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IT Camps 11-12th March London

IT camps are back we have our next one in our London Victoria on 11th & 12th March. If you haven’t been to one of these then here’s what you need to know.. They are live, technical and loosely structured. By live I mean that we build stuff in front of you like in one of those cookery shows except we have servers not saucepans. They are technical because we will be showing how stuff works as far we can in a day. The loose structure is a recognition that while the day has a technical focus we have designed camps to be interactive and we will ask you to engage and determine what you would like to see throughout the day.

The first session, Managing the Datacenter, is on 11th March. You’ll find out what’s possible with System Center 2012R2, with an emphasis on Virtual Machine Manager and how Operations Manager, Service Manager and Orchestrator come together to turn a collection of VM's into a software defined datacentre.

The second session, Journey to the Cloud, is on 12th March. The focus shifts to Azure and how to manage and integrate it with your data centre with System Centre. This is being run by my good friend Steve “Planky” Plank who will get you up and flying with Windows Azure in no time!

Whichever camp you got we have a full hosted lab setup and we will give you time out in the day to get hands on for as long as you want, and some of these labs are also available on TechNet labs to do after the day so the choice again is yours.

Places are limited so in order to be respectful to others if you can’t make please let us know so we can invite others on our wait list. 

Register for the Managing the Datacenter camp on Tuesday 11th March.

Register for the Journey to the Cloud camp on Wednesday 12th March.