flood insurance as well as qualify for disaster assistance. In addition, this dataset provides the available insurance discount rates for communities that participate in the Community Rating System (CRS).


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get NFIP comprehensive community layers

This action is also known as the 3d layer and contains a fairly comprehensive set of unaltered source geometry polygons that overlap. It is derived from Census, State of Maine, and National Flood Hazard Layer political boundaries.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get NFIP flatten whole community layers

This action is flattened and multicounty communities are unsplit by county lines. "Flattened" means that there are no overlaps; larger shapes like counties are "punched out" or "clipped" where smaller communities are contained within them. This allows for choropleth shading and other mapping techniques such as calculating unincorporated county land area. Multicounty cities like Houston are a single feature, undivided by counties. This layer is derived from Census, State of Maine, and National Flood Hazard Layer political boundaries.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get NFIP flattened split community layers

This action is flattened and multicounty communities are split by county lines. "Flattened" means that there are no overlaps; larger shapes like counties are "punched out" or "clipped" where smaller communities are contained within them. This allows for choropleth shading and other mapping techniques such as calculating unincorporated county land area. Multicounty cities like Houston are split by county lines, allowing easier county summarization and alignment with certain NFIP statistics. This layer is derived from Census, State of Maine, and National Flood Hazard Layer political boundaries.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get NFIP multiple loss properties

This action provides information on structures that have had multiple National Flood Insurance (NFIP) claims across the history of the program. The data contains NFIP-insured structures that fall within the four categories of Repetitive Loss and Severe Repetitive Loss that FEMA tracks. Definitions of these categories are provided in the field descriptions. There are also fields to show whether a structure is currently NFIP-insured, has been mitigated, and other characteristics. The data includes properties that have since been mitigated or demolished and may no longer considered to be in any of the listed categories.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get NFIP policies

Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), 42 U.S.C. 4001 in 1968, creating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in order to reduce future flood losses through flood hazard identification, floodplain management, and providing insurance protection. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) originally administered the NFIP, and Congress subsequently transferred the NFIP to FEMA upon its creation in 1979. FEMA and insurance companies participating in FEMA's Write Your Own (WYO) program offer NFIP insurance coverage for building structures as well as for contents and personal property within the building structures to eligible and insurable properties. The WYO program began in 1983 with NFIP operating under Part B of the NFIA and allows FEMA to authorize private insurance companies to issue the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) as FEMA's fiduciary and fiscal agent. FEMA administers NFIP by ensuring insurance applications are processed properly; determining correct premiums; renewing, reforming, and cancelling insurance policies; transferring policies from the seller of the property to the purchaser of the property in certain circumstances; and processing insurance claims.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get NFIP residential penetration rates

NFIP "take-up rates" or residential penetration rates are an estimate of the percentage of total residential structures covered by an NFIP policy. The NFIP residential penetration rate within an area, such as a county, is the ratio of insured residential structures to total residential structures in that area. Private flood insurance take-up rates are not available to FEMA and therefore, are not included in these estimates. This data can be used for various planning purposes to evaluate community resilience and residual flood risk, help states better understand areas vulnerable to flooding and provide guidance for flood insurance marketing. FEMA derives the number of total residential structures from the 2019 National Structure Inventory (NSI) 2.0.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get public assistance applicant program deliveries

FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) Grants Manager database, including the Grant Portal tool (collectively Grants Manager) was developed in 2016 and became the processing system for all new PA grants starting on August 25, 2017. Grants Manager documents PA projects from formulation to grant obligation and finally close-out. Grant formulation is a new process that was not previously captured.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get public assistance applicants

This action was generated by FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) reporting team to share data on assistance made available to eligible state, local and tribal governments, and certain private nonprofit organizations as part of presidentially declared disasters. This data, starting with disaster declaration DR1239 (declared in 1998), lists applicant (subrecipient) information that supplements the Public Assistance Funded Projects Details dataset.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get public assistance funded project summaries

FEMA provides supplemental Federal disaster grant assistance for debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly owned facilities and the facilities of certain Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations through the Public Assistance (PA) Program (CDFA Number 97.036). The PA Program also encourages protection of these damaged facilities from future events by providing assistance for hazard mitigation measures during the recovery process.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get public assistance funded projects details

The Public Assistance Funded Projects Details dataset contains obligated (financial obligation to grantee) Public Assistance projects, lists public assistance recipients designated as applicants in the data, and a list of every funded, individual project, called project worksheets. Open projects still under pre-obligation processing are not represented. Applicant details can be obtained by relating This action with the OpenFEMA Public Assistance Applicants dataset using the Applicant ID field.


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.



Get public assistance grant award activities

This action contains data on Public Assistance project awards (obligations), including the project obligation date(s); dollar amount of Federal Share Obligated for each project and its obligation date(s); FEMA Region; State; Disaster Declaration Number; descriptive cause of the declaration (Incident Type); Entity requesting public assistance (Applicant Name); and distinct name for the repair, replacement or mitigation work listed for assistance (Project Title).


Name Key Required Type Description
$filter string

Applies filter criteria to constrain the results.

$top integer

The number of items to return in the result set.

$skip integer

The number of items to skip over before returning results.

$count boolean

Option to specify if a total entity count should be returned with the query.

$filename string

The name of the file to be downloaded.

$metadata boolean

Indicate whether to return metadata object with a data set.

$gzip string

Indicates GZip status.

Order By
$orderby array

Sort the returned data.

$select array

Controls which fields will be returned in the results.





Name Path Type Description
skip double

The skip number.

filter string

The filter.

Order By
orderBy string

The order by.

select string

The select.

Run Date
rundate string

The run date.

top double

The top number.

format string

The format.

metadata boolean

Whether metadata.

Entity Name
entityname string

The entity name.

version string

The version.

url string

The URL address.

count double

The count.


Name Path Type Description
Dataset ID
datasetId string

Unique, textual identifier for a dataset.

name string

Name of the field.

OpenFEMA Data Set
openFemaDataSet string

Name of OpenFEMA Data Set for which the field belongs.

Dataset Version
datasetVersion integer

Major version number of the dataset API endpoint. Version number does not change when additional fields are added to an existing dataset. Data type changes and field deletions will necessitate a version number change.

title string

Display title of the field.

description string

Description of the field.

type string

Data type of the field (string, date, number).

Sort Order
sortOrder integer

Display order for the fields.

Is Searchable
isSearchable boolean

True indicates the field is searchable/can be used as a filter.

Is Nexted Object
isNestedObject boolean

True indicates the field is a nested object that may contain related sub-attributes.

Is Nullable
isNullable boolean

True indicates the field can contain null fields. Unless described differently in the specific dataset field description, null means unknown or no data is available.

srid string


Primary Key
primaryKey boolean

Defines if this field is or is part of a unique identifier (primary key) for This action. The number indicates this fields order in the key participation.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Last date the dataset was updated in the datastore.

hash string

MD5 hash of fields and values of the record.

id string

Unique ID assigned to this record.


Name Path Type Description
identifier string

Unique, textual identifier for a dataset.

name string

Name of the dataset.

title string

Human-readable, verbose name of the dataset.

description string

Dataset description. Detailed enough to enable a user to quickly understand whether the asset is of interest.

distribution array of object

The distribution.

distribution object
Web Service
webService string

Endpoint of web service to access dataset. The URL for an indirect means of accessing the dataset through the API.

Data Dictionary
dataDictionary string

URL to the data dictionary for the dataset or API. Note that documentation other than a data dictionary may be referenced in the Related Documents element.

keyword array of object

Tags (or keywords) help users discover the dataset.

keyword object
modified string

Indicates the most recent date on which the API endpoint or file format was changed, updated, or modified. This date has no bearing on the refresh cycle of the data. ISO 8601 date format.

publisher string

The publishing entity and optionally their parent organization(s).

Contact Point
contactPoint string

Contact person's name for the asset.

mbox string

Contact person's email address.

Access Level
accessLevel string

The degree to which This action could be made publicly-available, regardless of whether it has been made available. Values: public (data asset is or could be made publicly available to all without restrictions), restricted public (data asset is available under certain use restrictions), or non-public (data asset is not available to members of the public).

Landing Page
landingPage string

Alternative landing page URL used to redirect user to a contextual, Agency-hosted 'homepage' for the dataset or API.

temporal string

The range of temporal applicability of a dataset (i.e., a start and end date of applicability for the data). ISO 8601 date interval format.

api string

True indicates the dataset part of the OpenFEMA API.

version integer

Major version number of the dataset API endpoint. Version number does not change when additional fields are added to an existing dataset. Data type changes and field deletions will necessitate a version number change.

Record Count
recordCount integer

Count of the number of records within the dataset. Note, this should not be used to verify download integrity.

Bureau Code
bureauCode array of object

FEMA's government defined bureau code.

bureauCode object
Program Code
programCode array of object

OpenFEMA's program code.

programCode object
Access Level Comment
accessLevelComment string

NOT CURRENTLY IN USE. Includes information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies. This should also serve as an explanation for the selected accessLevel including instructions for how to access a restricted file, if applicable, or explanation for why a non-public or restricted public data asset is not public, if applicable.

license string

NOT CURRENTLY IN USE. The license or non-license (i.e. Public Domain) status with which the dataset or API has been published. URL to the license.

spatial string

NOT CURRENTLY IN USE. The range of spatial applicability of a dataset. Could include a spatial region like a bounding box or a named place.

theme string

Main thematic category of the dataset.

Data Quality
dataQuality string

Whether the dataset meets the agencys Information Quality Guidelines (true/false).

Accrual Periodicity
accrualPeriodicity string

Update frequency expressed using the ISO 8601 Repeating Duration (R/PnYnMnWnDTnHnMnS syntax) standard to provide an unambiguous and well-defined method of representing time duration. Datasets having no set refresh interval will contain the value 'irregular'. See for details.

language string

The language of the dataset.

Primary IT Investment UII
primaryITInvestmentUII string

NOT CURRENTLY IN USE. For linking a dataset with an IT Unique Investment Identifier (UII).

references array of object

Additional references. Array of URL strings.

references object
issued string

Date of initial dataset formal issuance or posting. ISO 8601 Date.

System Of Records
systemOfRecords string

NOT CURRENTLY IN USE. If the system is designated as a system of records under the Privacy Act of 1974, this is the URL to the System of Records Notice related to This action.

Deprecation Date
depDate string

Date when the API endpoint providing This action will no longer be accessible. ISO 8601 format.

Deprecation Message
depApiMessage string

Deprecation message that appears in the metadata section of the returned data set.

Deprecation Web Message
depWebMessage string

Deprecation details that are displayed on the OpenFEMA webpage.

Deprecation New URL
depNewURL string

URL to the new API endpoint for this data set.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date when the metadata record was last updated. Transitioned from being the last date the data set was updated in the data store. Note, in the short term the lastRefresh will be updated both when the metadata changes and when the data set is updated. However, if you use lastRefresh in an automated process to determine when to download data set updates, please begin using lastDataSetRefresh instead. ISO 8601 date format.

Last Data Set Refresh
lastDataSetRefresh string

Last date the dataset was updated in the data store. ISO 8601 date format.

hash string

MD5 hash of fields and values of the record.

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record. It does not persist between data set refreshes.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Declaration Request Number
declarationRequestNumber integer

Number assigned to the declaration request.

region integer

FEMA Region number.

State Abbreviation
stateAbbreviation string

Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA) where the incident occurred

Tribal Request
tribalRequest boolean

Denotes that a declaration request was submitted directly to the President, independently of a state, by a Tribal Nation.

state string

The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory.

Declaration Request Date
declarationRequestDate string

Date when the declaration request was made.

Declaration Request Type
declarationRequestType string

Defines what type of declaration that the state or tribal government is requesting for the incident: Major Disaster Declaration or Emergency Declaration. For more information on the disaster process, please visit:

Incident Name
incidentName string

Name of the incident.

Requested Incident Types
requestedIncidentTypes string

Types of incidents requested such as fire or flood. For more information on incident types, please visit

Current Request Status
currentRequestStatus string

Date of denial or date of appeal denial.

Requested Incident Begin Date
requestedIncidentBeginDate string

The requested incident begin date.

Requested Incident End Date
requestedIncidentEndDate string

The requested incident end date. If there is no end date, the event is continuing or this request was denied.

Request Status Date
requestStatusDate string

Date of the latest status for the disaster request. In this case, the status will always be 'turndown', so this represents the date of denial.

IH Program Requested
ihProgramRequested boolean

Denotes whether the Individuals and Households program was requested for the incident.

IA Program Requested
iaProgramRequested boolean

Denotes whether the Individuals Assistance program was requested for the incident.

PA Program Requested
paProgramRequested boolean

Denotes whether the Public Assistance program was requested for the incident.

HM Program Requested
hmProgramRequested boolean

Denotes whether the Hazard Mitigation program was requested for the incident.

Incident ID
incidentId integer

Incident identification number.

Incident Begin Date
incidentBeginDate string

Date the incident itself began.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID for the record that does not persist between data set refreshes.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster.

Program Type Code
programTypeCode string

The code for the type of available disaster assistance, i.e. HM (Hazard Mitigation), PA (Public Assistance), IH (Individual Housing)

Program Type Description
programTypeDescription string

The written description of the program type code, i.e. PA-A - Debris Removal

State Code
stateCode string

Two letter code for U.S. states, districts, and territories.

State Name
stateName string

The name of phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory.

Place Code
placeCode string

A FEMA designated 6-digit numerical code used to identify areas which are eligible for a specific type of disaster assistance.

Place Name
placeName string

The name of the county associated with the place code, i.e. Mendocino (County), Corozal (Municipio)

Designated Date
designatedDate string

The date a disaster was officially designated.

Entry Date
entryDate string

The date the disaster areas were first entered into the NEMIS system.

Update Date
updateDate string

The date the disaster areas were last updated by NEMIS.

Closeout Date
closeoutDate string

The official closeout date of a disaster, after which, one can no longer apply for assistance.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 hash of fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID for the record that does not persist between data set refreshes.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster.

Declaration Date
declarationDate string

The date the disaster was declared.

Disaster Name
disasterName string

The proper name or description of the disaster, i.e. HURRICANE MARIA, FLOODING, SEVERE STORMS

Incident Begin Date
incidentBeginDate string

The date the incident itself began.

Incident End Date
incidentEndDate string

The date the incident itself ended.

Declaration Type
declarationType string

Defines whether a disaster is a Major Disaster Declaration, Emergency Declaration, Fire Management Assistance Declaration, or Fire Suppression Authorization.

State Code
stateCode string

Two letter code for U.S. states, districts, and territories.

State Name
stateName string

The name of phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory.

Incident Type
incidentType string

The primary or official type of incident such as fire or flood. Secondary incident types may have been designated. See the designatedIncidentTypes field. For more information on incident types, please visit

Entry Date
entryDate string

The date the declared disaster was entered into NEMIS.

Update Date
updateDate string

The date the disaster declaration data was last updated by NEMIS.

Closeout Date
closeoutDate string

The official closeout date of a disaster, after which, one can no longer apply for assistance.

region integer

FEMA region number.

IH Program Declared
ihProgramDeclared string

Denotes whether the Individuals and Households program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit

IA Program Declared
iaProgramDeclared string

Denotes whether the Individual Assistance program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit

PA Program Declared
paProgramDeclared string

Denotes whether the Public Assistance program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit

HM Program Declared
hmProgramDeclared string

Denotes whether the Hazard Mitigation program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit

Designated Incident Types
designatedIncidentTypes string

A comma-separated list of incident types designated for the disaster. The primary incident type is described in the incidentType field. Codes are: 0: Not applicable; 1: Explosion; 2: Straight-Line Winds; 3: Tidal Wave; 4: Tropical Storm; 5: Winter Storm; 8: Tropical Depression; A: Tsunami; B: Biological; C: Coastal Storm; D: Drought; E: Earthquake; F: Flood; G: Freezing; H: Hurricane; I: Terrorist; J: Typhoon; K: Dam/Levee Break; L: Chemical; M: Mud/Landslide; N: Nuclear; O: Severe Ice Storm; P: Fishing Losses; Q: Crop Losses; R: Fire; S: Snowstorm; T: Tornado; U: Civil Unrest; V: Volcanic Eruption; W: Severe Storm; X: Toxic Substances; Y: Human Cause; Z: Other

Declaration Request Date
declarationRequestDate string

Date when the declaration request was made.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process,

Total Number IA Approved
totalNumberIaApproved double

The number of disaster assistance applications that were approved for Individual Assistance (IA).

Total Amount IHP Approved
totalAmountIhpApproved double

The total amount approved for the Individual and Households Program (IHP) in dollars. To learn more about the programs within IHP, please read the IHP Unified Guidance:

Total Amount HA Approved
totalAmountHaApproved double

The total amount approved for Housing Assistance (HA) from the Individual and Households Program (IHP) in dollars. To learn more about the programs within IHP, please read the IHP Unified Guidance:

Total Amount ONA Approved
totalAmountOnaApproved double

The total amount approved for Other Needs Assistance (ONA) from the Individual and Households Program (IHP) in dollars. To learn more about the programs within IHP, please read the IHP Unified Guidance:

Total Obligated Amount PA
totalObligatedAmountPa double

The Public Assistance grant funding available in dollars to the grantee (State), for sub-grantee approved Project Worksheets.

Total Obligated Amount Cat AB
totalObligatedAmountCatAb double

The Public Assistance grant funding available in dollars to the grantee (State), for sub-grantee approved Project Worksheets in categories A and B, or Emergency Work. Category A: Debris removal; Category B: Emergency protective measures. To learn more about FEMA categories of work, visit:

Total Obligated Amount Cat C2G
totalObligatedAmountCatC2g double

The Public Assistance grant funding available in dollars to the grantee (State), for sub-grantee approved Project Worksheets in categories C through G, or Permanent Work. Category C: Roads and bridges; Category D: Water control facilities; Category E: Public buildings and contents; Category F: Public utilities; Category G: Parks, recreational, and other facilities. To learn more about FEMA categories of work, visit:

PA Load Date
paLoadDate string

The date the Public Assistance (PA) data was updated by NEMIS.

IA Load Date
iaLoadDate string

The date the Individual Assistance (IA) data was updated by NEMIS.

Total Obligated Amount HMGP
totalObligatedAmountHmgp double

Total amount obligated under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program in dollars. The total amount obligated represents the amount obligated for Regular Project Costs, Planning Costs, Initiative Project Costs, Recipient Management Costs, Recipient Admin Costs and Subrecipient Admin Costs. To learn more about HMGP, visit:

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 hash of fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
Project Identifier
projectIdentifier string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the project. Disaster-based projects use the convention of DR-disaster number-project number-suffix (e.g., DR-1761-0001-M) while non-disaster projects use the unique project number (e.g., FMA-PJ-10-WA-2017-006)

Transaction Identifier
transactionIdentifier integer

Single-value that uniquely identifies the transaction for the subgrant.

Transaction Date
transactionDate string

Date the financial transaction was processed by FEMA. While this value may contain time information (00:00:00.000), these are system generated and do not reflect the actual time associated with the subapplication/subgrant.

Commitment Identifier
commitmentIdentifier string

Single-value that identifies the commitment identifier associated with the financial transaction. A commitment is the reservation of funds for a specific purpose and the certifying of funds availability. Commitment identifier is made up of the [Location Code][Sequentially Assigned Number][Procurement Method][Fiscal Year][Optional Characters]. This field is not applicable to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

accsLine string

Single-value that identifies the line of account used for the financial transaction. The Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS) is used to identify the expenditures for appropriated funded. The ACCS is made up of the [Budget Fiscal Year]-[Fund Code]-[Program Code]-[Organization Code]-[Project Code]-[Object Code]-[Fund Type]. For more information on the ACCS components, visit This field is not applicable to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

Fund Code
fundCode string

Single-value that identifies the source of appropriation funding for the subgrant (e.g., 5 (National Flood Insurance Fund, National Flood Insurance Act of 1968), IN (National Flood Insurance Fund, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), 6M (Disaster Relief Fund, Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018), and 6N (Disaster Relief Fund, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), etc.). This field is not applicable to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

Federal Share Project Cost Amount
federalShareProjectCostAmt double

Amount in dollars for project costs associated with the financial transaction. Project costs do not include Administrative Costs or Management Costs.

Recipient Admin Cost Amount
recipientAdminCostAmt double

Amount in dollars for Recipient Administrative costs associated with the financial transaction (previously referred to Grantee Administrative Costs). Recipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters prior to November 13, 2007.

Subrecipient Admin Cost Amount
subrecipientAdminCostAmt double

Amount in dollars for Subrecipient Administrative costs associated with the financial transaction (previously referred to as Subgrantee Administrative Costs). Subrecipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters prior to November 13, 2007.

Subrecipient Mgmt Cost Amount
subrecipientMgmtCostAmt double

Amount in dollars for Subrecipient Management costs associated with the financial transaction. Subrecipient Management Costs only apply to disasters declared on or after August 1, 2017.

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes.

FEMA Region
femaRegion integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the plan.

state string

Full name of the State (e.g., Virginia) associated with the plan

State Abbreviation
stateAbbreviation string

Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA)

County Name
countyName string

The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory

Place Name
placeName string

Name of the Community.

Plan Type
planType string

The description of the Reference Plan Type. Plan Type values include: Standard State, Standard Tribe, Enhanced State, Enhanced Tribe, Single-Jurisdiction, Multi-Jurisdiction.

Plan ID
planId integer

The MPP Plan ID is a unique number assisigned to each and every new or updated version of a plan. Note: one jurisdiction can have many Plan IDs if they have gone through several updates of a plan.

Plan Title
planTitle string

The name of the Mitigation Plan, typically as shown on the cover of the submitted document.

Plan Status
planStatus string

The description of the Reference Plan Status. Plan Status values include: Approved, Approved Pending Adoption (APA), Plan In Progress, In Review, Expired, Awaiting Revisions.

APA Date
apaDate string

Approvable Pending Adoption. The date FEMA determines a Mitigation Plan meets all requirements of 44 CFR Part 201, except adoption by one or more of the Jurisdictions associated with the Plan that would then prompt FEMA approval.

Plan Approval Date
planApprovalDate string

The date the Mitigation Plan was approved by FEMA. Once established, the date will not change during the next 5 years. Historically, plans were updated every 3 years, but starting in 2016 all plans are updated every 5 years.

Plan Expiration Date
planExpirationDate string

The date when the Mitigation Plan expires. Approval Date plus 5 years.

Jurisdiction Type
jurisdictionType string

The type of government entity (Jurisdiction). Includes State, Tribal and Local governments. Format Alaska Native Organization Alaska Native Village College Conservation District Consolidated Government County County Subdivision District Electric/Power Authority Fire/EMS District Flood Control District Highway/Port/Rail Hospital/Medical Facility Incorporated City Island Municipality Municipio Natural Resources Organized Borough Other Parish Regional Planning Agency School/School District Special District State/District/Territory Town Township Transit/Airport Tribal Unincorporated University Unorganized Territories Village Water/Sewer Authority

Jurisdiction Status
jurisdictionStatus string

The status of a Jurisdiction that is an identified participant in a Mitigation Plan. Jurisdiction status values include: Approved, Approved Pending Adoption (APA), Plan In Progress, In Review, Expired, Awaiting Revisions.

Adoption Date
adoptionDate string

The date of adoption by a jurisdiction either through resolution or other acceptable documentation.

Jurisdiction Approval Date
jurisdictionApprovalDate string

For a single jurisdictional plan, this date is identical to the Plan Approval Date. For multi-jurisdictional plans, this is the date when the adoption by a Plan participant is accepted by FEMA.

population integer

Population assigned to community per jurisdiction status. Based on the American Community Survey five-year average.

mppGeoid string

Numeric code that uniquely identifies administrative, legal and statistical geographic areas. Note, while most values are Census-based GeoIDs, many are assigned by FEMA to permit the representation of jurisdictions or special districts (e.g., park district, medical center) that are not normally part of a standard jurisdictional analysis. These non-Census GeoIDs are not subject to parsing.

Census Source
censusSource string

The source of the data. The source of most of the records is the Census 2018 ACS. Sources can also be: manually entered communities, BIA, or the State of Maine.

Community ID Number
communityIdNumber string

A unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists in quickly identifying specific communities and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems.

Pop Coverage
popCoverage string

A calculation that incorporates the Census field for community population as a percentage of the total population for a state. Note that this value will be duplicated across each state/territory.


Name Path Type Description
Subapplication Identifier
subapplicationIdentifier string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the Subapplication/Subgrant. The Subapplication Identifier is made up of the [FEMA Organization Code][FEMA Region Letter Code]-[Fiscal Year Opportunity]-[Program Code]-[Application Number]-[Subapplication Number]. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

Community Name
communityName string

Name of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) community associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., City of Chicago). Generally, an NFIP community represents the lowest level of government with land use authority. Thus, not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction. This is a system driven field in the Community section in FEMA GO that is the result of the subapplicant/subgrantee's selection from the Community Rating System (CRS) database.

county string

Name of the County or County equivalent associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Cook County). This is a system driven field in the Community section in FEMA GO that is the result of the subapplicant/subgrantee's selection from the Community Rating System (CRS) database.

State Abbreviation
stateAbbreviation string

Two letter abbreviation of the State (e.g., IL represents Illinois) associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a system driven field in the Community section in FEMA GO that is the result of the subapplicant/subgrantee's selection from the Community Rating System (CRS) database.

Community Number
communityNumber string

Identifier assigned to the County or County equivalent associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., 031 represents Cook County). This is a system driven field in the Community section in FEMA GO that is the result of the subapplicant/subgrantee's selection from the Community Rating System (CRS) database.

County Code
countyCode string

Identifier assigned to the County or County equivalent associated with the Subapplication/Subgrant (e.g., 031 represents Cook County). This is a system driven field in the Community section in FEMA GO that is the result of the subapplicant/subgrantee's selection from the Community Rating System database.

State Number Code
stateNumberCode string

Identifier assigned to the State associated with the project site inventory (e.g., 17 represents Illinois).

Is CRS Community
isCrsCommunity string

Indicates if the community is a CRS Community. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. This is a system driven field in the Community section in FEMA GO that is the result of the subapplicant/subgrantee's selection from the Community Rating System (CRS) database.

CRS Rating
crsRating string

CRS rating for the community. This is a driven field in the Community section in FEMA GO that is the result of the subapplicant/subgrantee's selection from the Community Rating System (CRS) database.

Congressional District
congressionalDistrict string

The Congressional District(s) associated with the community. When multiple congressional districts are present, they are separated by a ",". This is a system driven field in the Community section in FEMA GO that is the result of the subapplicant/subgrantee's selection from the Community Rating System (CRS) database.

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.


Name Path Type Description
Subapplication Identifier
subapplicationIdentifier string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the subgrant. The Subapplication Identifier is made up of the [FEMA Organization Code][FEMA Region Letter Code]-[Fiscal Year Opportunity]-[Program Code]-[Application Number]-[Subapplication Number]. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

Transaction Type
transactionType string

The type of financial transaction (i.e., Award, Amendment, Deobligation, Payment).

Transaction Date
transactionDate string

Date the financial transaction was processed by FEMA. While this value may contain time information (00:00:00.000), these are system generated and do not reflect the actual time associated with the subapplication/subgrant.

Commitment Identifier
commitmentIdentifier string

Single-value that identifies the commitment identifier associated with the financial transaction. A commitment is the reservation of funds for a specific purpose and the certifying of funds availability. Commitment identifier is made up of the [Location Code][Sequentially Assigned Number][Procurement Method][Fiscal Year][Optional Characters].

Payment Number
paymentNumber string

Number used to represent the order of payments, this is a system generated field in FEMAGO.

accsLine string

Single-value that identifies the line of account used for the financial transaction. The Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS) is used to identify the expenditures for appropriated funded. The ACCS is made up of the [Budget Fiscal Year]-[Fund Code]-[Program Code]-[Organization Code]-[Project Code]-[Object Code]-[Fund Type]. For more information on the ACCS components, visit

Fund Code
fundCode string

Single-value that identifies the source of appropriation funding for the subgrant. The possible codes include 5 (National Flood Insurance Fund, National Flood Insurance Act of 1968), IN (National Flood Insurance Fund, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), 6M (Disaster Relief Fund, Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018), and 6N (Disaster Relief Fund, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act)

amount double

Amount in dollars associated with the financial transaction.

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.


Name Path Type Description
Subapplication ID
subapplicationId string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the subapplication/subgrant. The Subapplication Identifier is made up of the [FEMA Organization Code][FEMA Region Letter Code]-[Fiscal Year Opportunity]-[Program Code]-[Application Number]-[Subapplication Number]. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

Project Site Inventory ID
projectSiteInventoryId integer

Single value that uniquely identifies the project site inventory. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Project Site Inventory Type
projectSiteInventoryType string

Type of project site inventory (i.e., Building, Vacant land, Utility/Infrastructure/Other). This is a required field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Primary Activity
primaryActivity string

Primary mitigation activity associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Acquisition, Elevation, Flood Mitigation, etc.). This is a required field in the Mitigation Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Secondary Activity
secondaryActivity string

Secondary mitigation activity associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Acquisition, Elevation, Flood Mitigation, etc.). This is an optional field in the Mitigation Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Primary Hazard
primaryHazard string

Primary hazard associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is a required field in the Mitigation Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Secondary Hazard
secondaryHazard string

Secondary hazard associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is an optional field in the Mitigation Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types

city string

Name of the City associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Chicago). This is a required field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

County Code
countyCode string

Identifier assigned to the County or County equivalent associated with the project site inventory (e.g., 031 represents Cook County). This is a system generated field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent on the County.

county string

Name of the County or County equivalent associated with the project site inventory (e.g., Cook County). This is a required field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types

State Code
stateCode string

Identifier assigned to the State associated with the project site inventory (e.g., 17 represents Illinois). This is a system generated field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent on the State Abbreviation.

State Abbreviation
stateAbbreviation string

Two letter abbreviation of the State (e.g., IL represents Illinois) associated with the project site inventory. This is a required field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

zipcode string

Five digit ZIP Code associated with the project site inventory (e.g., 60614). This is an optional field in the Location Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types. This is a required field in FEMA GO for Building and Vacant land Project Site Inventory Types.

Structure Type
structureType string

Type of structure (e.g., Government, etc.). This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Structure Primary Subtype
structurePrimarySubtype string

Primary subtype of structure (e.g., Emergency Response, etc.). This is a conditional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building and Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent on select Structure Types.

Structure Secondary Subtype
structureSecondarySubtype string

Secondary subtype of structure (e.g., Fire Station, etc.). This is a conditional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent on select Structure Primary Subtypes.

Foundation Type
foundationType string

Type of foundation (e.g., Crawl Space not below ground on all sides, Basement below ground on all sides (split-level), Slab on Grade (split level), etc.). This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types.

Building Size
buildingSize double

Size of building in square feet. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types.

Lot Size
lotSize string

Size of lot in acres. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Vacant land Project Site Inventory Types.

Year Built
yearBuilt integer

Year the project site inventory was built. As a user entered field, it is possible that a minimal amount of erroneous data exists. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building and Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types.

First Floor Elevation
firstFloorElevation double

First Floor Elevation in feet for the project site inventory. This is a conditional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Primary Mitigation Action or Secondary Mitigation Action is 'Elevation'.

Feet Above Base Flood Elevation
feetAboveBaseFloodElevation string

Number of feet the lowest floor is proposed to be raised above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). This is a conditional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Primary Mitigation Action or Secondary Mitigation Action is 'Elevation' or 'Mitigation Reconstruction'.

Base Flood Elevation
baseFloodElevation double

Based Flood Elevation (BFE) in feet at the project site inventory location. For more information on BFE, see Values of -9999 are equivalent to null. This is an optional field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Flood Zone
floodZone string

Flood Zone at the project site inventory location. For more information on Flood Zones, see This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Estimated Purchase Price
estimatedPurchasePrice double

Estimated amount in U.S. dollars to mitigate the project site inventory. As a user entered field, the value can be $0. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Proposed Land Use
proposedLandUse string

Proposed land use post mitigation (e.g., Park, Wetland, Vacant Land, Other, etc.). This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Vacant Land Project Site Inventory Types.

Currently Rented
currentlyRented boolean

Indicates if the project site inventory is currently rented. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building and Vacant Land Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Critical Facility
criticalFacility boolean

Indicates if the project site inventory is a critical facility identified by subapplicant/subrecipient's hazard mitigation plan. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building and Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Alternate Structure
alternateStructure boolean

Indicates if the project site inventory is an alternate structure. All properties to be mitigated must be identified, including alternate properties that may be substituted should a property be withdrawn. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Substantially Damaged
substantiallyDamaged boolean

Indicates if the project site inventory is substantially damaged. The term 'substantial damage' applies to a structure in a Special Flood Hazard Area or floodplain for which the total cost of repairs is 50 percent or more of the structures market value before the disaster occurred, regardless of the cause of damage. This percentage rule can vary among jurisdictions. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Publicly Owned
publiclyOwned boolean

Indicates if the project site inventory is publicly owned. This is a required field in the Structure Attributes subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Infrastructure/Utility/Other Project Site Inventory Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

insured string

Indicates if the project site inventory is insured. This is a required field in the Insurance Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Insurance Type
insuranceType string

Type of insurance covering the Project Site Inventory (i.e., NFIP Insurance, Private Insurance, Self-Insured). Multiple insurance types are possible and delimited by a semicolon. This is a conditional field in the Insurance Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Insured is 'Yes'.

Repetitive Loss Structure
repetitiveLossStructure boolean

Indicates if the project site inventory is a Repetitive Loss Structure. For more information on Repetitive Loss Structures as defined by Hazard Mitigation Assistance, see This is a conditional field in the Insurance Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Insured Type is 'National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Severe Repetitive Loss Structure
severeRepetitiveLossStructure boolean

Indicates if the project site inventory is a Severe Repetitive Loss Structure. For more information on Repetitive Loss Structures as defined by Hazard Mitigation Assistance, see This is a conditional field in the Insurance Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Building Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Insured Type is 'National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Cost-Effectiveness Method
costEffectivenessMethod string

Method used to evaluate the project site inventories cost-effectiveness (e.g., FEMA BCA Toolkit, pre-calculated benefits, other BCA methodology approved by FEMA). This is a required field in the Cost-Effectiveness Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Pre-Calculated Benefit
preCalculatedBenefit string

Type of pre-calculated benefit used to determine the project site inventories cost-effectiveness (e.g., Acquisitions in the special flood hazard area, Residential hurricane wind retrofits, etc.). For more information on pre-calculated benefits, see This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is 'Pre-calculated benefits'.

Benefit-Cost Ratio
benefitCostRatio double

Numerical expression of the cost-effectiveness of the project site inventory. The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) is derived from a project site inventory's total net benefits divided by its total cost. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'.

Owner Type
ownerType string

Type of owner (e.g., Business, Corporation, Estate/Trust, Government, Individual, Nonprofit, Religious Institution, Tribal). This is a required field in the Owner Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

Co-owner Type
coownerType string

Type of co-owner (e.g., Business, Corporation, Estate/Trust, Government, Individual, Nonprofit, Religious Institution, Tribal). This is an optional field in the Owner Information subsection from the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for all Project Site Inventory Types.

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process,

Damaged City
damagedCity string

Damaged Dwelling City.

Damaged State Abbreviation
damagedStateAbbreviation string

Damaged Dwelling State Abbreviation.

Damaged Zip Code
damagedZipCode string

Damaged Dwelling Zip Code.

Household Composition
householdComposition integer

Number of individuals living in household at time of damage.

Gross Income
grossIncome double

Self-reported Gross Income.

Special Needs
specialNeeds boolean

Applicant requires special accommodations to use FEMA assistance.

Own Rent
ownRent string

Is the applicant the Owner or a Renter of the damaged dwelling? O - Owner; R - Renter.

Residence Type
residenceType string

Damaged Dwelling Residence Type (e.g., single-family home, apartment). A - Apartment; B - Boat; C - Condo; H - House/Duplex; M - Mobile Home; N - Non-Traditional; O - Other; TH - Townhouse; T - Travel Trailer; ALF - Assisted Living Facility; MIL - Military Housing; CD - College Dorm; CF - Correctional Facility

Home Owners Insurance
homeOwnersInsurance boolean

Does the applicant have Home Owner's Insurance?.

Flood Insurance
floodInsurance boolean

Does the applicant have flood insurance?.

inspected boolean

Has the applicant been inspected by FEMA?.

rpfvl double

Real property damage amount observed by FEMA.

Habitability Repairs Required
habitabilityRepairsRequired boolean

Are repairs required to make the dwelling habitable?.

destroyed boolean

Is structure permanently uninhabitable?.

Water Level
waterLevel integer

Total depth of water in damaged dwelling.

High Water Location
highWaterLocation string

Location of the high-water mark affected the damaged dwelling.

Flood Damage
floodDamage string

Due to inconsistencies with other data, this field is being deprecated and will no longer appear in this data set.

Foundation Damage
foundationDamage boolean

Has the damaged dwelling's foundation been damaged?.

Foundation Damage Amount
foundationDamageAmount double

Foundation damage amount observed by FEMA.

Roof Damage
roofDamage boolean

Has the damage dwelling's roof been damaged?.

Roof Damage Amount
roofDamageAmount double

Roof damage amount observed by FEMA.

TSA Eligible
tsaEligible boolean

Is applicant eligible for Temporary Sheltering Assistance?.

TSA Checked In
tsaCheckedIn boolean

Has applicant checked in to FEMA provided Temporary Sheltering Assistance facility?.

Rental Assistance Eligible
rentalAssistanceEligible boolean

Is applicant eligible for FEMA rental assistance?.

Rental Assistance Amount
rentalAssistanceAmount double

Amount of Rental Assistance in dollars.

Repair Assistance Eligible
repairAssistanceEligible boolean

Is applicant eligible for FEMA assistance to repair the damaged dwelling?.

Repair Amount
repairAmount double

Amount of Repair Assistance in dollars.

Replacement Assistance Eligible
replacementAssistanceEligible boolean

Is applicant eligible for FEMA assistance to replace the damaged dwelling?.

Replacement Amount
replacementAmount string

Amount of Replacement Assistance in dollars.

SBA Eligible
sbaEligible boolean

Is applicant eligible for a Small Business Association loan?.

Renter Damage Level
renterDamageLevel string

Level of Damage: Moderate, Major, Destroyed.

Rental Assistance End Date
rentalAssistanceEndDate string

Final Month applicant received Rental Assistance.

Rental Resource City
rentalResourceCity string

Rental Resource City.

Rental Resource State Abbreviation
rentalResourceStateAbbreviation string

Rental Resource State Abbreviation.

Rental Resource Zip Code
rentalResourceZipCode string

Rental Resource Zip Code.

Primary Residence
primaryResidence boolean

Is the applicant's damaged dwelling his/her primary residence?.

Personal Property Eligible
personalPropertyEligible string

Is the applicant eligible for FEMA's Other Needs Assistance (ONA) to cover damaged personal property.

ppfvl float

FEMA Verified Loss captured during inspection of personal property.

Census Block ID
censusBlockId string

Address-based 15-character code that is the concatenation of fields consisting of the 2-character state FIPS code, the 3-character county FIPS code, the 6-character census tract code, and the 4-character tabulation block code.

Census Year
censusYear integer

Census period used to obtain Census Block ID.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Incident Type
incidentType string

Type of incident such as fire or flood. The incident type will affect the types of assistance available. For more information on incident types, please visit:

Declaration Date
declarationDate string

Date the disaster was declared.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process,

county string

The name of the affected U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city, or other political subdivision of a U.S. state, territory, or tribal government

Damaged State Abbreviation
damagedStateAbbreviation string

State abbreviation of location of damaged dwelling.

Damaged City
damagedCity string

City name of location of damaged dwelling.

Damaged Zip Code
damagedZipCode string

Damaged dwelling ZIP Code.

Applicant Age
applicantAge string

The age range of the primary applicant.

Household Composition
householdComposition string

Number of individuals living in the household at time of disaster.

Occupants Under Two
occupantsUnderTwo string

The total number of occupants under the age of two in the household at time of disaster.

Occupants 2 to 5
occupants2to5 string

The total number of occupants between two and five years old in the household at time of disaster.

Occupants 6 to 18
occupants6to18 string

The total number of occupants between 6 and 18 years old in the household at time of disaster.

Occupants 19 to 64
occupants19to64 string

The total number of occupants between 19 and 64 years old in the household at time of disaster.

Occupants 65 and Over
occupants65andOver string

The total number of occupants 65 years old and over in the household at time of disaster.

Gross Income
grossIncome string

Self-reported gross income range in U.S. dollars. A value of null or 0 indicates applicants who either refused to provide their income, or in some cases reported they were self-employed.

Own Rent
ownRent boolean

Is the applicant the Owner or a Renter of the damaged dwelling?.

Primary Residence
primaryResidence boolean

Is the applicant's damaged dwelling his/her primary residence?.

Residence Type
residenceType string

Damaged Dwelling Residence Type (e.g., single-family home, apartment)

Home Owners Insurance
homeOwnersInsurance boolean

Does the applicant have Homeowner's Insurance?.

Flood Insurance
floodInsurance boolean

Does the applicant have flood insurance?.

Registration Method
registrationMethod string

Method used by applicant when registering for FEMA assistance (e.g., telephone, website, mobile app)

IHP Referral
ihpReferral string

IHP referral status NOTE: Does not include applicants referred to TSA only.

IHP Eligible
ihpEligible string

Was the applicant eligible for the Individual Housing Program (IHP)? NOTE: Applicants that received an HA and/or ONA award.

IHP Amount
ihpAmount double

Total financial IHP award for Housing Assistance (HA) and/or Other Needs Assistance (ONA), in U.S. dollars

FIP Amount
fipAmount double

The amount of the applicant's Flood Insurance Premium (FIP) that was paid for by FEMA, in U.S. dollars

HA Referral
haReferral boolean

Was the applicant referred to the Housing Assistance program?.

HA Eligible
haEligible string

Was the applicant eligible for the Housing Assistance program? NOTE: Does not include applicants licensed into Direct Housing that did not receive an HA award.

HA Amount
haAmount double

Total amount awarded for Housing Assistance under IHP.

HA Status
haStatus string

The most recent Housing Assistance decision.

ONA Referral
onaReferral boolean

Was the applicant referred to the Other Needs Assistance (ONA) program?.

ONA Eligible
onaEligible boolean

Was the applicant eligible for the Other Needs Assistance (ONA) program?.

ONA Amount
onaAmount double

Total dollar amount awarded for Other Needs Assistance (ONA) from the Individual and Households Program (IHP).

Utilities Out
utilitiesOut boolean

Did the applicant report utilities were out of service?.

Home Damage
homeDamage boolean

Did the applicant report home damage?.

Auto Damage
autoDamage boolean

Did the applicant report damages to automobile(s)?.

Emergency Needs
emergencyNeeds boolean

Did the applicant report needs for emergency items?.

Food Need
foodNeed boolean

Did the applicant report a need for food?.

Shelter Need
shelterNeed boolean

Did the applicant report a need for shelter?.

Access Functional Needs
accessFunctionalNeeds boolean

Does the applicant require special accommodations?.

SBA Eligible
sbaEligible string

UNUSED. This field has been replaced with sbaApproved. The values will be null or False.

SBA Approved
sbaApproved string

Is applicant approved for a Small Business Administration loan? Approval does not equate to acceptance of the loan as one can be approved, but not accept.

Inspection Issued
inspnIssued boolean

Has a FEMA inspection been issued to determine damage amount?.

Inspection Returned
inspnReturned boolean

Has a FEMA issued inspection been performed to determine damage amount?.

Habitability Repairs Required
habitabilityRepairsRequired boolean

Are repairs required to make the dwelling habitable?.

rpfvl double

FEMA-determined value of disaster-caused damage to real property components, including floors, walls, access roads and bridges, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc. Note: IHP does not address land damage.

ppfvl double

FEMA-determined value of disaster-caused damage to personal property components, including appliances, furniture, etc. Note: IHP does not address land damage.

Renter Damage Level
renterDamageLevel string

FEMA-determined level of damage to a dwelling occupied by a renter. Minor, Moderate, Major, or Destroyed

destroyed boolean

Was the home destroyed by the disaster?.

Water Level
waterLevel integer

Total depth of water affected the damaged dwelling, in inches.

High Water Location
highWaterLocation string

Location of the high-water mark affected the damaged dwelling.

Flood Damage
floodDamage boolean

Was flood damage recorded?.

Flood Damage Amount
floodDamageAmount double

FEMA-determined amount of damage to real and personal property due to flood damage, in U.S. dollars

Foundation Damage
foundationDamage boolean

FEMA-verified foundation damage?.

Foundation Damage Amount
foundationDamageAmount double

Amount of damage reported to the foundation of the damage dwelling, in U.S. dollars

Roof Damage
roofDamage boolean

Has the damage dwelling's roof been damaged?.

Roof Damage Amount
roofDamageAmount double

Amount of damage reported to the damaged dwelling's roof, in U.S. dollars

TSA Eligible
tsaEligible boolean

Was applicant eligible for Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA)?.

TSA Checked In
tsaCheckedIn boolean

Did the applicant check in to a TSA property?.

Rental Assistance Eligible
rentalAssistanceEligible boolean

Was the applicant eligible for Rental Assistance?.

Rental Assistance Amount
rentalAssistanceAmount double

Amount of Rental Assistance awarded in U.S. dollars.

Repair Assistance Eligible
repairAssistanceEligible boolean

Was the applicant eligible for Home Repair Assistance?.

Repair Amount
repairAmount double

Amount of Repair Assistance awarded in U.S. dollars.

Replacement Assistance Eligible
replacementAssistanceEligible boolean

Was the applicant eligible for Home Replacement Assistance?.

Replacement Amount
replacementAmount double

Amount of Replacement Assistance awarded in U.S. dollars.

Personal Property Eligible
personalPropertyEligible boolean

Was the applicant eligible for ONA/Personal Property Assistance?.

Personal Property Amount
personalPropertyAmount double

Amount of ONA awarded for Personal Property Assistance in U.S. dollars.

ihpMax boolean

For disasters declared prior to August 1, 2017, did the applicant receive the maximum IHP grant from FEMA?.

HA Max
haMax boolean

For disasters declared after August 1, 2017, did the applicant receive the maximum HA grant from FEMA?.

onaMax boolean

For disasters declared after August 1, 2017, did the applicant receive the maximum ONA grant from FEMA?.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

identifier string

The identifier of the alert message. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

sent string

The time and date of the origination of the alert message. Note that the original CAP message sent date defines a UTC offset and that OpenFEMA converts this date to UTC Zulu time. If you need the exact representation of the sent data as it appears in the CAP message, see the Original XML Message field. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

sender string

The identifier of the sender of the alert message. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

status string

The code denoting the appropriate handling of the alert message. Code Values: Actual - Actionable by all targeted recipients; Exercise - Actionable only by designated exercise participants; exercise identifier SHOULD appear in ; System -For messages that support alert network internal functions. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

Message Type
msgType string

The code denoting the nature of the alert message. Code Values: Alert -Initial information requiring attention by targeted recipients; Update -Updates and supersedes the earlier message(s) identified in ; Cancel - Cancels the earlier message(s) identified in ; Ack -Acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the message(s) identified in . For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

source string

The text identifying the source of the alert message. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

scope string

The code denoting the intended distribution of the alert message. Code Values: Public - For general dissemination to unrestricted audiences. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

restriction string

The text describing the rule for limiting distribution of the restricted alert message. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

addresses string

The group listing of intended recipients of the alert message. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

code string

The code denoting the special handling of the alert message. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

note string

The text describing the purpose or significance of the alert message. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

incidents string

The group listing naming the referent incident(s) of the alert message. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:

Search Geometry
searchGeometry string

This field includes the GeoJSON of all of the well-formed geometries found in the info.area fields (polygon and circle). This field is included to facilitate geospatial queries to find alerts

infos array of object

The information.

infos object
cogId integer

The COG Identifier Associated with the COG Profile.

xmlns string

Name space for the XML Message.

Original XML Message
originalMessage string

The container for all component parts of the alert XML message. Please note that the original XML message as delivered by the API in a JSON format contains encoded content. That is, certain characters, double quotes for example, are escaped such that the original format is preserved. This content can be decoded with JSON parsers, computer languages, and some web browsers to see the raw XML format. For additional information on the metadata, please see the IPAWS Data Dictionary URL:


Name Path Type Description
id integer

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Community ID Number
communityIdNumber string

A unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists in quickly identifying specific communities and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems.

State Code
stateCode string

FIPS two-digit numeric code used to identify the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states.

County Code
countyCode string

FIPS five-digit numeric code used to identify counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states. Please note that Indian Reservations are not counties and thus will not have a FIPS county code.

Census GeoID
censusGeoid string

Numeric code that uniquely identify all administrative/legal and statistical geographic areas for which the Census Bureau tabulates data.

county string

The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory

Community Name
communityName string

Name of the NFIP community, generally, representing the lowest level of government with land use authority. Not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction

Community Name Short
communityNameShort string

A shortened version of the Community Name - stripped of any suffix such as "Town of".

Census Year
censusYear integer

The Census Year associated with the data.

Census Population Entire
censusPopulationEntire integer

Census Population derived from blocks: Entire Community.

Census Housing Units Entire
censusHousingUnitsEntire integer

Census Housing Units derived from blocks: Entire Community.

Land Area Entire
landAreaEntire double

Land area of an entire community in square kilometers.

CIS Type
cisType string

CIS Government Unit (Derived from CIS Name).

CIS Source
cisSource string

Source of CIS data; typically PIVOT.

Geometry Source
geometrySource string

Source of geometry.

Alternate GeoID
alternateGeoid string

Alternate non-census identifier, such as Maine GIS code.

Alternate Name
alternateName string

Alternate non-census name.

Alternate Long Name
alternateLongName string

Alternate Long Name.

Layer Creation Notes
layerCreationNotes string

Assumptions or tidbits of note in the creation of the layer.

Census Class Codes
censusClassCodes string

Census Class codes:

Census Functional Status Codes
censusFunctionalStatusCodes string

Census Functional status codes:

Layer Type Code
layerTypeCode string

Includes the following types: Tribe, County, Consolidated City, Statistical Area, SLUA, Place (multi-county), Maine Town/Township, County Subdivision, Place.

Layer Geometry
layerGeometry object

Polygon or multipolygon coordinates of the layer that the community area encompases.


Name Path Type Description
id integer

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Community ID Number
communityIdNumber string

A unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists in quickly identifying specific communities and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems.

State Code
stateCode string

FIPS two-digit numeric code used to identify the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states.

County Code
countyCode string

FIPS three-digit numeric code used to identify counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states. Please note that Indian Reservations are not counties and thus will not have a FIPS county code.

Census GeoID
censusGeoid string

Numeric code that uniquely identify all administrative/legal and statistical geographic areas for which the Census Bureau tabulates data.

county string

The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory

Community Name
communityName string

Name of the NFIP community, generally, representing the lowest level of government with land use authority. Not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction

Community Name Short
communityNameShort string

Name stripped of suffix.

Census Year
censusYear integer

The Census Year associated with the data.

Census Population Entire
censusPopulationEntire integer

Census Population derived from blocks: Entire Community.

Census Housing Units Entire
censusHousingUnitsEntire integer

Census Housing Units derived from blocks: Entire Community.

Land Area Entire
landAreaEntire double

Land area of an entire community in square kilometers.

Census Population Punched
censusPopulationPunched integer

Census Population derived from blocks: Remainder after flattening.

Census Housing Units Punched
censusHousingUnitsPunched integer

Census Housing Units derived from blocks: Remainder after flattening.

Land Area 2D
landArea2D double

Area of community after flattening in square kilometers.

CIS Type
cisType string

CIS Government Unit (Derived from CIS Name).

CIS Source
cisSource string

Source of CIS data; typically PIVOT.

Geometry Source
geometrySource string

Source of geometry.

Alternate GeoID
alternateGeoid string

Alternate non-census identifier, such as Maine GIS code.

Alternate Name
alternateName string

Alternate non-census name.

Alternate Long Name
alternateLongName string

Alternate Long Name.

Layer Creation Notes
layerCreationNotes string

Assumptions or tidbits of note in the creation of the layer.

Census Class Codes
censusClassCodes string

Census Class codes:

Census Functional Status Codes
censusFunctionalStatusCodes string

Census Functional status codes:

Layer Type Code
layerTypeCode string

Includes the following types: Tribe, County, Consolidated City, Statistical Area, SLUA, Place (multi-county), Maine Town/Township, County Subdivision, Place.

Layer Geometry
layerGeometry object

Polygon or multipolygon coordinates of the layer that the community area encompases.


Name Path Type Description
id integer

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Community ID Number
communityIdNumber string

A unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists in quickly identifying specific communities and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems.

State Code
stateCode string

FIPS two-digit numeric code used to identify the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states.

County Code
countyCode string

FIPS three-digit numeric code used to identify counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states. Please note that Indian Reservations are not counties and thus will not have a FIPS county code. Multiple counties may exist and are delimited with a pipe (|) character.

Census GeoID
censusGeoid string

Numeric code that uniquely identify all administrative/legal and statistical geographic areas for which the Census Bureau tabulates data.

county string

The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory. Multiple counties may exist and are delimited with a pipe (|) character.

Community Name
communityName string

Name of the NFIP community, generally, representing the lowest level of government with land use authority. Not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction

Community Name Short
communityNameShort string

A shortened version of the Community Name - stripped of any suffice such as "Town of".

Census Year
censusYear integer

The Census Year associated with the data.

Census Population Entire
censusPopulationEntire integer

Census Population derived from blocks: Entire Community.

Census Housing Units Entire
censusHousingUnitsEntire integer

Census Housing Units derived from blocks: Entire Community.

Land Area Entire
landAreaEntire double

Land area of an entire community in square kilometers.

Census Population Punched
censusPopulationPunched integer

Census Population derived from blocks: Remainder after flattening.

Census Housing Units Punched
censusHousingUnitsPunched integer

Census Housing Units derived from blocks: Remainder after flattening.

Land Area Punched
landAreaPunched double

Area of community after flattening in square kilometers.

CIS Type
cisType string

CIS Government Unit (Derived from CIS Name).

CIS Source
cisSource string

Source of CIS data; typically PIVOT.

Geometry Source
geometrySource string

Source of geometry.

Alternate Name
alternateName string

Alternate non-census name.

Census Class Codes
censusClassCodes string

Census Class codes:

Census Functional Status Codes
censusFunctionalStatusCodes string

Census Functional status codes:

Layer Type Code
layerTypeCode string

Includes the following types: Tribe, County, Consolidated City, Statistical Area, SLUA, Place (multi-county), Maine Town/Township, County Subdivision, Place.

Layer Geometry
layerGeometry object

Polygon or multipolygon coordinates of the layer that the community area encompases.


Name Path Type Description
Community ID Number
communityIdNumber string

A Community ID (CID) is a unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists you in quickly identifying your community and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems

Community Name
communityName string

This is the name of the community, and is associated with the unique CID identifier. Generally, an NFIP community represents the lowest level of government with land use authority. Thus, not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction

county string

Name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory

state string

U.S. state or territory abbreviation.

Initial Flood Hazard Boundary Map
initialFloodHazardBoundaryMap string

Initial date of when the Flood Hazard Boundary Map was created. This map is only a factor in communities that do not have a Flood Insurance Rate Map. If no date is present, the community never received an initial FHBM. FEMA no longer creates this product and the date is relevant only to determine the date for pre- and post-FIRM construction

Initial Flood Insurance Rate Map
initialFloodInsuranceRateMap string

Initial date for the communitys first Flood Insurance Rate Map, and it is important because it represents the dividing line between two building categories called Pre-FIRM and Post-FIRM. If no date is present, the community has either not received an initial FIRM, or has not adopted it

Currently Effective Map Date
currentlyEffectiveMapDate string

Date of the map currently in effect.

Regular Emergency Program Date
regularEmergencyProgramDate string

Date the community first joined the NFIP. An "E" next to the date indicates that the community is in the Emergency Program and subject to limited coverage. If there is no "E" next to the date, then the community participates in the Regular Program

tribal string

Yes/No indicator on whether the participating community is a tribal nation. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Participating in NFIP
participatingInNFIP string

Yes/No indicator on whether or not the community is participating in the NFIP. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Original Entry Date
originalEntryDate string

The original entry date of the CRS information.

Class Rating Effective Date
classRatingEffectiveDate string

The effective date of the Class rating.

Class Rating
classRating string

The Class rating are based on aggregated points communities received for implementing floodplain activities that are higher than the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

SFHA Discount
sfhaDiscount string

The percentage of Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) insurance discount available based on the information received from the Community Rating System (CRS).

Non-SFHA Discount
nonSfhaDiscount string

The percentage of non Special Flood Hazard Area insurance (non-SFHA) discount available based on the information received from the Community Rating System (CRS).

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store (MM/DD/YYYY).


Name Path Type Description
FIPS County Code
fipsCountyCode string

FIPS five-digit numeric code used to identify counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states. The first two characters represent the state; the last three the county. As County information is not provided by flood insurance companies, this is derived from the geocoded address coordinate (where available) and subject to the error inherent in that process.

state string

The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory.

State Abbreviation
stateAbbreviation string

Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA). Generally derived from the property address but geocoded location may be used in some cases.

county string

Full name of the county (e.g., Broward), followed by its type in parenthesis (e.g., county, parish, borough, etc). Derived from county_fips.

Zip Code
zipCode string

Zip code where the property is located as reported to us in the property address.

Reported City
reportedCity string

This is the city of the insured property as reported to us in the property address.

Community ID Number
communityIdNumber string

A unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists you in quickly identifying your community and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems

Community Name
communityName string

Name of the NFIP community, generally representing the lowest level of government with land use authority. Not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction

Census Block Group
censusBlockGroup string

Twelve digit code designating the 2020 Census Block Group. Typically, Block Groups have a population of 600 to 3,000 people. This is derived from the geocoded address coordinate (where available) and subject to the error inherent in that process.

nfipRl boolean

National Flood Insurance Program insurance-related Repetitive Loss. An NFIP-insured structure with two or more claims/losses resulting in claim payments (including building and contents) totaling more than $1000 per claim that are recorded in any 10-year period. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. When mitigated, this value may change from true to false

nfipSrl boolean

National Flood Insurance Program insurance-related Severe Repetitive Loss. An NFIP-Insured structure that has incurred flood-related damage for which four or more separate claims payments have been made, with the amount of each claim (including building and contents payments) exceeding $5,000, and with the cumulative amount of such claims payments exceeding $20,000; or for which at least two separate claims payments (building payments only) have been made under such coverage, with the cumulative amount of such claims exceeding the market value of the building. In both instances, at least two of the claims must be within 10 years of each other, and claims made within 10 days of each other will be counted as one claim. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. When mitigated, this value may change from true to false.

fmaRl boolean

Flood Mitigation Assistance (grant-related) Repetitive Loss. An NFIP-insured structure that has incurred flood-related damage on 2 occasions, in which the cost of repair, on the average, equaled or exceeded 25 percent of the value of the structure at the time of each such flood event. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

fmaSrl boolean

Flood Mitigation Assistance (grant-related) Severe Repetitive Loss. An NFIP-Insured structure that has incurred flood-related damage for which four or more separate claims payments have been made, with the amount of each claim (including building and contents payments) exceeding $5,000, and with the cumulative amount of such claims payments exceeding $20,000; or for which at least two separate claims payments (building payments only) have been made under such coverage, with the cumulative amount of such claims exceeding the market value of the building. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

As Of Date
asOfDate string

The effective date of the data in the file. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z

Flood Zone
floodZone string

NFIP Flood Zone - Flood zone derived from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) used to rate the insured property.

A - Special Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, A1-A30 - Special Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; A99 - Special Flood with Protection Zone; AH, AHB* - Special Flood with Shallow Ponding; AO, AOB* - Special Flood with Sheet Flow; X, B - Moderate Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; X, C - Minimal Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; D - Possible Flood; V - Velocity Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; VE, V1-V30 - Velocity Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, VE, X - New zone designations used on new maps starting January 1, 1986, in lieu of A1-A30, V1-V30, and B and C; AR - A Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is determined to be in the process of being restored to provide base flood protection; AR Dual Zones - (AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO, AR/A) Areas subject to flooding from failure of the flood protection system (Zone AR) which also overlap an existing Special Flood Hazard Area as a dual zone;

*AHB, AOB, ARE, ARH, ARO, and ARA are not risk zones shown on a map, but are acceptable values for rating purposes

latitude float

Approximate latitude of the structure redacted to 1 decimal place. The precision has been lessened to ensure individual privacy. This redaction as well as the inherent error in geocoding addresses may result in a point location that exists in an incorrect community, county or state.

longitude float

Approximate longitude of the structure redacted to 1 decimal place. The precision has been lessened to ensure individual privacy. This redaction as well as the inherent error in geocoding addresses may result in a point location that exists in an incorrect community, county or state.

Occupancy Type
occupancyType integer

Code indicating the use and occupancy type of the insured structure. One-digit code: 1 = Single family residence; 2 = 2 to 4 Unit residential building; 3 = Residential building with more than 4 units; 4 = Non-residential building; 6 = Non-Residential Business; 11 = Single-family residential building with the exception of a mobile home or a single residential unit within a multi unit building; 12 = A residential non-condo building with 2, 3, or 4 units seeking insurance on all units; 13 = A residential non-condo building with 5 or more units seeking insurance on all units; 14 = Residential mobile/manufactured home; 15 = Residential condo association seeking coverage on a building with one or more units; 16 = Single residential unit within a multi-unit building; 17 = Non-residential mobile/manufactured home; 18 = A non-residential building; 19 = A non-residential unit within a multi-unit building;.

Original Construction Date
originalConstructionDate string

The original date of the construction of the building. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z

Original NB Date
originalNBDate string

The original date of the flood policy (new business). When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z

Post FIRM Construction Indicator
postFIRMConstructionIndicator boolean

Yes (Y) or No (N) Indicator on whether construction was started before or after publication of the FIRM. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. For insurance rating purposes, buildings for which the start of construction or substantial improvement was after December 31, 1974, or on or after the effective date of the initial FIRM for the community, whichever is later, are considered Post-FIRM construction

Primary Residence Indicator
primaryResidenceIndicator boolean

Indicates whether or not the insured building/condominium unit is the primary residence of the insured. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. A single-family dwelling/condominium unit qualifies as the primary residence of the insured provided that, at the time of loss, the named insured or the named insured's spouse has lived in the dwelling for either (1) 80 percent of the 365 days immediately preceding the loss, or (2) 80 percent of the period of ownership of the insured dwelling, if ownership is less than 365 days. Effective June 1, 2014, the NFIP defines primary residence to be a building that will be lived in by the insured or the insureds spouse for more than 50 percent of the 365 days following the policy effective date.

Mitigated Indicator
mitigatedIndicator boolean

Indicates whether a repetitive loss structure is currently mitigated per As of Date. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Insured Indicator
insuredIndicator boolean

Indicates whether a repetitive loss structure is currently insured by the NFIP per the As of Date. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Total Losses
totalLosses integer

The total number of paid NFIP claims of > $1,000 since 1978 for the repetitive loss structure. This number may be inflated based on incorrectly linked structures.

Most Recent Date of Loss
mostRecentDateofLoss string

The most recent date of loss for a closed NFIP claim for the structure.

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.


Name Path Type Description
state string

Full name of the State (e.g., Virginia)

county string

Full name of the county (e.g., Broward)

Residential Penetration Rate
resPenetrationRate double

NFIP insured residential structures in the county divided by all residential structures in the county. Policy Contracts in Force (CIF) is a good approximation of individual insured structures, as opposed to Policies in Force (PIF), which includes individual units within condominium structures.

Residential Contracts in Force
resContractsInForce integer

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Insured Residential Policy Contracts in Force (CIF) in the county. Data Source: PIVOT (system of record).

Total Residential Structures
totalResStructures integer

Total residential structures by county. Derived from National Structure Inventory 2.0 (2019).

fipsCode string

FIPS five-digit numeric code used to identify states, counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states.

As Of Date
asOfDate string

The date used to determine current Contracts in Force. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Award Number
awardNumber string

The agreed upon term for the number assigned to each individual award within the grant program and fiscal year. Each award number is unique to that year and recipient. This is sometimes referred to as 'Contract Number', 'Purchase Order Number', or 'Obligation Number'.

Fiscal Year
fiscalYear integer

Represents the government budget fiscal year, which is from October 1st - September 30th. Note: Some grant programs are budgeted for a fiscal year and spent in another ' i.e. multi-year funded awards place money from current fiscal year appending a prior award number

Program Name
programName string

The program name and fiscal year in which the money was appropriated. Name of the grant program from and set in the funding notification announcement. This term is also referred to in other sources as 'Solicitation' or 'Grant Title'.

Program Abbreviation
programAbbreviation string

Abbreviation for Program Name. NOTE: FIELD NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME.

Vendor State
vendorState string

The state in which the awardee is located. This is also referred to as 'Vendor State Code'.

Award Amount
awardAmount float

The amount of allocated funds that are obligated to an awardee. While this is synonymous to 'Obligated Amount', Award Amount is the agreed upon term for use in R&IM reports. Note: Funds can be de-obligated so this amount is not final until award is closed. Therefore, in reports, terms such as 'Initial Award Amount' and 'Current Award Amount' can and should be used where necessary

region integer

Vendor States are assigned to a geographic regions. There are 58 US states and territories and each is assigned to 1 of 10 regions. Regions are 1-5 are rolled up to Eastern and 6-10 are Western

Vendor Name
vendorName string

This term refers to the award recipient, as documented in IFMIS. This field is also known as 'Awardee', 'Grantee', 'Recipient' or 'Project' (the latter only in ARRA Reporting)


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process,

Applicant ID
applicantId string

Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number.

state string

The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory.

Applicant Name
applicantName string

Name of the entity requesting Public Assistance Grant funding. (Eligible Public Assistance applicants are subgrantees).

Address Line 1
addressLine1 string

A location at which a particular organization is found, Line 1; Applicant in This action.

Address Line 2
addressLine2 string

A location at which a particular organization is found, Line 2; Applicant in This action.

city string

A center of population; Applicant in This action.

Zip Code
zipCode string

Unique geographical identifier for a U.S. postal address; Applicant in This action.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes.

Declaration Type
declarationType string

Two character code that defines if this is a major disaster or emergency declaration. For more information on the disaster process, please visit

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, please visit

State Code
stateCode string

The US Postal abbreviation describing the U.S. state, district, or territory declared.

State Name
stateName string

The full name describing the U.S. state, district, or territory declared.

Declaration Date
declarationDate string

Date the disaster was declared.

Incident Type
incidentType string

Type of incident such as fire or flood. For more information on incident types, please visit

Declaration Title
declarationTitle string

Title for the disaster, if it exists in the source system.

region integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the project.

Consolidated Resource Center
consolidatedResourceCenter string

Consolidated Resource Center (CRC) that is assigned to develop and review Public Assistance projects for the declaration. Includes the following area offices: Atlantic, East, Central, and West

County Applicant Jurisdiction
countyApplicantJurisdiction string

The county or other geographical area for which the Applicant has jurisdiction of, or within. State agencies will be listed as 'Statewide'

Utilizing Direct Application
utilizingDirectApplication string

Yes/No indicator of whether the Applicant is utilizing the direct application process that allows for them to submit project applications directly through the Grants Portal system.

Applicant ID GM
applicantIdGm integer

Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number. From the Grants Manager/Portal system.

Applicant ID EMMIE
applicantIdEmmie string

Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number. From the EMMIE system.

Applicant Name
applicantName string

Name of the entity requesting Public Assistance Grant funding. (Eligible Public Assistance applicants are subgrantees).

Applicant Type
applicantType string

Specifies the general type of organization the applicant represents. Such as State or Local government or Private Non-Profit.

isPnp string

Yes/No indicator of whether the Applicant is a Private Non-Profit organization.

Applicant Status
applicantStatus string

Specifies the Eligibility status of the Applicant for their request for public assistance. See the main dataset description for a list of codes. Applicants may be ineligible if they are a for profit entity or if the work requested and costs are not eligible.

Applicant Process Status
applicantProcessStatus string

Specifies the process currently pending for the Applicant or their request for Public Assistance. See the main dataset description for a list of codes.

Number Active Damages
numberActiveDamages integer

Number of currently active (not withdrawn, ineligible, or deleted) damage sites, facilities, or activities for which the applicant is applying for reimbursement of funds.

Total App Damage Cost
totalAppDamageCost double

Total current cost in dollars for the applicant's active damage sites, facilities, or activities. The total may include ineligible damages or damages that are reported at the damage level but not yet associated with any of the applicant's Current Projects

Number Active Projects
numberActiveProjects integer

Number of currently active (not withdrawn, ineligible, or deleted) Public Assistance projects created in Grants Manager/Portal.

Current Project Cost
currentProjectCost double

Total damage costs in dollars associated with current active projects for an applicant. This represents the cost of the applicants projects before any applicable cost share is taken out. Costs may contain projects not yet obligated.

Number Phase 2 Projects
numberPhase2Projects integer

Number of Projects pending process steps in phase 2 ADD NUMBER of the Public Assistance process, which includes documenting impacts and formulating projects.

Phase 2 Project Cost
phase2ProjectCost double

Total damage costs in dollars currently entered on active PA Projects pending phase 2 (Assessing Impacts & Eligibility) process steps.

Number Phase 3 Projects
numberPhase3Projects integer

Number of Projects pending process steps in phase 3 of the Public Assistance process, which includes developing the scope and costs of projects.

Phase 3 Project Cost
phase3ProjectCost double

Total damage costs in dollars currently entered on active PA Projects pending phase 3 (Scoping & Costing) process steps.

Number Phase 4 Projects
numberPhase4Projects integer

Number of Projects pending process steps in phase 4 of the Public Assistance process, which includes final eligibility and concurrence reviews of projects.

Phase 4 Project Cost
phase4ProjectCost double

Total damage costs in dollars currently entered on active PA Projects pending phase 4 (Final Reviews) process steps.

Number Phase 5 Projects
numberPhase5Projects integer

Number of Projects pending process steps in phase 5 of the Public Assistance process, which includes those pending final obligation, and obligated projects that are not currently pending an amendment in other phases.

Phase 5 Project Cost
phase5ProjectCost double

Total damage costs in dollars currently entered on active PA Projects pending phase 5 (Obligation Process) process steps (includes obligated projects).

Number Obligated Projects
numberObligatedProjects integer

Number of projects that have been awarded and obligated funding.

Federal Share Obligated
federalShareObligated double

Federal Share in dollars currently awarded by FEMA for the Applicant's projects. This reflects the dollar amount provided to the recipient and is reduced by any cost share set up for the disaster or project

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 hash of fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process visit

Declaration Date
declarationDate string

Date the disaster was declared.

Incident Type
incidentType string

Type of incident such as fire or flood. The incident type will affect the types of assistance available. For more information on incident types, please visit:

PW Number
pwNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to identify a unique project.

Application Title
applicationTitle string

Standard, non-unique (free form text) application title.

Applicant ID
applicantId string

Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number.

Damage Category Code
damageCategoryCode string

Code representing the type of work eligible for reimbursement through a Public Assistance grant; for a full listing of each category please go to

dcc string

Damage category code.

Damage Category
damageCategory string

The category code of the damage location.

Project Size
projectSize string

Projects are designated as Large or Small, which can affect a number of variables in case management (processing). Project size is determined by the eligible amount as set in the damage survey

county string

The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory

County Code
countyCode string

Unique identifier for a U.S. county; typically, this identifier makes up the last three digits of a five digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code.

state string

The name of a U.S. state or territory.

State Code
stateCode string

Two-character unique identifier for a U.S. state or territory

State Number Code
stateNumberCode string

Unique identifier for a U.S. state or territory; this identifier makes up the first two digits of a five digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code.

Project Amount
projectAmount float

The estimated total cost of the Public Assistance grant project in dollars, without administrative costs. This amount is based on the damage survey

Federal Share Obligated
federalShareObligated float

The Public Assistance grant funding available to the grantee (State) in dollars, for sub-grantee's approved Project Worksheets.

Total Obligated
totalObligated float

The federal share of the Public Assistance grant eligible project amount in dollars, plus grantee (State) and sub-grantee (applicant) administrative costs. The federal share is typically 75% of the total cost of the project

Obligated Date
obligatedDate string

Date the grant was obligated.

hash string

MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process visit

Declaration Date
declarationDate string

Date the disaster was declared.

Incident Type
incidentType string

Type of incident such as fire or flood. The incident type will affect the types of assistance available. For more information on incident types, please visit:

state string

The name of a U.S. state or territory.

county string

The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory

Applicant Name
applicantName string

Name of the entity requesting Public Assistance grant funding. (Eligible Public Assistance applicants are sub-grantees).

Education Applicant
educationApplicant string

Denotes whether the applicant's primary function is educational; derived field based on suite of keywords in applicant name.

Number of Projects
numberOfProjects integer

Number of funded Project Worksheets associated with the applicant under the specified declaration.

Federal Obligated Amount
federalObligatedAmount double

The Public Assistance grant funding available in dollars to the grantee (State), for sub-grantee approved Project Worksheets.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, please visit

state string

The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory.

FEMA Declaration String
femaDeclarationString string

Agency standard method for uniquely identifying Stafford Act declarations - Concatenation of declaration type, disaster number and state code. Ex: DR-4393-NC

Declaration Type
declarationType string

Two character code that defines if this is a major disaster, fire management, or emergency declaration. For more information on the disaster process, please visit

Declaration Date
declarationDate string

Date the disaster was declared.

Fiscal Year Declared
fyDeclared integer

Fiscal year in which the disaster was declared.

Incident Type
incidentType string

The primary or official type of incident such as fire or flood. Secondary incident types may have been designated. See the designatedIncidentTypes field. For more information on incident types, please visit

Declaration Title
declarationTitle string

Title for the disaster.

IH Program Declared
ihProgramDeclared string

Denotes whether the Individuals and Households program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit To determine which FEMA events have been authorized to receive Individual Assistance, use both ihProgramDeclared and iaProgramDeclared. For more information see

IA Program Declared
iaProgramDeclared string

Denotes whether the Individual Assistance program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit To determine which FEMA events have been authorized to receive Individual Assistance, use both ihProgramDeclared and iaProgramDeclared. For more information see

PA Program Declared
paProgramDeclared string

Denotes whether the Public Assistance program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit

HM Program Declared
hmProgramDeclared string

Denotes whether the Hazard Mitigation program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit

Incident Begin Date
incidentBeginDate string

Date the incident itself began.

Incident End Date
incidentEndDate string

Date the incident itself ended.

Disaster Closeout Date
disasterCloseoutDate string

Date all financial transactions for all programs are completed.

Tribal Request
tribalRequest string

Denotes that a declaration request was submitted directly to the President, independently of a state, by a Tribal Nation.

FIPS State Code
fipsStateCode string

FIPS two-digit numeric code used to identify the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states.

FIPS County Code
fipsCountyCode string

FIPS three-digit numeric code used to identify counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states. Please note that Indian Reservations are not counties and thus will not have a FIPS county code, please utilize the placeCode field instead. If the designation is made for the entire state, this value will be 000 as multiple (all) counties cannot be entered.

Place Code
placeCode string

A unique code system FEMA uses internally to recognize locations that takes the numbers '99' + the 3-digit county FIPS code. There are some declared locations that dont have recognized FIPS county codes in which case we assigned a unique identifier

Designated Area
designatedArea string

The name or phrase describing the geographic area that was included in the declaration.

Declaration Request Number
declarationRequestNumber string

Number assigned to the declaration request.

Last IA Filing Date
lastIAFilingDate string

Last date when IA requests can be filed. Data available after 1998 only. The date only applies if IA has been approved for the disaster.

Incident ID
incidentId string

Unique identifier for an incident. Incidents are events that may or may not become declared disasters.

region integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the FEMA region where the disaster occurred.

Designated Incident Types
designatedIncidentTypes string

A comma-separated list of incident types designated for the disaster. The primary incident type is described in the incidentType field. Codes are: 0: Not applicable; 1: Explosion; 2: Straight-Line Winds; 3: Tidal Wave; 4: Tropical Storm; 5: Winter Storm; 8: Tropical Depression; A: Tsunami; B: Biological; C: Coastal Storm; D: Drought; E: Earthquake; F: Flood; G: Freezing; H: Hurricane; I: Terrorist; J: Typhoon; K: Dam/Levee Break; L: Chemical; M: Mud/Landslide; N: Nuclear; O: Severe Ice Storm; P: Fishing Losses; Q: Crop Losses; R: Fire; S: Snowstorm; T: Tornado; U: Civil Unrest; V: Volcanic Eruption; W: Severe Storm; X: Toxic Substances; Y: Human Cause; Z: Other

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Reporting Period
reportingPeriod string

FEMA's reporting cycle based on the grant award period for a specific fiscal year.

state string

Entity approved for a grant.

Legal Agency Name
legalAgencyName string

The subgrantee's legal agency name.

Project Type
projectType string

General description of project.

Project Start Date
projectStartDate string

Begin date of the project.

Project End Date
projectEndDate string

End date of the project.

Name of Program
nameOfProgram string

Name of Program funded.

Funding Amount
fundingAmount double

Funding amount reported in U.S. dollars.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

name string

The name of the FEMA Region Headquarters.

region integer

The Region number.

address double

Address location of the FEMA Region Headquarters office.

city double

City location of the FEMA Region Headquarters office.

state double

State where the FEMA Region Headquarters office is located.

Zip Code
zipCode double

Zip code of the FEMA Region Headquarters office.

states array of object

A list of states that encompass the region.

states object
loc object

Geolocation of the FEMA Region Headquarters.

Region Geometry
regionGeometry object

Polygon coordinates of the states that the region encompasses.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Agriculture Structure Indicator
agricultureStructureIndicator string

Indicates whether a building is reported as being an agricultural structure in the policy application. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

As Of Date
asOfDate string

The effective date of the data in the file. In other words, the date when the record was created or last updated in the source system. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z

Basement Enclosure Crawlspace Type
basementEnclosureCrawlspaceType integer

Basement is defined for purposes of the NFIP as any level or story which has its floor subgrade on all sides. Basement structure values are as follows: 0 - None; 1 - Finished Basement/Enclosure; 2 - Unfinished Basement/Enclosure; 3 - Crawlspace; 4 - Subgrade Crawlspace;.

Policy Count
policyCount integer

Insured units in an active status. A policy contract ceases to be in an active status as of the cancellation date or the expiration date. Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP) contracts are stored as a single policy contract but insure multiple units and therefore represent multiple policies.

CRS Classification Code
crsClassificationCode integer

The Community Rating System (CRS) Classification Credit Percentage used to rate the policy. The insurance premium credit is based on whether a property is in or out of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as shown on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map. The premium credit for properties in the SFHA increases according to a community's CRS class: 1 - SFHA 45% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 2 - SFHA 40% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 3 - SFHA 35% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 4 - SFHA 30% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 5 - SFHA 25% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 6 - SFHA 20% ** Non SFHA10% **; 7 - SFHA 15% ** Non SFHA 5% **; 8 - SFHA 10% ** Non SFHA 5% **; 9 - SFHA 5% Non SFHA 5%; 10 - SFHA 0% Non SFHA 0%;

*For the purpose of determining CRS Premium Discounts, all AR and A99 zones are treated as non-SFHAs. **These percentages are subject to change. Always refer to the Flood Insurance Manual for the latest information

Date Of Loss
dateOfLoss string

Date on which water first entered the insured building. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z

Elevated Building Indicator
elevatedBuildingIndicator string

Indicates whether a building meets the NFIP definition of an elevated building. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. An elevated building is a no-basement building that was constructed so as to meet the following criteria:

  1. The top of the elevated floor (all A zones) or the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor (all V zones) is above ground level.
  2. The building is adequately anchored.
  3. The method of elevation is pilings, columns (posts and piers), shear walls (not in V zones), or solid foundation perimeter walls (not in V zones).
Elevation Certificate Indicator
elevationCertificateIndicator string

Indicates if a policy has been rated with Elevation Certificate. (An empty value indicates that this information was not reported; it does not necessarily mean that these properties do not have an Elevation Certificate, just that one was not reported at the time the policy was written.) 1 - No Elevation Certificate, original effective date prior to October 1, 1982, with no break in insurance coverage or change in insurable interest. Policies will be rated using No Base Flood Elevation +2 to +4 feet rates; 2 - No Elevation Certificate, original effective date on or after October 1, 1982, with no break in insurance coverage or change in insurable interest. Policies will be rated using No Elevation Certificate rates; 3 - Elevation Certificate with BFE. Policies will be rated using With Base Flood Elevation rates; 4 - Elevation Certificate without BFE. Policies will be rated using No Base Flood Elevation rates; A - Basement or Subgrade Crawlspace; B - Fill or Crawlspace; C - Piles, Piers, or Columns with Enclosure; D - Piles, Piers, or Columns without Enclosure; E - Slab on Grade;

Elevation Difference
elevationDifference double

Difference between the elevation of the lowest floor used for rating, or the floodproofed elevation, and the base flood elevation (BFE), or base flood depth, as appropriate. Round to nearest higher elevation difference in whole feet using .5 as the midpoint

NOTE: The depth shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Zone AO that indicates the depth of water above the highest adjacent grade resulting from a flood that has a 1% chance of equaling or exceeding that level in any given year.The elevation of surface water resulting from a flood that has a 1% chance of equaling or exceeding that level in any given year. The BFE is shown on the FloodInsurance Rate Map (FIRM) forZones AE, AH, A1-A30, AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/A0, V1-V30 andVE. The value of 9999.0 indicates the field is not reported and/or used for this policy

Base Flood Elevation
baseFloodElevation string

Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the elevation in feet from the Elevation Certificate at which there is a 1% chance per year of flooding.

Rated Flood Zone
ratedFloodZone string

Formerly called floodZone. NFIP Flood Zone derived from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) used to rate the insured property.

A - Special Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, A1-A30 - Special Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; A99 - Special Flood with Protection Zone; AH, AHB* - Special Flood with Shallow Ponding; AO, AOB* - Special Flood with Sheet Flow; X, B - Moderate Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; X, C - Minimal Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; D - Possible Flood; V - Velocity Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; VE, V1-V30 - Velocity Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, VE, X - New zone designations used on new maps starting January 1, 1986, in lieu of A1-A30, V1-V30, and B and C; AR - A Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is determined to be in the process of being restored to provide base flood protection; AR Dual Zones - (AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO, AR/A) Areas subject to flooding from failure of the flood protection system (Zone AR) which also overlap an existing Special Flood Hazard Area as a dual zone;

*AHB, AOB, ARE, ARH, ARO, and ARA are not risk zones shown on a map, but are acceptable values for rating purposes

House Worship
houseWorship string

Indicates whether a building is reported as being a house of worship in the policy application. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Location Of Contents
locationOfContents integer

Code that indicates the location of contents, (e.g., garage on property, in house): 1 - Basement/Enclosure/Crawlspace/Subgrade Crawlspace only; 2 - Basement/Enclosure/Crawlspace/Subgrade Crawlspace and above; 3 - Lowest floor only above ground level (no basement/enclosure/crawlspace/subgrade crawlspace); 4 - Lowest floor above ground level and higher floors (no basement/enclosure/crawlspace/subgrade crawlspace); 5 - Above ground level more than one full floor; 6 - Manufactured (mobile) home or travel trailer on foundation; 7 - Enclosure/Crawlspace and above;

Lowest Adjacent Grade
lowestAdjacentGrade double

Lowest natural grade adjacent to the insured structure prior to excavating or filling. The difference in feet of the lowest natural grade adjacent to the building from the reference level of the building.

Lowest Floor Elevation
lowestFloorElevation double

A building's lowest floor is the floor or level (including basement/enclosure/crawlspace/subgrade crawlspace) that is used as the point of reference when rating a building. This includes the level to which a building is floodproofed. The elevation in feet of the reference level of the building from the Elevation Certificate.

Number Of Floors In The Insured Building
numberOfFloorsInTheInsuredBuilding integer

Code that indicates the number of floors in the insured building. 1 = One floor; 2= Two floors; 3 = Three or more floors; 4 = Split-level; 5 = Manufactured (mobile) home or travel trailer on foundation; 6 = Townhouse/Rowhouse with three or more floors (RCBAP Low-rise only);.

Non-profit Indicator
nonProfitIndicator string

Indicates whether a building is reported as being a non-profit in the policy application. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Obstruction Type
obstructionType string

Code that describes the type of obstruction that may be present under an elevated building. An obstruction includes an enclosed area and/or machinery and equipment attached to the building below the lowest elevated floor. 10 : Free of obstruction 15 : With obstruction: enclosure/crawlspace with proper openings not used for rating (not applicable in V Zones) 20 : With obstruction: less than 300 sq. ft. with breakaway walls, but no machinery or equipment attached to building below lowest elevated floor, or the elevation of the machinery or equipment is at or above the Base Flood Elevation 24 : With obstruction: less than 300 sq. ft. with breakaway walls or finished enclosure and with machinery or equipment attached to building below lowest elevated floor. The elevation of the machinery or equipment is below the Base Flood Elevation. 30 : With obstruction: 300 sq. ft. or more with breakaway walls, but no machinery or equipment attached to building below the Base Flood Elevation 34 : With obstruction: 300 sq. ft. or more with breakaway walls or finished enclosure and with machinery or equipment attached to building below the Base Flood Elevation 40 : With obstruction: no walls, but the elevation of machinery or equipment attached to building is below Base Flood Elevation 50 : With obstruction: nonbreakawaywalls/crawlspace or finished enclosure with no machinery or equipment attached to building below lowest elevated floor 54 : With obstruction: nonbreakawaywalls/crawlspace or finished enclosure with machinery or equipment attached to building below lowest elevated floor 60 : With obstruction 70 : With Certification subgrade crawlspace (AE, A01-A30, unnumbered A, AO, AH,AOB, AHB zones) 80 : Without Certification subgrade crawlspace (all zones) 90 : With Enclosure: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in A zones. No other enclosure below the BFE. 91 : Free of Obstruction: Elevated buildings with lattice, slats, or shutters (including louvers) enclosing the elevator below the BFE in V zones. No other obstruction or machinery and equipment (M&E) servicing the building located below the BFE. The building will be rated free of obstruction with the V zone elevator loading added to the building basic limit. 92 : With Enclosure: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in A zones. Enclosure below the BFE has no proper openings, is finished, or is used for other than parking, building access,or storage. 94 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. No other obstruction or machinery and equipment (M&E)servicing the building located below the BFE. 95 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. Breakaway wall obstruction is unfinished and elevator and obstruction are located below the BFE but no machinery and equipment (M&E) servicing the building is located below the BFE. 96 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. Breakaway wall obstruction is finished or is used for other than parking, building access, or storage. 97 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. No other obstruction, but has M&E servicing the building located below the BFE. 98 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. Breakaway walls obstruction and M&E servicing the building are located below the BFE.

Occupancy Type
occupancyType integer

Code indicating the use and occupancy type of the insured structure. Note, 2-digit codes are for Risk Rating 2.0 policies. 1=single family residence; 2 = 2 to 4 unit residential building; 3 = residential building with more than 4 units; 4 = Non-residential building; 6 = Non Residential - Business; 11 = Single-family residential building with the exception of a mobile home or a single residential unit within a multi unit building; 12 = A residential non-condo building with 2, 3, or 4 units seeking insurance on all units; 13 = A residential non-condo building with 5 or more units seeking insurance on all units; 14 = Residential mobile/manufactured home; 15 = Residential condo association seeking coverage on a building with one or more units; 16 = Single residential unit within a multi-unit building; 17 = Non-residential mobile/manufactured home; 18 = A non-residential building; 19 = a non-residential unit within a multi-unit building;

Original Construction Date
originalConstructionDate string

The original date of the construction of the building.

Original NB Date
originalNBDate string

The original date of the flood policy.

Amount Paid On Building Claim
amountPaidOnBuildingClaim double

Dollar amount paid on the building claim. In some instances, a negative amount may appear which occurs when a check issued to a policy holder is not cashed and has to be re-issued.

Amount Paid On Contents Claim
amountPaidOnContentsClaim double

Dollar amount paid on the contents claim. In some instances, a negative amount may appear, which occurs when a check issued to a policy holder is not cashed and has to be re-issued.

Amount Paid On Increased Cost Of Compliance Claim
amountPaidOnIncreasedCostOfComplianceClaim double

ICC coverage is one of several flood insurance resources for policyholders who need additional help rebuilding after a flood. It provides up to $30,000 to help cover the cost of mitigation measures that will reduce the flood risk.

Post FIRM Construction Indicator
postFIRMConstructionIndicator string

Indicates whether construction was started before or after publication of the FIRM. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. For insurance rating purposes, buildings for which the start of construction or substantial improvement was after December 31, 1974, or on or after the effective date of the initial FIRM for the community, whichever is later, are considered Post-FIRM construction.

Rate Method
rateMethod string

Indicates policy rating method: 1 - Manual; 2 - Specific; 3 - Alternative; 4 - V-Zone Risk Factor Rating Form; 5 - Underinsured Condominium Master Policy; 6 - Provisional; 7 - Preferred Risk Policy (PRPs issued for eligible properties located within a non-Special Flood Hazard Area [non-SFHA]); 8 - Tentative; 9 - MPPP Policy; A - Optional Post-1981 V Zone; B - Pre-FIRM policies with elevation rating - Flood Insurance Manual rate tables; E - FEMA Pre-FIRM Special Rates; F - Leased Federal Property; G - Group Flood Insurance Policy (GFIP); P - Preferred Risk Policy (A PRP renewal issued in the first year following a map revision for an eligible property that was newly mapped into the SFHA by the map revision, or new business written for an eligible property that was newly mapped into the SFHA by a map revision effective on or after October 1, 2008 - PRP Eligibility Extension); Q - Preferred Risk Policy (subsequent PRP renewals where the previous policy year was reported as a 'P' or 'Q'); R - Newly Mapped into SFHA; S - FEMA Special Rates; T - Severe Repetitive Loss Properties (formerly Target Group Full Risk). Effective October 1, 2013, code will no longer be valid; W - Pre-FIRM policies with elevation rating - Submit-for-Rate procedures;RatingEngine : Risk Rated policies where FEMA calculates the rates based on various risk factors.

Small Business Indicator Building
smallBusinessIndicatorBuilding string

Indicates whether or not the insured represents a small business. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. Small business is defined as a business with fewer than 100 employees in the policy application.

Total Building Insurance Coverage
totalBuildingInsuranceCoverage integer

Total Insurance Amount in whole dollars on the Building.

Total Contents Insurance Coverage
totalContentsInsuranceCoverage integer

Total Insurance Amount in whole dollars on the Contents.

Year Of Loss
yearOfLoss integer

Year in which the flood loss occurred.

Primary Residence Indicator
primaryResidenceIndicator string

Indicates whether a building is a primary residence. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. A primary residence is a single family building, condominium unit, apartment unit, or unit within a cooperative building that will be lived in by the policyholder or the policyholder's spouse for: More than 50% of the 365 calendar days following the current policy effective date; or 50% or less of the 365 calendar days following the current policy effective date if the policyholder has only one residence and does not lease that residence to another party or use it as rental or income property at any time during the policy term. A policyholder and the policyholder's spouse may not collectively have more than one primary residence

Building Damage Amount
buildingDamageAmount integer

The actual cash value amount of damage to a main property in whole dollars.

Building Deductible Code
buildingDeductibleCode string

The total deductible amount in dollars for buildings, both main and appurtenant, that can be applied against a loss. Legal values (value : description): 0 : $500; 1 : $1,000; 2 : $2,000; 3 : $3,000; 4 : $4,000; 5 : $5,000; 9 : $750; A : $10,000; B : $15,000; C : $20,000; D : $25,000; E : $50,000; F : $1,250; G : $1,500; H : $200 - Used only in Group Flood Insurance Policies;

Net Building Payment Amount
netBuildingPaymentAmount double

Net building payment amount made to insured in dollars.

Building Property Value
buildingPropertyValue integer

The actual cash value of the main building in whole dollars as estimated by an adjuster.

Cause Of Damage
causeOfDamage string

Indicates the method by which the insured's property and contents were damaged. Legal values (value : description): 0 : Other causes; 1 : Tidal water overflow; 2 : Stream, river, or lake overflow; 3 : Alluvial fan overflow; 4 : Accumulation of rainfall or snowmelt; 7 : Erosion-demolition; 8 : Erosion-removal; 9 : Earth movement, landslide, land subsidence, sinkholes, etc.; A : Closed basin lake; B : Expedited claim handling process without site inspection; C : Expedited claim handling process follow-up site inspection; D : Expedited claim handling process by Adjusting Process Pilot Program (Remote Adjustment); NOTE: Due to certain provisions of the Upton Jones Amendment to the National Flood Insurance Act, cause of loss codes 7 and 8 may be used only if the date of loss is prior to September 23, 1995. More than one cause of loss code can be selected. For example, you may select 2 (stream, river, or lake overflow) and D (remote adjustment) on a single claim, or any combination of letters/numbers as appropriate

Condominium Coverage Type Code
condominiumCoverageTypeCode string

Indicates what type of coverage the building has (e.g., Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP), Master Policy) Legal values (value : description): N : Not a Condominium; U : Individual Condominium Unit insured by a unit owner or by an association; A : Condominium Association; H : Condominium Master Policy (RCBAP) High-Rise; L : Condominium Master Policy (RCBAP) Low-Rise;

Contents Damage Amount
contentsDamageAmount integer

The actual cash value amount of damage to contents in whole dollars.

Contents Deductible Code
contentsDeductibleCode string

The total deductible amount in dollars for contents in both main and apartment structures that can be applied against the loss. Legal values (value : description): 0 : $500; 1 : $1,000; 2 : $2,000; 3 : $3,000; 4 : $4,000; 5 : $5,000; 9 : $750; A : $10,000; B : $15,000; C : $20,000; D : $25,000; E : $50,000; F : $1,250; G : $1,500; H : $200 - Used only in Group Flood Insurance Policies;.

Net Contents Payment Amount
netContentsPaymentAmount double

Net contents payment amount made to insured in dollars.

Contents Property Value
contentsPropertyValue integer

The actual cash value of the contents in whole dollars as estimated by an adjuster.

Disaster Assistance Coverage Required
disasterAssistanceCoverageRequired integer

Indicates which federal agency has required the purchase of flood insurance as a requirement for disaster assistance. Legal values (value : description): 0 : Not Required; 1 : SBA; 2 : FEMA; 4 : HHS (canceled, effective October 1, 2009); 5 : Other Agency;.

Event Designation Number
eventDesignationNumber string

The Event Designation Number (EDN) is a unique identifier established for a catastrophe flood event. NOTE: EDN has replaced FICO as the new event tracking designation. Prior to June 2020 flood events were assigned FICO number designations; after June 2020, flood events are assigned EDN number designations. A public bulletin will designate the EDN number assignments by state with corresponding dates of loss. Example: 2 letter state abbreviation (TX), 2-digit event designator (02) and 2-digit year (20). Full example would be TX0220.

FICO Number
ficoNumber integer

Number assigned at the time of a significant flooding event to uniquely identify each affected state. A public bulletin will designate the FICO number assignments by state with corresponding dates of loss. Note: Flood Insurance Claims Office (FICO) is an NFIP claims processing office set up in a catastrophe area when a sufficient number of flood claims result from a single event. EDN has replaced FICO as the new event tracking designation. Prior to June 2020 flood events were assigned FICO number designations; after June 2020, flood events are assigned EDN number designations. A public bulletin will designate the EDN number assignments by state with corresponding dates of loss. Example: 2 letter state abbreviation (TX), 2-digit event designator (02) and 2-digit year (20). Full example would be TX0220.

Flood Characteristics Indicator
floodCharacteristicsIndicator integer

Indicates characteristics of the flood waters. Legal values (value : description): 1 : Velocity Flow; 2 : Low-Velocity Flow or Ponding; 3 : Wave Action; 4 : Mudflow; 5 : Erosion;.

Flood Water Duration
floodWaterDuration integer

Number of hours flood water remained in the insured building.

Floodproofed Indicator
floodproofedIndicator string

Indicates if the insured structure is floodproofed. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. NOTE: Floodproofing is any combination of structural and non-structural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to a property. Floodproofing may be an alternative to elevating a building to or above the BFE; however, the NFIP requires a Floodproofing Certificate prior to considering floodproofing mitigation measures in rating a structure

Flood Event
floodEvent string

Name given to a flooding catastrophe.

ICC Coverage
iccCoverage integer

Amount of Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage for building in whole dollars. NOTE: ICC coverage is the coverage for expenses that a property owner must incur, above and beyond the cost to repair the physical damage the building actually sustained from a flooding event, to comply with mitigation requirements of state or local floodplain management ordinances or laws. Acceptable mitigation measures are elevation, floodproofing, relocation, demolition, or any combination thereof

Net ICC Payment Amount
netIccPaymentAmount double

Net Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) payment amount made to insured in dollars.

NFIP Rated Community Number
nfipRatedCommunityNumber string

Asix-digit designation identifying the rated NFIP community. The first two numbers are the state code. The next four are the FEMA-assigned community number. An alphabetical suffix is added to a community number to identify revisions in the FIRM for that community

NFIP Community Number Current
nfipCommunityNumberCurrent string

Asix-digit designation identifying the current NFIP community. The first two numbers are the state code. The next four are the FEMA-assigned community number. An alphabetical suffix is added to a community number to identify revisions in the FIRM for that community

NFIP Community Name
nfipCommunityName string

Alocalpoliticalentitythat has the authority to adopt and enforce floodplain ordinances for the area under its jurisdiction.

Non-payment Reason Contents
nonPaymentReasonContents string

Reason why a claim was not paid for the contents of a property. TRRP Field: Claim Closed Without Payment Reason - Contents Legal values (value : description): 01 : Claim denied that was less than deductible; 02 : Seepage; 03 : Backup drains; 04 : Shrubs not covered; 05 : Sea wall; 06 : Not actual flood; 07 : Loss in progress; 08 : Failure to pursue claim; 09 : Debris removal only; 10 : Fire; 11 : Fence damage; 12 : Hydrostatic pressure; 13 : Drainage clogged; 14 : Boat piers; 15 : Not insured, damage before inception of policy; 16 : Not insured, wind damage; 17 : Type of erosion not included in definition of flood or flooding; 18 : Landslide; 19 : Type of mudflow not included in definition of flood or flooding; 20 : No demonstrable damage; 97 : Other; 98 : Error-delete claim (no assignment); 99 : Erroneous assignment;.

Non-payment Reason Building
nonPaymentReasonBuilding string

Reason why a claim was not paid for a property structure. TRRP Field: Claim Closed Without Payment Reason - Building Legal values (value : description): 01 : Claim denied that was less than deductible; 02 : Seepage; 03 : Backup drains; 04 : Shrubs not covered; 05 : Sea wall; 06 : Not actual flood; 07 : Loss in progress; 08 : Failure to pursue claim; 09 : Debris removal only; 10 : Fire; 11 : Fence damage; 12 : Hydrostatic pressure; 13 : Drainage clogged; 14 : Boat piers; 15 : Not insured, damage before inception of policy; 16 : Not insured, wind damage; 17 : Type of erosion not included in definition of flood or flooding; 18 : Landslide; 19 : Type of mudflow not included in definition of flood or flooding; 20 : No demonstrable damage; 97 : Other; 98 : Error-delete claim (no assignment); 99 : Erroneous assignment;.

Number Of Units
numberOfUnits integer

The number of residential and nonresidential units covered by the Condominium Master Policy.

Building Replacement Cost
buildingReplacementCost integer

Estimated cost in whole dollars to replace the building as reported by the insurer. NOTE : Replacement cost is not market value, and it does not include the cost of the land or contents. It is strictly the estimated cost to reconstruct the building

Contents Replacement Cost
contentsReplacementCost integer

Estimated cost in whole dollars to replace the contents as reported by the insurer. NOTE : Replacement cost is not market value, and it does not include the cost of the land or building. It is strictly the estimated cost to replace the contents.

Replacement Cost Basis
replacementCostBasis string

This indicates whether the building claim was settled on a replacement cost basis. Legal values (value: description): R: Replacement Cost Basis; A: Actual Cash Value Basis;.

State Owned Indicator
stateOwnedIndicator string

Indicates whether insured property is state owned. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. NOTE: State owned property is land or other assets that are legally owned by the state

Water Depth
waterDepth integer

Depth of flood water in inches. Note: there are instances where measurements were provided in feet.

Flood Zone Current
floodZoneCurrent string

Flood zone derived from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) where the insured property is currently located. A - Special Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, A1-A30 - Special Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; A99 - Special Flood with Protection Zone; AH, AHB* - Special Flood with Shallow Ponding; AO, AOB* - Special Flood with Sheet Flow; X, B - Moderate Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; X, C - Minimal Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; D - Possible Flood; V - Velocity Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; VE, V1-V30 - Velocity Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, VE, X - New zone designations used on new maps starting January 1, 1986, in lieu of A1-A30, V1-V30, and B and C; AR - A Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is determined to be in the process of being restored to provide base flood protection; AR Dual Zones - (AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO, AR/A) Areas subject to flooding from failure of the flood protection system (Zone AR) which also overlap an existing Special Flood Hazard Area as a dual zone; *AHB, AOB, ARE, ARH, ARO, and ARA are not risk zones shown on a map, but are acceptable values for rating purposes

Building Description Code
buildingDescriptionCode integer

Indicates the description of the use of the insured building. Legal values (value : description): 01 : Main House; 02 : Detached Guest House; 03 : Detached Garage; 04 : Agricultural Building; 05 : Warehouse; 06 : Pool House, Clubhouse, Recreation Building; 07 : Tool/Storage Shed; 08 : Other; 09 : Barn; 10 : Apartment Building; 11 : Apartment - Unit; 12 : Cooperative Building; 13 : Cooperative - Unit; 14 : Commercial Building; 15 : Condominium (Entire Building); 16 : Condominium - Unit; 17 : House of Worship; 18 : Manufactured (Mobile) Home; 19 : Travel Trailer; 20 : Townhouse/Rowhouse;.

Rental Property Indicator
rentalPropertyIndicator string

Indicates if the property is a rental property. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. NOTE: A rental property is a property from which the owner receives payment from the occupant(s), known as tenants, in return for occupying or using the property. Rental properties may be either residential or commercial

state string

The two-character alpha abbreviation of the state in which the insured property is located.

Reported City
reportedCity string

This is the city of the insured property as reported to us by our Write Your Own (WYO) partners.

Reported Zip Code
reportedZipCode string

5-digit Postal Zip Code of the insured property as reported by WYO partners

County Code
countyCode string

FIPS code uniquely identifying the primary County (e.g., 011 represents Broward County) associated with the project. Note, the County Code field may not reflect the individual county the property is located as projects can be associated with more than one county

Census Tract
censusTract string

U.S. Census Bureau defined census tracts; statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity that are updated prior to each decennial census. The NFIP relies on our geocoding service to assign 11-digit census tract codes

Census Block Group Fips
censusBlockGroupFips string

The first digit of the census block number identifies the block group. Block numbers beginning with a zero (in Block Group 0) are associated with water-only areas. Typically, Block Groups have a population of 600 to 3,000 people.

latitude float

Approximate latitude of the insured building (to 1 decimal place). This represents the approximate location of the insured property. The precision has been lessened to ensure individual privacy. This may result in a point location that exists in an incorrect county or state. Use the state and county fields for record aggregation for these dimensions

longitude float

Approximate longitude of the insured building (to 1 decimal place). This represents the approximate location of the insured property. The precision has been lessened to ensure individual privacy. This may result in a point location that exists in an incorrect county or state. Use the state and county fields for record aggregation for these dimensions


Name Path Type Description
Agriculture Structure Indicator
agricultureStructureIndicator string

Indicates whether a building is reported as being an agricultural structure in the policy application. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Base Flood Elevation
baseFloodElevation double

Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the elevation in feet from the Elevation Certificate at which there is a 1% chance per year of flooding.

Basement Enclosure Crawlspace Type
basementEnclosureCrawlspaceType integer

Basement is defined for purposes of the NFIP as any level or story which has its floor subgrade on all sides. Basement structure value are as follow:
0 - None;
1 - Finished Basement/Enclosure; 2 - Unfinished Basement/Enclosure; 3 - Crawlspace; 4 - Subgrade Crawlspace;.

Cancellation Date Of Flood Policy
cancellationDateOfFloodPolicy string

The cancellation date of the flood policy (if any); date the flood policy goes out of force.

Condominium Coverage Type Code
condominiumCoverageTypeCode string

Indicates what type of coverage the building has (e.g., Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP), Master Policy) Legal values (value : description): N : Not a Condominium; U : Individual Condominium Unit insured by a unit owner or by an association; A : Condominium Association; H : Condominium Master Policy (RCBAP) High-Rise; L : Condominium Master Policy (RCBAP) Low-Rise;

construction string

Indicates whether this building is under construction. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

CRS Class Code
crsClassCode integer

The Community Rating System (CRS) Classification Credit Percentage used to rate the policy. The insurance premium credit is based on whether a property is in or out of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as shown on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map. The premium credit for properties in the SFHA increases according to a community's CRS class:

1 - SFHA 45% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 2 - SFHA 40% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 3 - SFHA 35% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 4 - SFHA 30% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 5 - SFHA 25% ** Non SFHA 10% **; 6 - SFHA 20% ** Non SFHA10% **; 7 - SFHA 15% ** Non SFHA 5% **; 8 - SFHA 10% ** Non SFHA 5% **; 9 - SFHA 5% Non SFHA 5%; 10 - SFHA 0% Non SFHA 0%;

*For the purpose of determining CRS Premium Discounts, all AR and A99 zones are treated as non-SFHAs. **These percentages are subject to change. Always refer to the Flood Insurance Manual for the latest information

Building Deductible Code
buildingDeductibleCode string

The total deductible amount in dollars for buildings, both main and appurtenant, that can be applied against the loss. Standard Deductibles:

0 - $500; 1 - $1,000; 2 - $2,000; 3 - $3,000; 4 - $4,000; 5 - $5,000; 9 - $750; A - $10,000; B - $15,000; C - $20,000; D - $25,000; E - $50,000; F - $1,250; G - $1,500; H - $200 - Used only in Group Flood Insurance Policies

Contents Deductible Code
contentsDeductibleCode string

The total deductible amount in dollars for contents in both main and apartment structures that can be applied against the loss. Standard Deductibles:

0 - $500; 1 - $1,000; 2 - $2,000; 3 - $3,000; 4 - $4,000; 5 - $5,000; 9 - $750; A - $10,000; B - $15,000; C - $20,000; D - $25,000; E - $50,000; F - $1,250; G - $1,500; H - $200 - Used only in Group Flood Insurance Policies.

Elevated Building Indicator
elevatedBuildingIndicator string

Indicates whether a building meets the NFIP definition of an elevated building. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. An elevated building is a no-basement building that was constructed so as to meet the following criteria:

  1. The top of the elevated floor (all A zones) or the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor (all V zones) is above ground level;
  2. The building is adequately anchored;
  3. The method of elevation is pilings, columns (posts and piers), shear walls (not in V zones), or solid foundation perimeter walls (not in V zones);
Elevation Certificate Indicator
elevationCertificateIndicator string

Indicates if a policy has been rated with Elevation Certificate. (An empty value indicates that this information was not reported; it does not necessarily mean that these properties do not have an Elevation Certificate, just that one was not reported at the time the policy was written.)

1 - No Elevation Certificate, original effective date prior to October 1, 1982, with no break in insurance coverage or change in insurable interest. Policies will be rated using 'No Base Flood Elevation' +2 to +4 feet rates; 2 - No Elevation Certificate, original effective date on or after October 1, 1982, with no break in insurance coverage or change in insurable interest. Policies will be rated using 'No Elevation Certificate' rates; 3 - Elevation Certificate with BFE. Policies will be rated using 'With Base Flood Elevation' rates; 4 - Elevation Certificate without BFE. Policies will be rated using 'No Base Flood Elevation' rates; A - Basement or Subgrade Crawlspace; B - Fill or Crawlspace; C - Piles, Piers, or Columns with Enclosure; D - Piles, Piers, or Columns without Enclosure; E - Slab on Grade;

Elevation Difference
elevationDifference string

Difference between the elevation of the lowest floor used for rating, or the floodproofed elevation, and the base flood elevation (BFE), or base flood depth, as appropriate. Round to nearest higher elevation difference in whole feet using .5 as the midpoint

NOTE: The depth shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Zone AO that indicates the depth of water above the highest adjacent grade resulting from a flood that has a 1% chance of equaling or exceeding that level in any given year.The elevation of surface water resulting from a flood that has a 1% chance of equaling or exceeding that level in any given year. The BFE is shown on the FloodInsurance Rate Map (FIRM) forZones AE, AH, A1-A30, AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/A0, V1-V30 andVE. The value of 9999.0 indicates the field is not reported and/or used for this policy

Federal Policy Fee
federalPolicyFee integer

Dollar amount of the Federal Policy Fee of the policy.

Rated Flood Zone
ratedFloodZone string

NFIP Flood Zone - Flood zone derived from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) used to rate the insured property.

A - Special Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, A1-A30 - Special Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; A99 - Special Flood with Protection Zone; AH, AHB* - Special Flood with Shallow Ponding; AO, AOB* - Special Flood with Sheet Flow; X, B - Moderate Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; X, C - Minimal Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; D - Possible Flood; V - Velocity Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; VE, V1-V30 - Velocity Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, VE, X - New zone designations used on new maps starting January 1, 1986, in lieu of A1-A30, V1-V30, and B and C; AR - A Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is determined to be in the process of being restored to provide base flood protection; AR Dual Zones - (AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO, AR/A) Areas subject to flooding from failure of the flood protection system (Zone AR) which also overlap an existing Special Flood Hazard Area as a dual zone;

*AHB, AOB, ARE, ARH, ARO, and ARA are not risk zones shown on a map, but are acceptable values for rating purposes

HFIAA Surcharge
hfiaaSurcharge integer

Required for all new and renewal policies on or after April 1, 2015. Congressionally mandated annual surcharge in dollars required by the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 (HFIAA)

House Of Worship Indicator
houseOfWorshipIndicator boolean

Indicates whether a building is reported as being a house of worship in the policy application. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Location Of Contents
locationOfContents integer

Code that indicates where within the structure the contents are located. 1 - Basement/Enclosure/Crawlspace/Subgrade Crawlspace only; 2 - Basement/Enclosure/Crawlspace/Subgrade Crawlspace and above; 3 - Lowest floor only above ground level (No basement/enclosure/crawlspace/subgrade crawlspace); 4 - Lowest floor above ground level and higher floors (No basement/enclosure/crawlspace/subgrade crawlspace); 5 - Above ground level more than one full floor; 6 - Manufactured (mobile) home or travel trailer on foundation; 7 - Enclosure/Crawlspace and above;.

Lowest Adjacent Grade
lowestAdjacentGrade double

Lowest natural grade adjacent to the insured structure prior to excavating or filling. The difference in feet of the lowest natural grade adjacent to the building from the reference level of the building.

Lowest Floor Elevation
lowestFloorElevation double

A building's lowest floor is the floor or level (including basement/enclosure/crawlspace/subgrade crawlspace) that is used as the point of reference when rating a building. This includes the level to which a building is floodproofed*. The elevation in feet of the reference level of the building from the elevation certificate

Non-profit Indicator
nonProfitIndicator string

Indicates whether a building is reported as being a non-profit in the policy application. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Number Of Floors In Insured Building
numberOfFloorsInInsuredBuilding integer

Code that indicates the number of floors in the insured structure. 1 - One floor; 2 - Two floors; 3 - Three or more floors; 4 - Split-level; 5 - Manufactured (mobile) home or travel trailer on foundation; 6 - Townhouse/Rowhouse with three or more floors (RCBAP Low-rise only);.

Obstruction Type
obstructionType string

Code that describes the type of obstruction that may be present under an elevated building. An obstruction includes an enclosed area and/or machinery and equipment attached to the building below the lowest elevated floor. 10 : Free of obstruction 15 : With obstruction: enclosure/crawlspace with proper openings not used for rating (not applicable in V Zones) 20 : With obstruction: less than 300 sq. ft. with breakaway walls, but no machinery or equipment attached to building below lowest elevated floor, or the elevation of the machinery or equipment is at or above the Base Flood Elevation 24 : With obstruction: less than 300 sq. ft. with breakaway walls or finished enclosure and with machinery or equipment attached to building below lowest elevated floor. The elevation of the machinery or equipment is below the Base Flood Elevation. 30 : With obstruction: 300 sq. ft. or more with breakaway walls, but no machinery or equipment attached to building below the Base Flood Elevation 34 : With obstruction: 300 sq. ft. or more with breakaway walls or finished enclosure and with machinery or equipment attached to building below the Base Flood Elevation 40 : With obstruction: no walls, but the elevation of machinery or equipment attached to building is below Base Flood Elevation 50 : With obstruction: nonbreakawaywalls/crawlspace or finished enclosure with no machinery or equipment attached to building below lowest elevated floor 54 : With obstruction: nonbreakawaywalls/crawlspace or finished enclosure with machinery or equipment attached to building below lowest elevated floor 60 : With obstruction 70 : With Certification subgrade crawlspace (AE, A01-A30, unnumbered A, AO, AH,AOB, AHB zones) 80 : Without Certification subgrade crawlspace (all zones) 90 : With Enclosure: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in A zones. No other enclosure below the BFE. 91 : Free of Obstruction: Elevated buildings with lattice, slats, or shutters (including louvers) enclosing the elevator below the BFE in V zones. No other obstruction or machinery and equipment (M&E) servicing the building located below the BFE. The building will be rated free of obstruction with the V zone elevator loading added to the building basic limit. 92 : With Enclosure: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in A zones. Enclosure below the BFE has no proper openings, is finished, or is used for other than parking, building access,or storage. 94 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. No other obstruction or machinery and equipment (M&E)servicing the building located below the BFE. 95 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. Breakaway wall obstruction is unfinished and elevator and obstruction are located below the BFE but no machinery and equipment (M&E) servicing the building is located below the BFE. 96 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. Breakaway wall obstruction is finished or is used for other than parking, building access, or storage. 97 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. No other obstruction, but has M&E servicing the building located below the BFE. 98 : With Obstruction: Elevated buildings with elevator below the BFE in V zones. Breakaway walls obstruction and M&E servicing the building are located below the BFE.

Occupancy Type
occupancyType integer

Code indicating the use and occupancy type of the insured structure. Note, 2-digit codes are for Risk Rating 2.0 policies. 1 = Single family residence; 2 = 2 to 4 Unit residential building; 3 = Residential building with more than 4 units; 4 = Non-residential building; 6 = Non-Residential Business; 11 = Single-family residential building with the exception of a mobile home or a single residential unit within a multi unit building; 12 = A residential non-condo building with 2, 3, or 4 units seeking insurance on all units; 13 = A residential non-condo building with 5 or more units seeking insurance on all units; 14 = Residential mobile/manufactured home; 15 = Residential condo association seeking coverage on a building with one or more units; 16 = Single residential unit within a multi-unit building; 17 = Non-residential mobile/manufactured home; 18 = A non-residential building; 19 = A non-residential unit within a multi-unit building;

Original Construction Date
originalConstructionDate string

The original date of the construction of the building.

Original NB Date
originalNBDate string

The original date of the flood policy.

Policy Cost
policyCost integer

Calculated in dollars by adding together calculated premium, reserve fund assessment, federal policy fee, and HFIAA surcharge.

Policy Count
policyCount integer

Insured units in an active status. A policy contract ceases to be in an active status as of the cancellation date or the expiration date. Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP) contracts are stored as a single policy contract but insure multiple units and therefore represent multiple policies.

Policy Effective Date
policyEffectiveDate string

The effective date of the flood policy. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z. Effective March 1, 1995, the standard waiting period for new business applications and for endorsements increasing coverage is 30 days from the date of application and the presentment of premium. (Example: A policy applied for on April 3 would become effective at 12:01 a.m. on May 3.)

Policy Termination Date
policyTerminationDate string

Date upon which the cancellation of a flood insurance policy becomes effective - either because it was cancelled or lapsed. When time is not specified in the field, it will default to T00:00:00.000Z

Policy Term Indicator
policyTermIndicator integer

Indicates length of time for which policy is in effect. As set forth in the Flood Insurance Application form, coverage is provided for an initial policy term of 1 or 3 years and for successive terms of 1 or 3 years, provided the premium for each succeeding term is paid in full and received by the NFIP prior to the expiration of the then current term. Other terms between 1 and 3 years may be written to coincide with the term of other homeowner's insurance policies. Preferred Risk Policies are allowed only 1-year terms. Three-year terms are allowed only for Group Flood policies: 1 - 1 year; 3 - 3 years (only for policies effective prior to May 1, 1999); 9 - Other (between 1 and 3 years);

Post FIRM Construction Indicator
postFIRMConstructionIndicator string

Indicates whether construction was started before or after publication of the FIRM. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. For insurance rating purposes, buildings for which the start of construction or substantial improvement was after December 31, 1974, or on or after the effective date of the initial FIRM for the community, whichever is later, are considered Post-FIRM construction

Primary Residence Indicator
primaryResidenceIndicator string

Indicates whether or not the insured building/condominium unit is the primary residence of the insured. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. A single-family dwelling/condominium unit qualifies as the primary residence of the insured provided that, at the time of loss, the named insured or the named insured's spouse has lived in the dwelling for either (1) 80 percent of the 365 days immediately preceding the loss, or (2) 80 percent of the period of ownership of the insured dwelling, if ownership is less than 365 days. Effective June 1, 2014, the NFIP defines primary residence to be a building that will be lived in by the insured or the insureds spouse for more than 50 percent of the 365 days following the policy effective date. Y - Primary Residence of Insured; N - Non-Primary Residence;

Rate Method
rateMethod string

Indicates policy rating method: 1 - Manual; 2 - Specific; 3 - Alternative; 4 - V-Zone Risk Factor Rating Form; 5 - Underinsured Condominium Master Policy; 6 - Provisional; 7 - Preferred Risk Policy (PRPs issued for eligible properties located within a non-Special Flood Hazard Area [non-SFHA]); 8 - Tentative; 9 - MPPP Policy; A - Optional Post-1981 V Zone; B - Pre-FIRM policies with elevation rating - Flood Insurance Manual rate tables; E - FEMA Pre-FIRM Special Rates; F - Leased Federal Property; G - Group Flood Insurance Policy (GFIP); P - Preferred Risk Policy (A PRP renewal issued in the first year following a map revision for an eligible property that was newly mapped into the SFHA by the map revision, or new business written for an eligible property that was newly mapped into the SFHA by a map revision effective on or after October 1, 2008 - PRP Eligibility Extension); Q - Preferred Risk Policy (subsequent PRP renewals where the previous policy year was reported as a 'P' or 'Q'); R - Newly Mapped into SFHA; S - FEMA Special Rates; T - Severe Repetitive Loss Properties (formerly Target Group Full Risk). Effective October 1, 2013, code will no longer be valid; W - Pre-FIRM policies with elevation rating - Submit-for-Rate procedures; RatingEngine : Risk Rated policies where FEMA calculates the rates based on various risk factors.

Regular Emergency Program Indicator
regularEmergencyProgramIndicator string

Identifies the phase of the NFIP in which a community is currently participating. The program status determines whether flood insurance is available and, if so, determines the limits of insurance coverage. R - Regular Program; E - Emergency Program;

Small Business Indicator Building
smallBusinessIndicatorBuilding string

Indicates whether the insured represents a small business. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. Small business is defined as a business with fewer than 100 employees in the policy application

Total Building Insurance Coverage
totalBuildingInsuranceCoverage integer

Total Insurance Amount in whole dollars on the Building.

Total Contents Insurance Coverage
totalContentsInsuranceCoverage integer

Total Insurance Amount in whole dollars on the Contents.

Total Insurance Premium Of The Policy
totalInsurancePremiumOfThePolicy integer

Total Insurance Premium of the Policy in whole dollars. Negative values indicate a refund.

Cancellation Voidance Reason Code
cancellationVoidanceReasonCode string

Reason code indicating why a policy was cancelled/nullified. Legal values (value : description): 01 : Building Sold or Removed; 02 : Contents Sold or Removed (contents-only policy); 03 : Policy Canceled and Rewritten to Establish a Common Expiration; Date with Other Lines of Insurance; 04 : Duplicate Policies (NFIP); 05 : Non-Payment; 06 : Ineligible Risk; 08 : No Insurable Interest; 09 : PMR (Physical Map Revision) or LOMR ( Letter of Map Revision) with Lender Release; 10 : Closed Basin Lake (ineligible); 16 : FEMA Letter of Determination with Lender Release; 20 : LOMA (Letter of Map Amendment) with Lender Release; 21 : SRL (Severe Repetitive Loss) Written with Incorrect Insurer; 22 : Cancel/Rewrite Due to Misrating; 23 : Fraud; 24 : Cancel/Rewrite to PRP after Map Revision; 25 : Cancel/Rewrite to Process HFIAA Refund; 26 : Duplicate Policy from Source Other than the NFIP; 45 : Certain Condominium Units Covered by Dwelling Policy and by RCBAP (Residential Condominium Building Association Policy); 50 : Policy Required by Mortgagee in Error; 52 : Mortgage Paid Off; 60 : Voidance Prior to Effective Date; UN: Unknown;

Subsidized Rate Type
subsidizedRateType string

Indicates if a policy was subsidized rated. Legal values (value : description): E : Emergency Program (based on Program Type); N : Not subsidized; P : Pre-FIRM subsidized;.

ICC Premium
iccPremium integer

The whole dollar amount of the Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) premium selected before any discounts are applied by the company to rate the policy.

Reserve Fund Assessment
reserveFundAssessment integer

The dollar sum of the reserve fund as reported by the company.

Community Probation Surcharge
communityProbationSurcharge integer

The probation surcharge amount, in whole dollars, is calculated by the company to rate the policy. NOTE: A probation surcharge is a flat surcharge that the policyholder must pay on each new or renewed policy issued covering property in a community that the NFIP has placed on probation under the provisions of 44 CFR 59.24

Premium Payment Indicator
premiumPaymentIndicator integer

The payment mechanism used to purchase a flood insurance policy. Legal values (value : description): 1: Credit or debit card; 2: Cash or check;.

Building Replacement Cost
buildingReplacementCost integer

Estimated cost in whole dollars to replace the building as reported by the insurer. NOTE: Replacement cost is not market value, and it does not include the cost of the land or contents. It is strictly the estimated cost to reconstruct the building

Basic Building Rate
basicBuildingRate double

Basic building rate selected by the company. This data element must be reported for all policies with exception of Preferred Risk Policy (PRP).

Additional Building Rate
additionalBuildingRate double

Additional building rate selected by the company. This data element must be reported for all policies except the Preferred Risk Policy (PRP).

Basic Contents Rate
basicContentsRate double

Basic contents rate selected by the company. This data element must be reported for all policies with exception of Preferred Risk Policy (PRP).

Additional Contents Rate
AdditionalContentsRate double

Additional contents rate selected by the company. This data element must be reported for all policies except the Preferred Risk Policy (PRP).

Enclosure Type Code
enclosureTypeCode string

Indicates if there is an enclosure below the lowest elevated floor of an elevated building, and if there is whether it is a full or partial enclosure. Legal values (value : description): F : Fully; P : Partially; N : None;

Building Description Code
buildingDescriptionCode integer

Indicates the description of the use of the insured building. Legal values (value : description): 01 : Main House; 02 : Detached Guest House; 03 : Detached Garage; 04 : Agricultural Building; 05 : Warehouse; 06 : Pool House, Clubhouse, Recreation Building; 07 : Tool/Storage Shed; 08 : Other; 09 : Barn; 10 : Apartment Building; 11 : Apartment - Unit; 12 : Cooperative Building; 13 : Cooperative - Unit; 14 : Commercial Building; 15 : Condominium (Entire Building); 16 : Condominium - Unit; 17 : House of Worship; 18 : Manufactured (Mobile) Home; 19 : Travel Trailer; 20 : Townhouse/Rowhouse;.

Insurance To Value Code
insuranceToValueCode integer

Code indicating the ratio of building insurance coverage purchased to the replacement cost value of the building Legal values (value : description): 1 : Less than .50; 2 : .50 - .74; 3 : .75 or More; NOTE: This data element is required for l98l Post-FIRM Zones V, V1-V30, and VE ratings

Post FIRM V Zone Indicator
postFirmVzoneIndicator boolean

This indicates, for 1981 Post-FIRM Zone V rating, whether certification has been provided in accordance with Section 60.3(e) (4) of the Federal floodplain management regulations. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Floodproofed Indicator
floodproofedIndicator string

Indicates if the insured structure is floodproofed. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. NOTE: Floodproofing is any combination of structural and non-structural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to a property. Floodproofing may be an alternative to elevating a building to or above the BFE; however, the NFIP requires a Floodproofing Certificate prior to considering floodproofing mitigation measures in rating a structure

Waiting Period Type
waitingPeriodType string

The type of waiting period used to issue the policy Legal values (value : description): S : Standard; C : Loan Closing; M : Map Revision; N : No waiting period; W: Post-Wildfire;.

Rollover Transfer Code
rolloverTransferCode string

Code that indicates the type of new business being reported by the company Legal Values: N : New Issue; R : Rollover / Renewal; E : (Canceled effective May 1, 2005); Z : Rewritten for TRRP cancellation reason codes 22, 24 and 25; T : Transfer; O : RiskRating 2.0 Opt-In option. Only available until March 31, 2022;

Endorsement Effective Date
endorsementEffectiveDate string

Date that a policy endorsement goes into effect.

Property Purchase Date
propertyPurchaseDate string

Indicates the date that the insured property was purchased.

Rental Property Indicator
rentalPropertyIndicator string

Indicates if the property is a rental property. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. NOTE: A rental property is a property from which the owner receives payment from the occupant(s), known as tenants, in return for occupying or using the property. Rental properties may be either residential or commercial.

Tenant Indicator
tenantIndicator string

Policy Holder is a tenant and not the owner of the property. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

State Owned Indicator
stateOwnedIndicator string

Indicates whether insured property is state owned. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. NOTE: State owned property is land or other assets that are legally owned by the state.

Disaster Assistance Coverage Required Code
disasterAssistanceCoverageRequiredCode integer

Indicates which federal agency has required the purchase of flood insurance as a requirement for disaster assistance. Legal values (value : description): 0 : Not Required; 1 : SBA; 2 : FEMA; 4 : HHS (canceled, effective October 1, 2009); 5 : Other Agency;.

Mandatory Purchase Flag
mandatoryPurchaseFlag string

Indicates if the policy is required by the mortgage lender. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Grandfathering Type Code
grandfatheringTypeCode integer

Type of grandfathering, if applicable, in place for rating Legal values (value : description): 1 : No Grandfathering; 2 : Grandfathering Built to Code; 3 : Grandfathering Continuous Coverage; Note: Grandfathering is a rating procedure that enables policyholders to use a prior food map for rating if the building was built in compliance or continuously insured.

NFIP Rated Community Number
nfipRatedCommunityNumber string

Asix-digit designation identifying the rated NFIP community. The first two numbers are the state code. The next four are the FEMA-assigned community number. An alphabetical suffix is added to a community number to identify revisions in the FIRM for that community

NFIP Community Number Current
nfipCommunityNumberCurrent string

Asix-digit designation identifying the current NFIP community. The first two numbers are the state code. The next four are the FEMA-assigned community number. An alphabetical suffix is added to a community number to identify revisions in the FIRM for that community

NFIP Community Name
nfipCommunityName string

Alocalpoliticalentitythat has the authority to adopt and enforce floodplain ordinances for the area under its jurisdiction.

Program Type Indicator
programTypeIndicator string

Indicates if a property is qualified for emergency program coverage (true) or regular coverage (false). Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. NOTE: The initial phase of a communitys participation in the NFIP, as prescribed by Section 1306 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (NFIA) (42 U.S.C. 4056). In this phase, limited amounts of coverage are available.

Map Panel Number
mapPanelNumber string

Either the current map panel number for the property or the map panel number being used for rating, depending on MapInfo Type.

Map Panel Suffix
mapPanelSuffix string

Either the current map panel suffix for the property or the map panel suffix used for rating, depending on MapInfo Type.

Flood Zone Current
floodZoneCurrent string

Flood zone derived from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) where the insured property is currently located.

A - Special Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, A1-A30 - Special Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; A99 - Special Flood with Protection Zone; AH, AHB* - Special Flood with Shallow Ponding; AO, AOB* - Special Flood with Sheet Flow; X, B - Moderate Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; X, C - Minimal Flood from primary water source. Pockets of areas subject to drainage problems; D - Possible Flood; V - Velocity Flood with no Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; VE, V1-V30 - Velocity Flood with Base Flood Elevation on FIRM; AE, VE, X - New zone designations used on new maps starting January 1, 1986, in lieu of A1-A30, V1-V30, and B and C; AR - A Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is determined to be in the process of being restored to provide base flood protection; AR Dual Zones - (AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO, AR/A) Areas subject to flooding from failure of the flood protection system (Zone AR) which also overlap an existing Special Flood Hazard Area as a dual zone;

*AHB, AOB, ARE, ARH, ARO, and ARA are not risk zones shown on a map, but are acceptable values for rating purposes

FEMA Region
femaRegion integer

FEMA Region.

Property State
propertyState string

The two-character alpha abbreviation of the state in which the insured property is located.

Reported City
reportedCity string

City where the insured building is located.

Reported Zip Code
reportedZipCode string

5-digit Postal Zip Code for the insured property reported by WYO partners

County Code
countyCode string

FIPS code uniquely identifying the primary county (e.g., 011 represents Broward County) associated with the project. Note, the County Code field may not reflect the individual county the property is located as projects can be associated with more than one county

Census Tract
censusTract string

US Census Bureau defined census Tracts; statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity that are updated prior to each decennial census. The NFIP relies on our geocoding service to assign census tract code

Census Block Group Fips
censusBlockGroupFips string

The first digit of the census block number identifies the block group. Block numbers beginning with a zero (in Block Group 0) are associated with water-only areas. Typically, Block Groups have a population of 600 to 3,000 people

latitude float

Approximate latitude of the insured building (to 1 decimal place). This represents the approximate location of the insured property. The precision has been lessened to ensure individual privacy. This may result in a point location that exists in an incorrect county or state. Use the state and county fields for record aggregation for these dimensions

longitude float

Approximate longitude of the insured building (to 1 decimal place). This represents the approximate location of the insured property. The precision has been lessened to ensure individual privacy. This may result in a point location that exists in an incorrect county or state. Use the state and county fields for record aggregation for these dimensions

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes.

Project Identifier
projectIdentifier string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the project. Disaster-based projects use the convention of DR-disaster number-project number-suffix (e.g., DR-1761-0001-M) while non-disaster projects use the unique project number (e.g., FMA-PJ-10-WA-2017-006).

Community Name
communityName string

Name of the community participating in the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System (NFIP's CRS).

Community Number
communityNumber string

Identifier assigned to the community participating in the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System (NFIP's CRS).

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 hash of fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, visit

Declaration Date
declarationDate string

Date the disaster was declared.

Disaster Type
disasterType string

Two character code that defines if this is a major disaster (DR), fire management (FM), or emergency declaration (EM). For more information on the disaster process, please visit

Incident Type
incidentType string

Type of incident such as fire or flood. The incident type will affect the types of assistance available. For more information on incident types, please visit

title string

Brief title for the disaster.

region integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the Region.

state string

Full name of the State (e.g., Virginia)

Disaster Closeout Status
disasterCloseoutStatus string

Closeout status (i.e., Open or Closed) of the entire disaster

HMGP Closeout Status
hmgpCloseoutStatus string

Yes or No indication of whether or not the HMGP program is closed for the disaster. If an HMGP Reconciliation Date exists, then the status equals Yes; otherwise, the status equals No.

Disaster Closeout Date
disasterCloseoutDate string

Date the entire disaster was closed.

HMGP Reconciliation Date
hmgpReconciliationDate string

The date FEMA Headquarters concurred on the financial reconciliation conducted by the Region and has closed the program for the disaster.

Disaster Due Date For New Apps
disasterDueDateForNewApps string

Final due date for new HMGP applications.

Disaster POP End Date
disasterPopEndDate string

The Period of Performance (POP) is the period of time during which the non-Federal entity may incur new obligations to carry out all administrative actions and award activities, and incur costs. For state management cost, the initial POP may not exceed 8 years from the disaster declaration

hmgpPopEndDate string

The latest work due date or work revised date from the work scheduled across all projects within a disaster. This represents the day by which the non-Federal entity may incur new obligations to carry out all administrative actions and award activities, and incur costs.

HMGP POP Extension Date
hmgpPopExtnDate string

The day by which the non-Federal entity may incur new obligations to carry out all administrative actions and award activities, and incur costs.

HMGP POP Extension Number
hmgpPopExtnNum string

The number of the latest extension the disaster has received since the expiration of the original Period of Performance.

Liquidation Period Date
liqPeriodDate string

The Disaster Liquidation Period is the time after the grant performance period ends when a non-federal entity must liquidate all obligations incurred during the performance period.

Liquidation Period Max Date
liqPeriodMaxDate string

The date of the latest Liquidation Period Extension.

Liquidation Period Max Pop Number
liqPeriodMaxPopNum string

The number of the latest Liquidation Period Extension.

Liquidation Period Max Extension Date
liqPeriodMaxExtDate string

The date of the latest additional extension granted after the Liquidation Period end date.

Liquidation Period Max Extension Number
liqPeriodMaxExtNum string

The number of the latest additional extension granted after the Liquidation Period end date.

Mitigation Dollars Available
mitigationDollarsAvailable double

The remaining amount available to Recipients for eligible projects.

Locked In Ceiling Amount
lockedInCeilingAmount double

The level of HMGP funding available in dollars to a Recipient/Grantee for a particular disaster declaration. This dollar amount, also known as the 'lock-in' value for HMGP, is the maximum that FEMA can obligate for eligible HMGP activities

Obligated Total Amount
obligatedTotalAmount double

Total amount obligated for the disaster in dollars. This amount includes Recipient/Grantee and Subrecipient/Subgrantee admin costs. This field name was previously referred to as obligated total amount.

Obligated Initiative Amount
obligatedInitiativeAmount double

Total amount obligated for 5% initiative projects in dollars. The 5% Initiative allows Recipients/Grantees under the HMGP to use up to five percent of total HMGP grant funds for projects that are difficult to evaluate using FEMA-approved cost-effectiveness methodologies, but which otherwise meet HMGP eligibility requirements. This field name was previously referred to as obligated initiative amount.

Obligated Planning Amount
obligatedPlanningAmount double

Total amount obligated for planning projects in dollars. Up to 7% of a Recipient/Grantee's HMGP funding can be used for mitigation planning related activities. This field name was previously referred to as obligated planning amount

Obligated Regular Amount
obligatedRegularAmount double

Total amount obligated for regular projects in dollars. This field name was previously referred to as obligated regular amount. For more information on eligible mitigation activities, visit:

Obligated Recipient Management Amount
obligatedRecipientMgmtAmt double

Total amount obligated for Recipient Management Costs in dollars. Management Costs are any indirect costs, administrative expenses, and any other expenses not directly chargeable to a specific project that are reasonably incurred by a recipient or subrecipient in administering and managing an HMGP grant award. Recipient Management Costs only apply to disasters declared on or after August 1, 2017. This field name was previously referred to as Obligated SMC Amount

Obligated Recipient Admin
obligatedRecipientAdmin double

Total amount obligated for Recipient Administrative Costs in dollars. Recipient Administrative Costs are provided to the Recipient for overtime pay, per diem, and travel for employees performing grant administration tasks. Recipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters declared prior to November 13, 2007. This field name was previously referred to as Obligated Grantee Admin

Obligated Subrecipient Admin
obligatedSubrecipientAdmin double

Total amount obligated for Subrecipient Administrative Costs in dollars. Subrecipient Administrative Costs are provided to the Subrecipient for the preparation of applications, quarterly reports, audits, related field inspections, recordkeeping, and the filing of reimbursement claims to the Recipient. Subrecipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters declared prior to November 13, 2007. This field name was previously referred to as obligated Subgrantee Admin

Obligated Subrecipient Management Amount
obligatedSubrecipMgmtAmt double

Total amount obligated for Subrecipient Management Costs in dollars. Subrecipient Management Costs are any indirect costs, administrative expenses, and any other expenses not directly chargeable to a specific project that are reasonably incurred by a recipient or subrecipient in administering and managing an HMGP grant award. Subrecipient Management Costs only apply to disasters declared on or after August 1, 2017

Pending Projects Quantity
pendingProjectsQuantity integer

Number of pending projects for the disaster.

Pending Federal Share Proposed Amount
pendingFedShareProposedAmt string

Proposed federal share of the pending projects for the disaster.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.

hash string

MD5 hash of fields and values of the record.


Name Path Type Description
Subapplication Identifier
subapplicationIdentifier string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the subapplication/subgrant. The Subapplication Identifier is made up of the [FEMA Organization Code][FEMA Region Letter Code]-[Fiscal Year Opportunity]-[Program Code]-[Application Number]-[Subapplication Number]. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

program string

Name of the Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant program (e.g., Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grant program) associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a required field in FEMA GO.

Fiscal Year
fiscalYear integer

The Federal Government Fiscal Year of the grant program funding opportunity. The Fiscal Year runs from October 1 to September 30. This is a required field in FEMA GO.

region integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a required field in FEMA GO.

Applicant UEI
applicantUei string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the Applicant/Grantee. The Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) is a 12-character alphanumeric ID assigned to an entity in to identify businesses and other entities that do business with the federal government. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

Applicant Name
applicantName string

Name of the Applicant requesting Hazard Mitigation Grant funding (e.g., Illinois Emergency Management Agency). An Applicant becomes a Recipient (previously termed Grantee) when it receives a Federal award directly from a Federal awarding agency to carry out an activity under a Federal program. This is a required field in FEMA GO.

Subapplicant UEI
subapplicantUei string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the Subapplicant/Subgrantee. The Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) is a 12-character alphanumeric ID assigned to an entity in to identify businesses and other entities that do business with the federal government. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

Subapplicant Name
subapplicantName string

Name of the Subapplicant requesting Hazard Mitigation Grant funding (e.g., City of Chicago). A Subapplicant becomes a Subrecipient (previously termed Subgrantee) when it receives a subaward from a pass-through entity (i.e., Recipient) to carry out part of a Federal award. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO.

Subapplicant City
subapplicantCity string

Name of the City (e.g., Chicago) associated with the Subapplicant/Subrecipient. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO.

Subapplicant State
subapplicantState string

Full name of the State (e.g., Illinois) associated with the Subapplicant/Subrecipient. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO.

Subapplicant State Abbreviation
subapplicantStateAbbreviation string

Two letter abbreviation of the State (e.g., IL represents Illinois) associated with the Subapplicant/Subrecipient. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO.

Subapplicant Zip Code
subapplicantZipCode string

Five digit ZIP Code associated with the Subapplicant/Subrecipient (e.g., 60614). This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO.

Subapplicant Zip+4
subapplicantZip4 string

Four digits that designate a specific location within the ZIP Code associated with the Subapplicant/Subrecipient (e.g., 0001). This is an optional field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO.

Subject EO12372
subjectEO12372 string

Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient is subject to review by Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs. For more information on Executive Order 12372, see This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO.

EO12372 Review Date
eo12372ReviewDate string

Date the subapplication/subgrant was made available to the Executive Order 12372 for review. This is a conditional field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO that is dependent on Subject EO12372 being Yes. While this value may contain time information (00:00:00.000), these are system generated and do not reflect the actual time associated with the subapplication/subgrant.

Subapplicant Federal Debt
subapplicantFederalDebt boolean

Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient is delinquent on any federal debt. Delinquent debt applies to the applicant organization and not to individual people who work on or sign the application. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Date Initiated In System
dateInitiatedInSystem string

Date and time the subapplication was initiated in the system. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

Date Submitted To Applicant
dateSubmittedToApplicant string

Date and time the subapplication was submitted to the Applicant/Recipient. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

Date Submitted To FEMA
dateSubmittedToFema string

Date and time the subapplication was submitted to FEMA by the Applicant/Recipient. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO.

Subapplication Title
subapplicationTitle string

Title of the subapplication submitted to FEMA by the subapplicant. This field may be altered by FEMA to remove Personal Identifiable Information (PII). If PII is removed, it will be replaced by "[REDACTED]". This is a required field for subapplicants in FEMA GO.

Proposed Project Start Date
proposedProjectStartDate string

Proposed start date of the subapplication/subgrant schedule, which may differ from the official Period of Performance. This is a required field in the Schedule section in FEMA GO.

Proposed Project End Date
proposedProjectEndDate string

Proposed end date of the subapplication/subgrant schedule which may differ from the official Period of Performance. This is a required field in the Schedule section in FEMA GO.

Estimated Total Duration
estimatedTotalDuration integer

Estimated total duration of the subapplication/subgrant in number of months which may differ from the official Period of Performance. This is a required field in the Schedule section in FEMA GO.

Funding Category
fundingCategory string

Grant program funding category selected by the Applicant/Recipient for the subapplication/subgrant. The funding categories differ for each grant program and are outlined in the Fiscal Year Notice of Funding Opportunity. For more information on funding categories for each grant program, visit This is a required field in FEMA GO.

Subapplicant Type
subapplicantType string

Type of Subapplicant/Subrecipient, self-designated by the Subapplicant/Subrecipient. Subapplicant/Subrecipient can be Federally Recognized Tribes, State Agencies, Private Non-Profits, Tribal Agencies, Local Governments/Communities. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO.

status string

Current status of the subapplication/subgrant in the system (e.g., Ineligible, Not Selected, Subaward Offered, Subaward Selected, Submitted to FEMA, etc.). This is a system maintained field in FEMA GO.

Subapplication Type
subapplicationType string

Type of subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Management cost, Plan, Project, Project Scoping, Technical Assistance, etc.). This is a required field in FEMA GO.

Benefiting Counties
benefitingCounties string

County or County equivalent entity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. Multiple counties are possible and are delimited by a semicolon. This is a required field in the Community section in FEMA GO.

Primary Activity
primaryActivity string

Primary mitigation activity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO.

Primary Subactivity
primarySubactivity string

Primary mitigation subactivity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Primary Activity is not NULL. Not all Primary Activities have a Primary Subactivity.

Secondary Activity
secondaryActivity string

Secondary mitigation activity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is an optional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO.

Secondary Subactivity
secondarySubactivity string

Secondary mitigation subactivity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Secondary Activity is not NULL. Not all Secondary Activities have a Secondary Subactivity.

Tertiary Activity
tertiaryActivity string

Tertiary mitigation activity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Secondary Activity is not NULL.

Tertiary Subactivity
tertiarySubactivity string

Tertiary mitigation subactivity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Tertiary Activity is not NULL. Not all Tertiary Activities have a Tertiary Subactivity.

Primary Community Lifeline
primaryCommunityLifeline string

Primary Community Lifeline associated with the subapplication/subgrant. For more information regarding community lifelines, see This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types.

Primary Community Lifeline Component
primaryCommunityLifelineComponent string

Primary Community Lifeline Component associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Primary Community Lifeline is not NULL. Not all Community Lifelines have a Component.

Secondary Community Lifeline
secondaryCommunityLifeline string

Secondary Community Lifeline associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is an optional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types.

Secondary Community Lifeline Component
secondaryCommunityLifelineComponent string

Secondary Community Lifeline Component associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Secondary Community Lifeline is not NULL. Not all Community Lifelines have a Component.

Tertiary Community Lifeline
tertiaryCommunityLifeline string

Tertiary Community Lifeline associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Secondary Community Lifeline is not NULL.

Tertiary Community Lifeline Component
tertiaryCommunityLifelineComponent string

Tertiary Community Lifeline Component associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Tertiary Community Lifeline is not NULL. Not all Community Lifelines have a Component.

Primary Hazard
primaryHazard string

Primary hazard associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types.

Secondary Hazard
secondaryHazard string

Secondary hazard associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is an optional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types.

Tertiary Hazard
tertiaryHazard string

Tertiary hazard associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Secondary Hazard is not NULL.

Nature-based Solution
natureBasedSolution string

They type of nature-based solution associated with the subapplication/subgrant. For more information, visit For subapplications/subgrants submitted in FY 2020 and FY 2021, the data are populated from the BCA question Does the subapplication/subgrant incorporate green infrastructure?. Additionally, for subapplications/subgrants before 2023, Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1' and No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. For subapplications/subgrants submitted in FY 2023 and later, the type of nature-based solution is indicated (e.g., Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Bioretention system, Native plants, etc.). Multiple nature-based solutions are possible and are delimited by a ,. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types.

Small Impoverished
smallImpoverished boolean

Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient self-identified as a Small Impoverished Community as defined by 42 U.S.C. 5133(a), and in FY2023 the question was expanded to include an OR statement for Community Disaster Resilience Zones (CDRZs) as defined by 42 U.S. Code 5136(a). Under the HMA Grant Programs "Small Impoverished Community" is synonymous with "Economically Disadvantaged Rural Community". This is a required field in the Budget section in FEMA GO. Yes is indicated with either a true or 1. No is indicated with either a false or 0.

Population Affected
populationAffected string

Percentage of population affected by the subapplication/subgrant. This value is self-reported by the Subapplicant/Subrecipient. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types.

Phased Project
phasedProject boolean

Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant is phased. Complex mitigation projects can be phased which enables the Subapplicant/Subrecipient to develop technical and environmental information, including design, engineering studies, and permitting, before FEMA approves funding for full construction. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

construction boolean

Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient proposes to perform construction activities under this subapplication/subgrant. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Prior Subapplication
priorSubapplication boolean

Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant was created from a prior FEMA HMA Advance Assistance or Project Scoping award or any other federal grant award, or the Subapplicant is a past recipient of Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities non-financial Direct Technical Assistance. This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Community Rating System
communityRatingSystem boolean

Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient participates in FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS). For more information regarding CRS, see This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

CRS Rating
crsRating integer

Number (1-9) used to represent the Subapplicant/Subrecipient's Community Rating System Class. This is a conditional field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Community Rating System (CRS) is 'Yes'.

Cooperating Technical Partner
cooperatingTechnicalPartner boolean

Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient participates in the Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) program. For more information regarding CTP, visit This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Adopted ICC
adoptedIcc boolean

Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient adopted building codes are consistent with International Code Council's (ICC) building codes. This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project, and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Year Building Code
yearBuildingCode integer

Year of the Subapplicant/Subrecipient's building code. This is a conditional field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project, and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Adopted International Building Codes (ICC) is 'Yes'.

Building Codes on BCEGS
buildingCodesOnBcegs boolean

Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient's building codes are assessed on the Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS). For more information regarding BCEGS, see This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project, and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

BCEGS Rating
bcegsRating integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the Subapplicant/Subrecipient's Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) rating. This is a conditional field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project, and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Building Codes Assessed on Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) is 'Yes'.

Mitigation Plan Covered
mitigationPlanCovered boolean

Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant activity is covered by a current FEMA approved multi-hazard mitigation plan in compliance with 44 CFR Part 201. For more information regarding Mitigation Planning, see This is a required field in the Mitigation Plan section in FEMA GO. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Mitigation Plan Type
mitigationPlanType string

Type of mitigation plan that covers the subapplication/subgrant activity. This is a conditional field in the Mitigation Plan section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Mitigation Plan Covered is 'Yes'.

Mitigation Plan Subtype
mitigationPlanSubtype string

Indicates if the mitigation plan, that covers the subapplicant/subgrant activity, for the State/Territory/Tribal Mitigation Plan Types is enhanced or standard. Local Mitigation Plan Types do not have a subtype. This is a conditional field in the Mitigation Plan section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Mitigation Plan Covered is 'Yes' and Mitigation Plan Type does not contain 'Local'.

Date Mitigation Plan Approved
dateMitigationPlanApproved string

Date the mitigation plan covering the subapplication/subgrant activity was approved. This is a conditional field in the Mitigation Plan section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Mitigation Plan Covered is 'Yes'.

Cost-Effectiveness Method
costEffectivenessMethod string

Method used to evaluate the subapplication/subgrant's cost-effectiveness. Mitigation activities are required by statute and regulation to be cost-effective, and the determination is performed in a variety of ways (e.g., FEMA BCA Toolkit, pre-calculated benefits, other BCA methodology approved by FEMA). This is a required field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types.

Pre-calculated Benefit
preCalculatedBenefit string

Type of pre-calculated benefit used to determine the subapplication/subgrant's cost-effectiveness (e.g., Acquisitions in the special flood hazard area, Residential hurricane wind retrofits, etc.). For more information on pre-calculated benefits, see This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is 'Pre-calculated benefits'.

Environmental Benefit
environmentalBenefit string

Indicates if environmental benefits were added to the benefits in the Benefit-Cost Analysis. Environmental benefits capture the benefits resulting from mitigation activities that improve or preserve the natural environment, such as acquisitions, relocations, and floodplain and stream restoration. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'.

Sea Level Rise
seaLevelRise string

Indicates if sea level rise was incorporated into the flood elevations in the Benefit-Cost Analysis. Sea level rise benefits capture the cost associated with elevation/acquisition projects against anticipated flooding due to rising sea levels. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'.

Social Benefit
socialBenefit boolean

Indicates if social benefits were added to the benefits in the Benefit-Cost Analysis. Social benefits capture the avoided costs associated with mental stress, anxiety, and lost wages that disaster survivors would otherwise experience. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Mitigating Project Site Inventory
mitigatingProjectSiteInventory boolean

Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant proposes to mitigate project site inventory (e.g., buildings, vacant land, infrastructure/utility/other locations). This is a required field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Project Site Inventory Location Known
projectSiteInventoryLocationKnown boolean

Indicates if the location of the project site inventory is known at the time of submission. Examples of unknown locations at time of submission include, but are not limited to, saferoom/shelter lottery subapplication/subgrants. This is a conditional field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types that is dependent when Mitigating Structures is 'Yes'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'.

Number Building Locations
numberBuildingLocations integer

Number of building locations proposed to be mitigated. This is a conditional field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types that is dependent when Structures Location Known is 'Yes'.

Number Infrastructure Locations
numberInfrastructureLocations integer

Number of infrastructure/utility/other locations proposed to be mitigated. This is a conditional field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types that is dependent when Structures Location Known is 'Yes'.

Number Vacant Land Locations
numberVacantLandLocations integer

Number of vacant land locations proposed to be mitigated. This is a conditional field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types that is dependent when Structures Location Known is 'Yes'.

Federal Share Amount
federalShareAmount double

Cost share amount in dollars requested/approved for the subapplication/subgrant to be covered by FEMA. In general, HMA funds may be used to pay up to 75 percent of the eligible activity costs. For more information regarding cost sharing, see This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO that is dependent on the response to Small Impoverished.

Non-Federal Share Amount
nonFederalShareAmount double

Cost share amount in dollars requested/approved for the subapplication/subgrant to be covered by Non-Federal sources. Contributions of cash, third-party in-kind services, materials, or any combination thereof, may be accepted as part of the Non-Federal cost share. This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO that is dependent on the response to Small Impoverished.

Management Federal Share Amount
mgmtFederalShareAmount double

Cost share amount in dollars requested/approved for the management costs to be covered by FEMA. For more information regarding cost sharing, see This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO.

Management Non-Federal Share Amount
mgmtNonFederalShareAmount double

Cost share amount in dollars requested/approved for the management costs to be covered by Non-Federal sources. For more information regarding cost sharing, see This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO.

Total Subapplication Amount
totalSubapplicationAmount double

Total amount in dollars requested/approved for the subapplication/subgrant. The total cost to implement approved mitigation activities is generally funded by a combination of Federal and Non-Federal sources. This is a required field in the Budget section in FEMA GO.

Total Obligated Amount
totalObligatedAmount double

Total federal amount obligated for the subgrant. Obligations are executed in increments, based on the subgrant meeting an established project milestone schedule, until the subgrant is completed. This is a system maintained field in FEMA GO that is dependent when Status is 'subAwardAccepted'.

Total Payment Amount
totalPaymentAmount double

Total amount in dollars for payments for the subgrant. A payment is requested by the Applicant/Recipient for reimbursement of eligible activity costs. This is a system maintained field in FEMA GO that is dependent when Status is 'subAwardAccepted'.

Federal Share Percentage
federalSharePercentage double

Percentage of the project cost to be covered by FEMA. This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO that is dependent on the response to Small Impoverished.

Non-Federal Share Percentage
nonFederalSharePercentage double

Percentage of the project cost to be covered by Non-Federal sources. This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO that is dependent on the response to Small Impoverished.

Benefit-Cost Ratio
benefitCostRatio double

Numerical expression of the cost-effectiveness of the subapplication/subgrant as submitted by the subapplicant (i.e., not FEMA validated). The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) is derived from a subapplication's total net benefits divided by its total cost. Composite BCRs of 1.0 or greater have more benefits than costs and are therefore cost-effective. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'.

BCA Total Benefits
bcaTotalBenefits double

Anticipated benefits that occur for the life of the project used to derive the Benefit-Cost Ratio to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. Benefits may include avoided damage, loss of function, and displacement. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'.

BCA Total Costs
bcaTotalCosts double

Total costs of the subapplication/subgrant used to derive the Benefit-Cost Ratio to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. The BCA Total Costs may differ from the Total Subapplication Amount due to costs not required to be included in the Benefit-Cost Analysis. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber string

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, This is a conditional field in FEMA GO that is dependent when Program is 'Hazard Mitigation Grant Program'.

Selection Status
selectionStatus string

The status of the subapplication/subgrant assigned by the Program during the Selection Phase (e.g., Identified for Further Review, Not Selected, Did Not Meet HMA Requirements, etc.). The selection statuses are outlined in the Fiscal Year Notice of Funding Opportunity. For more information, visit This information may differ from the formal selection announcement made by FEMA following the close of the application period.

Selection Funding Category
selectionFundingCategory string

Grant program funding category assigned by the Program for the subapplication/subgrant. The funding categories differ for each grant program and are outlined in the Fiscal Year Notice of Funding Opportunity. For more information on funding categories for each grant program, visit This value may differ from the Funding Category field. This information may differ from the formal selection announcement made by FEMA following the close of the application period.

Selection Program Activity
selectionProgramActivity string

Grant program funding category activity assigned by the Program for the subapplication/subgrant. The funding categories differ for each grant program and are outlined in the Fiscal Year Notice of Funding Opportunity. For more information on funding categories for each grant program, visit This value may differ from the Funding Category field. This information may differ from the formal selection announcement made by FEMA following the close of the application period.

Selection Federal Share Amount
selectionFederalShareAmount double

Cost share amount in dollars approved during the Selection Phase for the subapplication/subgrant to be covered by FEMA. This value may differ from the Federal Share Amount field. This is a conditional field that is dependent when Selection Status is 'Identified for Further Review'. This information may differ from the formal selection announcement made by FEMA following the close of the application period.

Selection Fund Code
selectionFundCode string

Fund code assignedby the Program for the subapplication/subgrant. The possible codes include 5 (National Flood Insurance Fund, National Flood Insurance Act of 1968), IN (National Flood Insurance Fund, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), 6M (Disaster Relief Fund, Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018), and 6N (Disaster Relief Fund, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act).

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process,

state string

Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA) where the disaster was declared

county string

Full name of the County (e.g., Broward), followed by its type in parenthesis (e.g., county, parish, borough, etc.)

city string


Zip Code
zipCode string

Zip Code.

Valid Registrations
validRegistrations integer

Count of FEMA registration owners within the state, county, zip where the registration is valid. In order to be a valid registration, the applicant must be in an Individual Assistance declared state and county and have registered within the FEMA designated registration period

Average FEMA Inspected Damage
averageFemaInspectedDamage float

Average inspected damage (based on FEMA's inspection guidelines) for valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that had a completed inspection.

Total Inspected
totalInspected integer

Total FEMA applicants who received an inspection.

Total Damage
totalDamage float

Total damage recorded by FEMA at the time of the latest inspection. Includes FEMA Verified Loss (FVL) for real property (home damage) and personal property (appliance, rooms, essential tools, and other miscellaneous items). Transportation damages are not included in this amount

No FEMA Inspected Damage
noFemaInspectedDamage integer

Number of applicants who received an inspection but had no damage recorded by the inspector.

FEMA Inspected Damage Between 1 and 10,000
femaInspectedDamageBetween1And10000 integer

Count of valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that had a completed inspection (based on FEMA's guidelines) where the inspected damage fell between $1 and $10,000.

FEMA Inspected Damage Between 10,001 and 20,000
femaInspectedDamageBetween10001And20000 integer

Count of valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that had a completed inspection (based on FEMA's guidelines) where the inspected damage fell between $10,001 and $20,000.

FEMA Inspected Damage Between 20,001 and 30,000
femaInspectedDamageBetween20001And30000 integer

Count of valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that had a completed inspection (based on FEMA's guidelines) where the inspected damage fell between $20,001 and $30,000.

FEMA Inspected Damage Greater Than 30,000
femaInspectedDamageGreaterThan30000 integer

Count of valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that had a completed inspection (based on FEMA's guidelines) where the inspected damage was greater than $30,000.

Approved for FEMA Assistance
approvedForFemaAssistance integer

Number of FEMA applicants who were approved for FEMAs IHP assistance.

Total Approved IHP Amount
totalApprovedIhpAmount float

Total amount approved in dollars under FEMAs IHP program.

Repair/Replace Amount
repairReplaceAmount float

Total amount of Repair and/or Replacement approved in dollars for Housing Assistance (HA) under FEMAs IHP program (note that renters are not eligible for this type of assistance because they do not own the structure).

Rental Amount
rentalAmount double

Total amount of Rental Assistance approved in dollars for Housing Assistance (HA) under FEMAs IHP program.

Other Needs Amount
otherNeedsAmount double

Total amount of Other Needs (ONA) assistance approved in dollars under FEMAs IHP program (this could include, personal property, transportation, medical, dental, funeral, essential tools, moving/storage, miscellaneous and other needs).

Approved Between 1 and 10,000
approvedBetween1And10000 integer

Count of valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that received a financial grant from FEMA that fell between $1 and $10,000.

Approved Between 10,001 and 25,000
approvedBetween10001And25000 integer

Count of valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that received a financial grant from FEMA that fell between $$10,001 and $25,000.

Approved Between 25,001 and Max
approvedBetween25001AndMax integer

Count of valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that received a financial grant from FEMA that fell between $25,001 and the maximum financial grant from FEMA.

Total Max Grants
totalMaxGrants integer

Count of valid registration owners within the state, county, zip that received the maximum financial grant from FEMA.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to identify a declared event in a U.S. state or territory. Disasters in the range 1-1999 are major disasters and 3000 and above are special emergency declarations. For more information on the disaster process,

state string

Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA) where the disaster was declared

county string

Full name of the County (e.g., Broward), followed by its type in parenthesis (e.g., county, parish, borough, etc.)

city string


Zip Code
zipCode string

Zip Code.

Valid Registrations
validRegistrations integer

Count of FEMA registration renters within the state, county, zip where the registration is valid. In order to be a valid registration, the applicant must be in an Individual Assistance declared state and county and have registered within the FEMA designated registration period

Total Inspected
totalInspected integer

Total FEMA applicants who received an inspection.

Total Inspected With No Damage
totalInspectedWithNoDamage integer

Renters do not receive a full home inspection as they are only eligible for the items that they own. Instead a degree of damage is assigned. This is a count of valid registration renters who were deemed to have had no damage that the time of inspection.

Total With Moderate Damage
totalWithModerateDamage integer

Renters do not receive a full home inspection as they are only eligible for the items that they own. Instead a degree of damage is assigned. This is a count of valid registration renters who were deemed to have a had Moderate degree of damage that the time of inspection.

Total With Major Damage
totalWithMajorDamage integer

Renters do not receive a full home inspection as they are only eligible for the items that they own. Instead a degree of damage is assigned. This is a count of valid registration renters who were deemed to have a had Major degree of damage that the time of inspection.

Total With Substantial Damage
totalWithSubstantialDamage integer

Renters do not receive a full home inspection as they are only eligible for the items that they own. Instead a degree of damage is assigned. This is a count of valid registration renters who were deemed to have a had Substantial degree of damage that the time of inspection.

Approved for FEMA Assistance
approvedForFemaAssistance integer

Number of FEMA applicants who were approved for FEMAs IHP assistance.

Total Approved IHP Amount
totalApprovedIhpAmount float

Total amount approved in dollars under FEMAs IHP program.

Repair/Replace Amount
repairReplaceAmount double

Total amount of Repair and/or Replacement approved in dollars for Housing Assistance (HA) under FEMAs IHP program (note that renters are not eligible for this type of assistance because they do not own the structure).

Rental Amount
rentalAmount double

Total amount of Rental Assistance approved in dollars for Housing Assistance (HA) under FEMAs IHP program.

Other Needs Amount
otherNeedsAmount double

Total amount of Other Needs (ONA) assistance approved in dollars under FEMAs IHP program (this could include, personal property, transportation, medical, dental, funeral, essential tools, moving/storage, miscellaneous and other needs).

Approved Between 1 and 10,000
approvedBetween1And10000 integer

Count of valid registration renters within the state, county, zip that received a financial grant from FEMA that fell between $1 and $10,000.

Approved Between 10,001 and 25,000
approvedBetween10001And25000 integer

Count of valid registration renters within the state, county, zip that received a financial grant from FEMA that fell between $10,001 and $25,000.

Approved Between 25,001 and Max
approvedBetween25001AndMax integer

Count of valid registration renters within the state, county, zip that received a financial grant from FEMA that fell between $25,001 and the maximum financial grant from FEMA.

Total Max Grants
totalMaxGrants integer

Count of valid registration renters within the state, county, zip that received the maximum financial grant from FEMA.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique identifier assigned to the record.

Incident ID
incidentId string

Unique identifier for the incident being supported.

Incident Name
incidentName string

Plain language name for the incident being supported, (such as Hurricane Maria, Hawaii Wildfires, etc.

Incident Type
incidentType string

Type of incident, such as hurricane, earthquake, wildfire, etc.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially-assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. The value is blank or null for pre-declaration surge activity. For more information on the disaster process, visit

Declaration Type
declarationType string

Two-character code identifying emergency declaration (EM), major disaster declaration (DR), or pre-declaration surge (SU) activity.

Declaration Title
declarationTitle string

Plain language title for the disaster declaration. This value will be null for pre-declaration surge (SU) activity.

maId string

Mission assignment number.

MA Amend Number
maAmendNumber integer

Mission assignment amendment number (00 indicates the original; amendments are sequential starting with 01).

Action ID
actionId integer

Unique identifier assigned to each mission assignment action.

MA Type
maType string

Code identifying whether the mission is Federal Operations Support (FOS), Direct Federal Assistance (DFA), or Technical Assistance (TA, which is no longer actively used).

Support Function
supportFunction integer

Number (1-22) indicating the Emergency Support Function (ESF) or Recovery Support Function (RSF) supporting the mission (where provided). ESFs are 1-15 (and 22, expired); RSFs are 16-21. Key: null: not provided/missing 0: Other 1: Transportation 2: Communications 3: Public Works and Engineering 4: Firefighting 5: Information and Planning 6: Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Temporary Housing and Human Services 7: Logistics 8: Public Health and Medical Services 9: Search and Rescue 10: Oil and Hazardous Materials 11: Agriculture and Natural Resources 12: Energy 13: Public Safety and Security 14: Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure 15: External Affairs 16: Health and Human Services 17: Housing 18: Infrastructure Systems 19: Natural and Cultural Resources 20: Community Planning and Capacity Building 21: Economic 22: Long-Term Community Recovery (formerly ESF-14) [EXPIRED]

priority string

Text description of the mission assignment priority (Life-saving, Life-sustaining, High, or Normal) at the time this mission assignment action was taken.

region integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the FEMA region where the mission has been assigned.

stt string

Two-character code identifying the U.S. state, district, or territory where the mission was assigned. Mission assignments in support of Federally-recognized tribes contain the state where the requesting tribe is located or governed.

Agency ID
agencyId string

Abbreviation for the Federal agency providing assistance.

agency string

Name of the Federal agency providing assistance.

authority string

All Mission Assignments are only issued under Stafford Act authority.

Date Received
dateReceived string

Date FEMA created the mission assignment action in response to a request received.

Date Required
dateRequired string

Date by which the requested action is required.

POP Start Date
popStartDate string

Estimated period of performance (POP) start date for the mission (at the time this mission assignment action was taken).

POP End Date
popEndDate string

Projected period of performance (POP) end date for the mission (at the time this mission assignment action was taken).

Date Obligated
dateObligated string

Date FEMA obligated funding for the mission assignment.

Obligation Amount
obligationAmount double

U.S. dollar amount obligated in this mission assignment action.

STT Cost Share Percentage
sttCostSharePct double

Percentage of the obligation amount for which the state, district, tribal, or territorial government would be responsible (at the time this mission assignment action was taken).

Fed Cost Share Percentage
fedCostSharePct double

Percentage of the obligation amount for which FEMA would be responsible (at the time this mission assignment action was taken), calculated as 1.0 minus the STT Cost Share Pct

STT Cost Share Amount
sttCostShareAmt double

Projected U.S. dollar amount for which the state, district, tribal, or territorial government would be responsible (at the time this mission assignment action was taken).

Federal Cost Share Amount
fedCostShareAmt double

Projected U.S. dollar amount for which FEMA would be responsible (at the time this mission assignment action was taken).

MA POP Start Date
maPopStartDate string

Period of performance (POP) start date for the entire mission assignment (based on the most recent mission assignment action/amendment).

MA POP End Date
maPopEndDate string

Projected period of performance (POP) end date for the entire mission assignment (based on the most recent mission assignment action/amendment).

MA STT Cost Share Percentage
maSttCostSharePct double

Percentage of the cost in this action for which the state, district, tribal, or territorial government would be responsible (based on the most recent mission assignment action/amendment).

MA Federal Cost Share Percentage
maFedCostSharePct double

Percentage of the cost in this action for which FEMA would be responsible (based on the most recent mission assignment action/amendment), calculated as 1.0 minus the MA STT Cost Share Pct

MA STT Cost Share Amount
maSttCostShareAmount double

Projected U.S. dollar amount for which the state, district, tribal, or territorial government would be responsible (for this action, based on the most recent mission assignment action/amendment).

MA Federal Cost Share Amount
maFedCostShareAmount double

Projected U.S. dollar amount for which FEMA would be responsible (for this action, based on the most recent mission assignment action/amendment).

MA Priority
maPriority string

Text description of the mission assignment priority (Life-saving, Life-sustaining, High, or Normal) for the entire mission assignment (based on the most recent mission assignment action/amendment).

Assistance Requested
assistanceRequested string

Assistance requested from FEMA in this mission assignment action.

Statement of Work
statementOfWork string

Work to be performed by the Federal agency providing assistance.

hash string

MD5 hash of fields and values of the record.

Last Refresh
lastRefresh string

Date the record was last updated in the API data store.


Name Path Type Description
region integer

Number (1-10) used to represent a defined group of state/territories administered by separate FEMA regions.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process,

SRIA Disaster
sriaDisaster string

Yes/No indicator that identifies declarations declared after SRIA (01/29/13). Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Declaration Title
declarationTitle string

Title for the disaster, if it exists in the source system.

Disaster Type
disasterType string

Two character code that identifies the declaration as a major disaster (DR), or emergency declaration (EM). For more information on the disaster process, please visit:

Incident Type
incidentType string

The incident type is a description of the cause of the damage or reason for the declaration such as fire, flood.

Declaration Date
declarationDate string

Date the disaster was declared for Public Assistance.

State Abbreviation
stateAbbreviation string

Two letter abbreviation of the state (e.g., VA)

state string

The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory.

county string

The name of the applicant county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state, local, tribal or territorial government

Applicant ID
applicantId string

Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number.

Applicant Name
applicantName string

Name of the state, local, tribe, territory or private non-profit requesting Public Assistance Grant funding. (Eligible Public Assistance applicants are subgrantees)

PNP Status
pnpStatus string

Indicates whether the applicant is a Private Non-Profit (NPN) applicant. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'

Damage Category Code
damageCategoryCode string

The code that specifies the overall category of facilities or work completed for a project. Emergency work category codes: Category A: Debris Removal - Clearance of trees and woody debris; certain building wreckage; damaged/destroyed building contents; sand, mud, silt, and gravel; vehicles; and other disaster-related material deposited on public and, in very limited cases, private property .Category B: Emergency Protective Measures - Measures taken before, during, and after a disaster to eliminate/reduce an immediate threat to life, public health, or safety - or to eliminate/reduce an immediate threat of significant damage to improved public and private property through cost-effective measures. Permanent work damage category Codes: Category C - Roads and Bridges Repair of roads, bridges, and associated features, such as shoulders, ditches, culverts, lighting, and signs. Category D - Water Control Facilities Repair - Repair of drainage channels, pumping facilities, and some irrigation facilities. Repair of levees, dams, and flood control channels Category E - Buildings and Equipment Repair - Replacement of buildings, including their contents and systems; heavy equipment; and vehicles. Category F - Utilities Repair - Repair of water treatment and delivery systems; power generation facilities and distribution facilities; sewage collection and treatment facilities; and communications. Category G - Parks, Recreational Facilities, and Other Facilities Repair - Repair and restoration of parks, playgrounds, pools, cemeteries, mass transit facilities, and beaches. This category also is used for any work or facility that cannot be characterized adequately by Categories A-F

Federal Share Obligated
federalShareObligated double

The Public Assistance Grant award amount obligated for the subgrantees approved Project Worksheet (PW). The Federal Share Obligated amount may represent only a portion of the Total Federal Share Obligated amount for the PW. This amount does not reflect previous or subsequent obligations. The Federal Share Obligated may contain De-Obligations which are negative adjustments to the Total Federal Share Obligated.

Date Obligated
dateObligated string

Date the grant was provided to the recipient.

PW Number
pwNumber integer

Number given to the project to uniquely identify it within a declaration.

Project Title
projectTitle string

Brief description of the project used as a naming convention of the project.

Version Number
versionNumber integer

Natural ordinal number signifying revisions to the project scope or cost. The first version is 0 and successive versions are numbered in increments of 1.

Eligibility Status
eligibilityStatus string

Status of the project-version reflecting project eligibility requirements. E - Eligible; P - Pending; I - Ineligible; V - Voided

Funding Status
fundingStatus string

Obligation status of the project-version. O - Obligated; N - Not Obligated

PA Closeout Status
paCloseoutStatus string

Indicates if the project has been closed out. This helps identify projects that are still ongoing. O - Open; C - Closed.

id string

Unique ID assigned to the record that does not persist between data set refreshes.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process,

state string

Two-letter state abbreviation for disaster state.

county string

The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory

city string


Zip Code
zipCode string

Zip code.

Total Valid Registrations
totalValidRegistrations integer

Total number of valid registrations.

Valid Call Center Registrations
validCallCenterRegistrations integer

Total number of valid registrations submitted through the call center.

Valid Web Registrations
validWebRegistrations integer

Total number of valid registrations submitted through the website.

Valid Mobile Registrations
validMobileRegistrations integer

Total number of valid registrations submitted through a mobile device.

IHP Referrals
ihpReferrals integer

Cumulative number of applicants referred to the IHP Program.

IHP Eligible
ihpEligible integer

Total number of valid registrations eligible for IHP assistance.

IHP Amount
ihpAmount float

Total IHP Amount awarded in dollars for Housing Assistance (HA) and Other Needs Assistance (ONA) among eligible applicants for designated incident.

HA Referrals
haReferrals integer

Total number of applications referred to the Housing Assistance (HA) Program.

HA Eligible
haEligible integer

Total number of valid registrations eligible for Housing Assistance (HA).

HA Amount
haAmount double

Total amount awarded for Housing Assistance (HA) in dollars from the Individual and Households Program (IHP).

ONA Referrals
onaReferrals integer

Total number of applications referred to the Other Needs Assistance (ONA) Program.

ONA Eligible
onaEligible integer

Total number of valid registrations eligible for Other Needs Assistance (ONA).

ONA Amount
onaAmount float

Total amount awarded in dollars for Other Needs Assistance (ONA) from the Individual and Households Program (IHP).


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. Note, some older non-disaster projects will report a disaster number due to the system of record used at the time. For more information on the disaster process, please visit

Property Part of Project
propertyPartOfProject string

Indicates if the property has been mitigated. While some properties may initially be considered for mitigation, they may ultimately be excluded from the project (e.g., Property owner declined mitigation offer). If a property is removed from the project, the value in this field will be set to "No."

region integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the project.

State Number Code
stateNumberCode string

FIPS code corresponding to the U.S. states, districts, and territories (e.g., 51 represents Virginia/VA) associated with the project

state string

Full name of the U.S. states, districts, and territories (e.g., Virginia) associated with the project

Foundation Type
foundationType string

Type of foundation for the property such as Crawl Space, Slab on Grade, etc.

county string

Full name of the county (e.g., Broward) where the property is located

city string

City where the property is located.

zip string

Zip code where the property is located.

Project Identifier
projectIdentifier string

Single-value identifier that uniquely identifies a project. Disaster-based projects use the convention of DR-disaster number-project number-suffix (e.g., DR-1761-0001-M) while non-disaster projects use the unique project number (e.g., FMA-PJ-10-WA-2017-006)

Property Action
propertyAction string

Indicates the mitigation measures performed at the property such as Acquisition, Elevation, Floodproofed, Relocation, Safe Room/Wind Shelter, Seismic Retrofit, Wildfire Retrofit, Wind Retrofit, and Other.

Structure Type
structureType string

Type of structure such as 2-4 Family, Manufactured Home, Multi-Family Dwelling - 5 or More Units, Non-residential - Private, Non-residential - Public, Single Family, Vacant Land, and Other.

Type of Residency
typeOfResidency string

Primary function of residence such as Primary, Rental, Secondary, etc.

Actual Amount Paid
actualAmountPaid string

Amount paid to property owner (excluding management/administrative costs). Note, the Actual Amount Paid field may not reflect the amount actually paid by FEMA to mitigate the structure. Often the negotiated price, based on fair market value, will be offset by duplication of benefits prior to settlement. In addition, the actual amount paid may not include ancillary costs such as appraisals, closing cost or legal fees, asbestos assessment and abatement and/or demolition costs

Program FY
programFy integer

The fiscal year the disaster declaration date for disaster programs; the fiscal year from the Project Identifier for non-disaster programs (e.g., 2005 from PDMC-PJ-04-AL-2005-001)

Program Area
programArea string

Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant program areas such as FMA - Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program, HMGP - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, LPDM - Legislative Pre-disaster Mitigation grant program, PDM - Pre-disaster Mitigation grant program, RFC - Repetitive Flood Claims grant program, SRL - Severe Repetitive Loss grant program.

Number of Properties
numberOfProperties integer

Number of properties meeting this criteria.

Damage Category
damageCategory string

Amount of damage, expressed as a percentage, to a structure relative to the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. Note, N/A may mean that the information was not collected or that it does not apply to the project type or funding program


Name Path Type Description
id string

Unique ID assigned to the record.

region integer

Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the project.

State Number Code
stateNumberCode string

FIPS code corresponding to the State (e.g., 51 represents Virginia/VA) associated with the project

state string

Full name of the State (e.g., Virginia) associated with the project

County Code
countyCode string

FIPS code uniquely identifying the primary county (e.g., 011 represents Broward County) associated with the project. Note, projects can be associated with more than one county (see the Project Counties field) and are often reported as Statewide (e.g., 000 represents Statewide)

county string

Full name of the primary county (e.g., Broward) associated with the project. Note, projects can be associated with more than one county (see the Project Counties field) and are often reported as Statewide (e.g., 000 represents Statewide)

Program Area
programArea string

Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant program areas such as BRIC - Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grant program, FMA - Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program, HMGP - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, LPDM - Legislative Pre-disaster Mitigation grant program, PDM - Pre-disaster Mitigation grant program, RFC - Repetitive Flood Claims grant program, SRL - Severe Repetitive Loss grant program.

Project Identifier
projectIdentifier string

Single-value that uniquely identifies the project. Disaster-based projects use the convention of DR-disaster number-project number-suffix (e.g., DR-1761-0001-M) while non-disaster projects use the unique project number (e.g., FMA-PJ-10-WA-2017-006)

Project Type
projectType string

Project, or activity, type(s) for the project. When a project involves more than one type/activity, a semicolon-delimited list of types/activities is displayed

Project Counties
projectCounties string

County, or Counties, associated with the project. When a project involves more than one county, a semicolon-delimited list of counties is displayed

Number of Properties
numberOfProperties integer

Proposed number of properties to be mitigated by the project. Note, a zero values means the project does not apply mitigation directly to structures.

Number of Final Properties
numberOfFinalProperties integer

Actual number of properties mitigated by the project as provided by project closeout activities.

status string

Current status of the project. The following options for status are: Approved: Refers to HMGP projects that have been approved for award by FEMA and for which funds have been obligated Awarded: Refers to PDM and FMA projects from before FY2004 that have been approved for award by FEMA and for which funds have been obligated Obligated: Refers to PDM and FMA projects from FY2004 onward and FY19 BRIC projects that have been approved for award by FEMA and for which funds have been obligated Completed: Refers to FMA projects from FY2003 and earlier that were approved for award and fiscally reconciled at the end of the performance period Closed: Refers to all HMGP and PDM projects and FMA projects from FY2004 onward that were approved for award and fiscally reconciled at the end of the performance period. Void: Represents grants that were nullified. Pending: Represents grants that are still under review and do not have a final decision. Revision Requested: Represents grants that upon review, the reviewers requested additional information from the (sub)applicant before making the final decision. Withdrawn: Represents applications that have been withdrawn by the subapplicant for various reasons. Please note that there might be projects in these categories that do not meet these definitions.

subrecipient string

Name of the subrecipient (previously referred to as subrecipient) involved in the project.

Project Amount
projectAmount double

Total cost of the project as submitted in the project subapplication.

Initial Obligation Date
initialObligationDate string

Date when funds were initially obligated.

Initial Obligation Amount
initialObligationAmount double

Initial obligation amount.

Cost Share Percentage
costSharePercentage double

Proposed percentage of the project cost to be covered by FEMA.

Federal Share Obligated
federalShareObligated double

Federal share obligated for eligible project activities. For HMGP this field does not include Admin Costs or Management Costs obligated with the project.

Program FY
programFy integer

The fiscal year the disaster declaration date for disaster programs; the fiscal year from the Project Identifier for non-disaster programs (e.g., 2005 from PDMC-PJ-04-AL-2005-001)

Date Initially Approved
dateInitiallyApproved string

Date the project was initially approved by FEMA. For HMGP projects, this date is based on the Regional Directors signature date for the first amendment that was approved.

Date Approved
dateApproved string

Date the project was approved by FEMA. For HMGP projects, this date is based on the Regional Directors signature date for the latest amendment that was approved.

Date Closed
dateClosed string

Date the project was closed by FEMA.

Recipient Tribal Indicator
recipientTribalIndicator string

Indicates if the recipient (or formally referred to as grantee) is Tribal.

recipient string

Name of the recipient (previously referred to as grantee) to which the grant is awarded. The recipient is accountable for the use of the funds provided by FEMA and is responsible for disbursing those funds to the subrecipient

Disaster Number
disasterNumber integer

Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. Note, some older non-disaster projects will report a disaster number due to the system of record used at the time. For more information on the disaster process, please visit

Benefit Cost Ratio
benefitCostRatio double

The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) is a numerical expression of the cost-effectiveness of a project. The BCR is derived from a project's total net benefits divided by its total project cost. Composite BCRs of 1.0 or greater have more benefits than costs, and are therefore cost-effective.

Net Value Benefits
netValueBenefits double

Net present value of benefits from the Benefit-Cost Analysis that represents the amount of benefits that will occur for the life of the project.

Subrecipient Tribal Indicator
subrecipientTribalIndicator string

Indicates if the subrecipient (previously referred to as subgrantee) is Tribal.

Data Source
dataSource string

Indicates which source system provided the data (e.g., eGrants, FMA, HMGP, HMGP-Historical)

Subrecipient Admin Cost Amount
subrecipientAdminCostAmt integer

Amount obligated for eligible subrecipient administrative activities (previously referred to as Federal Share Subgrantee Admin Amount). Subrecipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters prior to November 13, 2007.

Recipient Admin Cost Amount
recipientAdminCostAmt double

Amount obligated for eligible recipient (previously referred to Grantee Administrative Activities). Recipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters prior to November 13, 2007

SRMC Obligated Amount
srmcObligatedAmt double

Amount obligated for eligible subrecipient management costs activities. Subrecipient Management Costs only apply to disasters declared on or after August 1, 2017.


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
DataSetFields array of v1-DataSetFields


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
DataSets array of v1-DataSets


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
DeclarationDenials array of v1-DeclarationDenials


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
FemaWebDeclarationAreas array of v1-FemaWebDeclarationAreas


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
FemaWebDisasterDeclarations array of v1-FemaWebDisasterDeclarations


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
FemaWebDisasterSummaries array of v1-FemaWebDisasterSummaries


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HazardMitigationAssistanceProjectsFinancialTransactions array of v1-HazardMitigationAssistanceProjectsFinancialTransactions


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HazardMitigationPlanStatuses array of v1-HazardMitigationPlanStatuses


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HmaSubapplicationsByNfipCrsCommunities array of v1-HmaSubapplicationsByNfipCrsCommunities


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HmaSubapplicationsFinancialTransactions array of v1-HmaSubapplicationsFinancialTransactions


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HmaSubapplicationsProjectSiteInventories array of v1-HmaSubapplicationsProjectSiteInventories


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
IndividualAssistanceHousingRegistrantsLargeDisasters array of v1-IndividualAssistanceHousingRegistrantsLargeDisasters


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
IndividualsAndHouseholdsProgramValidRegistrations array of v1-IndividualsAndHouseholdsProgramValidRegistrations


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
IpawsArchivedAlerts array of v1-IpawsArchivedAlerts


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
NfipCommunityLayerComprehensive array of v1-NfipCommunityLayerComprehensive


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
NfipCommunityLayerNoOverlapsSplit array of v1-NfipCommunityLayerNoOverlapsSplit


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
NfipCommunityLayerNoOverlapsWhole array of v1-NfipCommunityLayerNoOverlapsWhole


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
NfipCommunityStatusBook array of v1-NfipCommunityStatusBook


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
NfipMultipleLossProperties array of v1-NfipMultipleLossProperties


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
NfipResidentialPenetrationRates array of v1-NfipResidentialPenetrationRates


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
NonDisasterAssistanceFirefighterGrants array of v1-NonDisasterAssistanceFirefighterGrants


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
PublicAssistanceApplicants array of v1-PublicAssistanceApplicants


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
PublicAssistanceApplicantsProgramDeliveries array of v1-PublicAssistanceApplicantsProgramDeliveries


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
PublicAssistanceFundedProjectsDetails array of v1-PublicAssistanceFundedProjectsDetails


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
PublicAssistanceFundedProjectsSummaries array of v1-PublicAssistanceFundedProjectsSummaries


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
DisasterDeclarationsSummaries array of v2-DisasterDeclarationsSummaries


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
EmergencyManagementPerformanceGrants array of v2-EmergencyManagementPerformanceGrants


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
FemaRegions array of v2-FemaRegions


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
FimaNfipClaims array of v2-FimaNfipClaims


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
FimaNfipPolicies array of v2-FimaNfipPolicies


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HazardMitigationAssistanceProjectsByNfipCrsCommunities array of v2-HazardMitigationAssistanceProjectsByNfipCrsCommunities


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HazardMitigationGrantProgramDisasterSummaries array of v2-HazardMitigationGrantProgramDisasterSummaries


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HmaSubapplications array of v2-HmaSubapplications


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HousingAssistanceOwners array of v2-HousingAssistanceOwners


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HousingAssistanceRenters array of v2-HousingAssistanceRenters


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
MissionAssignments array of v2-MissionAssignments


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
PublicAssistanceGrantAwardActivities array of v2-PublicAssistanceGrantAwardActivities


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
RegistrationIntakeIndividualsHouseholdPrograms array of v2-RegistrationIntakeIndividualsHouseholdPrograms


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HazardMitigationAssistanceMitigatedProperties array of v4-HazardMitigationAssistanceMitigatedProperties


Name Path Type Description
metadata metadata
HazardMitigationAssistanceProjects array of v4-HazardMitigationAssistanceProjects