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Ward Pond's SQL Server blog

Ruminating on issues pertinent to the design and development of sound databases and processes under Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2000 (while reserving the right to vent about anything else that's on my mind)

DWWTWT?: December 29

I'm going "public" with this post, since it summarizes my commuting results for the year. The last...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/29/2006

DWWTWT?: December 28

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/28/2006

DWWTWT?: December 27

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/27/2006

DWWTWT?: December 26

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/26/2006

DWWTWT?: December 25

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/25/2006

DWWTWT?: December 22

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/22/2006

DWWTWT?: December 21

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/21/2006

DWWTWT?: December 20

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/20/2006

DWWTWT?: December 19

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/19/2006

DWWTWT?: December 18

Home for the holidays, and thus non-competitive.. Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 77 Walked to the Bus: 12...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/18/2006

DWWTWT?: December 14

I can once again report that today I executed a "short walking commute" through a light rain:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/15/2006

DWWTWT?: December 13

I can essentially rerun yesterday's post unedited; despite plans after work, today I executed a...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/14/2006

Database Programming: Data Dude Has RTMed!

I'm a couple of days late on this, and Gert's got all the details, but Data Dude v1.0 is here! The...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/13/2006

DWWTWT?: December 12

Despite plans after work, today I executed a "short walking commute" through a light rain:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/13/2006

DWWTWT?: December 11

This morning was blustery and rainy, I had an appointment at lunch with my lovely wife, and an early...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/12/2006

A Day That Will Live In Infamy

Today is the 65th anniversary of the surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, the event which ushered the...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/08/2006

DWWTWT?: December 6

Today once again brought about a "short walking commute": Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 74 Walked to the...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/06/2006

DWWTWT?: December 5

Today brought about a "short walking commute": Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 73 Walked to the Bus: 10...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/05/2006

DWWTWT?: December 4

Today saw my first "long walking commute" in two weeks, a fine way to commemorate my Dad's 82nd...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/04/2006

Happy Birthday, Dad!

My father is celebrating a birthday today.. Happy birthday, Dad, from three generations of your...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/04/2006

Strange Bedfellows? Branson Offers Hawking A Boost

Stephen Hawking wants to go to space. Via Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson wants to help. Read this....

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/01/2006

Research Begets Enlightenment: The SSMA Downloads

This time, it was me asking the question, on behalf of one of my classmates in BI training this...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/29/2006

DWWTWT?: November 24

Today is the day after Thanksgiving, also known as "Black Friday", because it's the day that...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/24/2006

DWWTWT?: November 23

Today is the Thanksgiving holiday, an important opportunity to reflect on the generous bounty of our...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/23/2006

DWWTWT?: November 22

I'm relaxing on the day before the Thanksgiving holiday. No work means no commute: Telecommuted: 4...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/22/2006

Home For The Holidaze..

After over a month of working pretty ridiculous hours, I'm going to take the rest of the week away...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/22/2006

Database Programming: A Decrypter For Omni

This post will conclude (for me and for now, at least) a discussion begun here and continued here...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/22/2006

DWWTWT?: November 21

A very short work week ended with a "short walking commute": Telecommuted: 4 Walked: 71 Walked to...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/21/2006

Database Programming: (Almost) A Decrypter For Omni..

Omnibuzz saw my comment (I left another one over the weekend and it showed up right away; I wonder...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/21/2006

DWWTWT?: November 20

A very short work week got off to a fine start -- my first "long walking commute" in almost a month,...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/20/2006

DWWTWT?: November 17

Yesterday I asked: Can I go 5-for-5 for my week in downtown Seattle? I've got a ticket to a hockey...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/17/2006

Living The American Dream

Just a quick note that as of 5:06pm yesterday, Gale and I closed on our house. Rumor has it we are...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/17/2006

SQL PASS 2006, Day 5

The SQL PASS 2006 Community Summit wraps up this afternoon. The entire conference has run very...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/17/2006

DWWTWT?: November 16

In attempting to assess this morning's possibilities, yesterday I said: [I]f anything goes wrong in...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/16/2006

SQL PASS 2006, Day 4

Another day at the SQL PASS 2006 Community Summit, and my education continues on more axes than I...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/16/2006

DWWTWT?: November 15

The commuting challenges and obligations were the same today as they've been all week, only today I...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/15/2006

SQL PASS 2006: Breakfast Panel Venue Change

From a personal perspective, I somewhat "buried the lead" in my last post, so here it is again in a...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/15/2006

SQL PASS 2006, Day 3

Networking, I'm user friendlyNetworking, I install with easeData processed, truly BASICI will upload...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/15/2006

DWWTWT? November 14

Today's commuting obligation and alternatives were the same as yesterday: to get to downtown Seattle...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/14/2006

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