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How to file a bug?

As you are filing a bug report, there are a few things you should be aware of:

  • If you discovered a security issue, please report directly to
  • Please review the SDK and other documentation at to make sure what you are experiencing is a bug.
  • To see if the bug has already been reported, or if there is a solution, search the Microsoft Knowledge base. Pick the relevant product from the drop-down, e.g. Pocket PC, Windows CE, Smartphone.

Once you are ready to file, Stephen posted a great template that you can use. Filling out this info would make your bug report a lot more usable.

Please remember: You post will go on the blog, and thus be viewable to the whole world. Please make sure that the information you send in your post or any supporting files do not contain anything you would rather keep private. :-)

Thank you for helping us make Windows Mobile better!!


[Author: Samim Erdogan]


  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2004
    I'd like to add two things to Samim's post...

    1) We file all reported bugs in our database but do not have the infrastructure or bandwidth to follow up on an individual basis about what happens to the bug once it is filed.

    2) Another great place to post bug reports is the associated newsgroup on news:// When you post to the newsgroup, we see it and so do tons of other users who are likely to chime in with a "me too!" vote or tips for working around the problem.
  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2004
    If you'd rather not report the issue by replying to a blog entry, you can also use the "Contact" link on the left pane to submit the report (or any other random commentary you'd like to send!)
  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2004

    I went through the sample sql server northwind db code. In ADOCE, the following interface is available.


    I am not able to understand how to move the recordset in OLEDB. Please explain how to move recordset Last,Previous,First and Next like in ADOCE using OLEDB API's.

    Is the same interface available in OLEDB?

    Please suggest me.


  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2005
    It was hard to find the link so above it is (my URL).

    I've discovered 2-3 bugs in the first week of use but nevertheless I'm quite pleased with my Windows phone.

    I'm curious how (if at all) Windows OS for Smartphones can be updated...
  • Anonymous
    June 30, 2009
    Title:   Internet Explorer Mobile does not open localhost web server Environment:   Windows Mobile 6.1 device and 6.1.4 Emulator images CE5.2.19581 (build 19581.1.1.1) Intermec CN3/CN4 and Emulator tested [Repro]
  1.  Boot device
  2.  Install any CE web server app, I did test SAP Mobile Infrastructur (MI) (CrEme) installation
  3.  Start Internet Explorer Mobile, if it is not launched automatically after soft reboot
  4. IEM will try to make a connection (Connection Manager bubbles popup) for localhost! Finally is unable to open localhost web page [Results] IEM is trying connection manager to make a connection to localhost or [Expect] With Access Netfront for Windows Mobile localhost/ opens fine. [Notes] Here is my post at SAP developer network forum: ... I then started a test scenario with Mobile Device Emulator and a Mobile 6.1 Prof. Image. Dont care about that, it is just a standard Windows Mobile device running on an emulated ARM processor. First I installed CrEme327c_AX_CE42_PPC_minimal.CAB and then MAP70_WinCESetupTomcat_Tomcat.CAB. Then I did a warmboot (soft reset) and was presented with a dialog saying that MI will be started by CrEme. At the end Pocket Internet explorer opened up with "http://localhost:4444/me/servlet/"">http://localhost:4444/me/servlet/" but unfortunately with an html error page: "You are not authorized to view that page" I then changed localhost to and got a different error. The Windows Mobile Connection Manager states "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settings: Settings" and Pocket Internet Explorer shows the html error page 'Action Canceled'. What I am doing wrong? I then tested the adress http://localhost:4444/me/servlet/ in Access Netfront, an alternative Web browser for Windows Mobile. With Netfront 3.5 the Login Page shows as awaited. There is something really wrong with the startup adress and PIE.