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Dan's WebDAV 101

This blog covers Messaging API development for Exchange and Outlook. My name is Daniel Bagley, I'm on the Messaging Developer Team.

Howto: WebDAV GET using VBScript

'The example below demonstrates how to do a WebDAV GET.' GET works against items and attachments....

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/12/2008

Howto: WebDAV DELETE using VBScript

'The example below demonstrates how to do a WebDAV PROPPATCH.' DELETE works against folders and...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/12/2008

Howto: WebDAV PROPPATCH using VBScript

'The example below demonstrates how to do a WebDAV PROPPATCH.'The sample changes the subject of one...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/12/2008

Howto: WebDAV PROPFIND using VBScript

'The example below demonstrates how to do a WebDAV PROPFIND. Note: PROPFINDs are non-conditional....

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/12/2008

Howto: WebDAV SEARCH with range headers using VBScript

'The example below demonstrates how to do a WebDAV SEARCH with range headers. Public Function...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/12/2008

Howto: WebDAV SEARCH using VBScript

'The example below demonstrates how to do a WebDAV SEARCH dim strExchangeURL dim strApptStartDate...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/12/2008

Howto: Verify Symbols with symchk

Prior to taking a dump on a program, you should be sure that there are matching symbols for the...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/07/2008

Howto: Get the MIME of an item from a mailbox.

This VBSript sample uses WebDAV to read the mime of a message item and write it to disk. dim...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 02/26/2008

CDO 1.21 and Unicode Text (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc)

CDO 1.21 and Unicode Text (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc) Having issues using CDO 1.21 with...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 02/14/2008

Handling results of calling Powershell - Multivalued and string arrays.

When calling PowerShell from managed code, you need to be aware of what is being returned and to not...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 02/08/2008

SmtpMail.SmtpServer.Insert(0, "") causes 0x80040220 to be thrown.

Email was being sent using SmtpMail from System.Web.Mail. The code worked on the older 2000 server,...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 02/01/2008

Setting MeetingStatus to CdoNonMeeting using CDO will cause the AllDay flag to not be set on an occurance in Outlook.

If you use CDO 1.21 to set the MeetingStatus to CdoNonMeeting for a single occurance of an all day...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 02/01/2008

HOWTO: Attatch .ics, .mht files with CDOSYS/System.Web.Mail

Note: By setting the ContentMediaType property of the attatchment body part object to "text/html",...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 02/01/2008

How WebDAV - Use Basic Authentication with WebDAV even when FBA is enabled.

Some customers (developers) wish to use Basic Authentication when Forms Based Authentication (FBA)...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 02/01/2008

How to access or change OWA settings for Exchange 2007/2003/2000?

There is no supported way of changing OWA settings using WebDAV for Exchange 2007. Under Exchange...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 01/31/2008

Is it possible to verify the password or decrypt of a the password of a PST file?

There is no API which allows the specification of a PST password for verification or logging-in. The...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 01/31/2008

Want to get creator, lastmodifier, and other security info for an item in an event sink?

Want to get creator, lastmodifier, and other security info for an item in an event sink? You can...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 01/31/2008

Setting timezone options with CDO 1.21.

CDO 1.21 Timezone information is stored in a a property inside of the user's mailbox and is CDO 1.21...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 01/31/2008

Important developer changes for Exchange 2007 SP1

RTM Exchange 2007 gives you WebSevices and PowerShell. The link below covers this. Technical...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 01/31/2008

HOWTO CDOEX C#: How to extract VCalendar stream from an appointment.

' TODO:' Create a C# Winform app' Reference to Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Server Library (COM)...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

HOWTO: CDO 1.21/VBS - Get Free/Busy information

'-----------------------------------------------------------' getfbCDO121.vbs - Get Free/Busy...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

HOWTO: CDO 1.21/VB Expand a Distribution List

'HOWTO: CDO 1.21/VB Expand a Distribution List ' TODO: Create a new VB Project' TODO: Set a...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

HOWTO: VB/CDO 1.21 - Delete inbox message attachments over certain size

Here is an example: 'How to read the Inbox messages and delete attachments over a given size using...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

HOWTO: Use PS_INTERNET_HEADERS with cdo 1.21 for custom properties

How to use PS_INTERNET_HEADERS with CDO 1.21 for custom properties. 'This example uses...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

HOWTO: VB/OOM - Display a message using Store ID and item ID

How to display a message in an outlook window using the store id and item id using OOM. CDO 1.21...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

EWS DaysOfWeek cannot be set to enumerated days.

If your trying to set the DaysOfWeek for a WeeklyRecurrencePatternType and find that you cannot set...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

EWS - Csharp - List unread inbox messages using a restriction

// C# sample using Exchange Web Service Proxy classes to list unread messages in an inbox using a...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

HOWTO: csharp - powershell - call get-clusteredmailboxserverstatus with managed code.

// HOWTO: csharp - powershell - call get-clusteredmailboxserverstatus with managed code.// Sample...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

HOWTO: csharp - Exchange powershell - call get-StorageGroupCopyStatus with managed code.

This sample is good for both calling and for using with calling other commandlets and seeing what is...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

HOWTO: CDONTS/VBS Send an Email with an attachment

Here is a sample for sending mail using CDONTS... Please note that CDONTS is not supported on...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/29/2007

How to use PS_INTERNET_HEADERS with cdo 1.21 for custom properties.

'This example uses PS_INTERNET_HEADERS for setting a custom property const smbx="mymailbox" ' TODO:...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/04/2007

Howto: Get Free/Busy information using CDO 1.21 and vbs

Below is a sample: '-----------------------------------------------------------' getfbCDO121.vbs -...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/04/2007

How to read the Inbox messages and delete attachments over a given size using VB and CDO 1.21

Below is a sample: Here is an example: ' This example deletes all jpg file attachments over a...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/04/2007

HOWTO: VB6/CDO 1.21 - expand a distribution list

Below is a sample: ' TODO: Create a new VB Project' TODO: Set a reference to CDO 1.21' TODO: Add a...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/04/2007

How to read free/busy information using CDOEX and VBS?

Below is a .VBS sample... please note that this needs to run from the Exchange server....

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/04/2007

Looking for a way to save a .msg file or load a .msg file?

Outlook Object Model (OOM) can do this easily. Below is a sample: howto - save and load a message to...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/04/2007

Using ISAPI Extensions to change-out OWA Credential is not supported

Single sign-on applications usually use an ISAPI Extension on Exchange servers in order to swap-out...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/04/2007

Why can't I do a deep traversal search wtih WebDAV???

Why can't I do a deep traversal search wtih WebDAV??? Ok, first review the following article......

Author: Webdav101 Date: 04/12/2007

How to add a holiday to a calendar using VB and CDO 1.21.

' How to add a holiday to a calendar using VB and CDO 1.21.'' This example code shows how to add a...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 04/12/2007

Tools for Diagnosing Problems with Messaging Software

There are many tools which are useful for diagnosing problems with Messaging APIs. Attached, you...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 06/30/2006

Welcome to WebDAV 101

Welcome to WebDAV 101. Here you will find information on WebDAV and other Messaging APIS which you...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 06/30/2006
