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Ward Pond's SQL Server blog

Ruminating on issues pertinent to the design and development of sound databases and processes under Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2000 (while reserving the right to vent about anything else that's on my mind)

Database Programming: Something Simple That, LIKE, ESCAPEd Me Until Now

There's no rocket science in this post, just a neat little piece of syntax which has been around for...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/04/2006

DWWTWT?: October 4

This is a tough day to score. I started out on a "long walking commute," but I needed to spend a few...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/04/2006

DWWTWT?: October 3

Tuesday brought about a "long walking commute": Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 55 Drove: 14 Did Not...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/03/2006

Welcome To My Bloo! I'm Afraid I Must Be Going For Awhile..

UPDATE: Please note that the issue discussed below pertains only to web-based page views, not RSS or...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/03/2006

DWWTWT?: October 2

October begins with the temperatures in the fifties and a "long walking commute": Telecommuted: 4...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/02/2006

DWWTWT?: September 29

As predicted yesterday, September ended on a telecommuting note: Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 53 Drove:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/29/2006

DWWTWT?: September 28

Yet another near-80-degree day; who could pass up a "long walking commute" on a day like this?...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/28/2006

DWWTWT?: September 27

Another near-80-degree day, another "long walking commute" this morning: Telecommuted: 3 Walked: 52...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/27/2006

DWWTWT?: September 26

Yesterday, I said It's supposed to be sunny and in the 70s all week 70s? Try 80s! In Seattle in...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/26/2006

Technical News: Windows Vista September EDW Now Available

I spent my lunch hour today upgrading my laptop from Windows Vista RC1 to the latest EDW (External...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/26/2006

DWWTWT?: September 25

On Friday, I said With any luck, we'll break 50 on Monday Well, it's Monday and I'm feeling lucky:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/25/2006

Database Programming: Closing The Door On The "Discredited" Prime Number Tangent

This post will close the loop on the "discredited" prime number syntax tangent, the code for which...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/25/2006

Database Programming: Sunday Night Prime Number Update

Our blogging site is going to go dark in an hour or so for a software upgrade, so I won't be able to...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/24/2006

DWWTWT?: September 22

The week ended with a "long walking commute": Telecommuted: 3 Walked: 49 Drove: 14 Did Not Compete:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/22/2006

DWWTWT?: September 21

Today was the annual Microsoft Company Meeting at Safeco Field in downtown Seattle. This, combined...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/22/2006

Database Programming: Set-Based Update -- Hugo's Syntax Outperforms Shaun's; Ward Tweaks Hugo's Syntax Even Further

This is turning into a good old-fashioned coding party. I love it.. Hugo Kornelis left a wonderful...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/21/2006

DWWTWT?: September 20

Despite a light drizzle this morning, I braved the elements: Telecommuted: 3 Walked: 48 Drove: 13...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/21/2006

Database Programming: Game, Set, Match -- Why Writing Code In Transact-SQL Is Different Than Writing In A Compiled Language

More tidbits from an internal discussion.. it'll take us awhile to get to the answer to the titular...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/20/2006

Welcome Back, Peter Gammons!

I haven't subjected you to a baseball post in awhile. Don't worry, I'll be brief.. I can't let the...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/19/2006

DWWTWT?: September 19

There was a great deal going on today that didn't have much to do with work. I had to give my...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/19/2006

Made In Express Contest Winners Announced!

Yes, the winners are in! The Made In Express contest has announced its Grand Prize, First Prize, and...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/19/2006

DWWTWT?: September 18

Our freakishly dry summer is definitely a distant memory now. It was raining hard enough this...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/18/2006

DWWTWT?: September 15

Autumn continues to make itself felt in Western Washington, but not with sufficient vigor to...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/16/2006

DWWTWT?: September 14

The meteorologists were right yesterday, as this morning's options presented a new benchmark in the...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/14/2006

DWWTWT?: September 13

There was definitely a touch of fall in the air this morning; a light mist was falling and it was a...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/13/2006

DWWTWT?: September 12

A brisk, sunny morning combined with my grandson's continuing desire to walk to school by himself...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/12/2006

Database Programming: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About JOIN Semantics, But Were Afraid To Ask

Every once in awhile, I get an opportunity to look around for new and interesting things to read....

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/12/2006

Five Years On

As a wide-eyed boy from Long Island, I watched them go up. As a jaded middle-aged man a continent...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/11/2006

DWWTWT?: September 11

I think my grandson has dumped me. Last Friday, we were running through our morning routine and we...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/11/2006

Database Programming: Sergey Offers Another FOR XML EXPLICIT Syntax For Steve

If you've worked with databases long enough, you develop a set of truisms that you carry around in...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/11/2006

Database Programming: Buliding a FOR XML PATH Statement Containing Both an Element Value and an Attribute Associated With The Element

On Friday afternoon, I shared an answer to Steve's question seeking a FOR XML EXPLICIT query to...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/11/2006

Database Programming: Buliding a FOR XML EXPLICIT Statement Containing Both an Element Value and an Attribute Associated With The Element

Well, the title of this post is so long, I almost don't need to reconstruct Steve's question, but...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/08/2006

DWWTWT?: September 8

The week ends as it began, with a walk down 156th Avenue NE: Telecommuted: 3 Walked: 41 Drove: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/08/2006

DWWTWT?: September 7

There's nothing like a fifty minute walk to start the day off correctly: Telecommuted: 3 Walked: 40...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/07/2006

DWWTWT?: September 6

The second day of my newly extended walk to work went as smoothly as yesterday's debut:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/06/2006

DWWTWT?: September 5

The work week and the school year both started today, which means I now walk my grandson to school...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/05/2006

Windows Vista RC1 Has Arrived!

Last week I mentioned that I'd installed Beta 2 of Windows Vista on my new laptop. Well, last Friday...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/04/2006

DWWTWT?: September 4

Today is the Labor Day holiday in the US; we spent it running last minute errands to get the boys...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/04/2006

DWWTWT?: September 1

The new month begins and the week ends with another invigorating stroll up 156th Avenue NE:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/01/2006

Made In Express Contest Voting Closes Tonight

I last blogged on this contest a couple of weeks ago, as well as in March and in June. The community...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/01/2006

Data Warehousing: A Open Note To Cousin Tom

Dear Tom, It's been almost three weeks since you wrote. I've been real busy with work and summer and...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 08/31/2006

DWWTWT?: August 31

The month ends with the automobiles left in the driveway: Telecommuted: 3 Walked: 36 Drove: 12 Did...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 08/31/2006

DWWTWT?: August 30

Well, it was a bit of a perfect storm this morning. No, I'm not referring to the light drizzle that...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 08/30/2006

DWWTWT?: August 29

Despite a light mist falling this morning (I believe this was our first precipitation on a work day...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 08/29/2006

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