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How and where to download Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials as a Microsoft partner

As originally posted by Microsoft’s Eric Ligman:


“With the announcement of availability of Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials, I am providing the latest official update for Microsoft Partners on how and where they can download and install both Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials as a Microsoft partner. This post is the latest information and is an update to information provided in my earlier How and where to download Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 as a Microsoft partner and Updated: How and where to download Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 as a Microsoft partner posts.

Current Status: At this time, Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials software bits and keys are not currently available for download through the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal. We are actively working to resolve this and once all regional certification compliance processes have been completed, this will be resolved—estimated availability is second quarter of calendar year 2011.

Access to the software: Although Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials are not available through the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal, Microsoft partners with a silver competency, gold competency, Action Pack Solution Provider subscription, or Action Pack Design and Development subscription are licensed to use these products for internal use rights as defined in your License Summary*. Below are the steps that the Microsoft partners listed above that wish to use either or both Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials should take to obtain the software for your internal use.

NOTE: By obtaining the bits for Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials through the following methods, you will have the final RTM (released to manufacturing) bits of the products. None of these methods provides you with “limited-functionality” versions of the products.

If you are a Microsoft partner with a gold competency or silver competency:

  • Download the Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials bits from the TechNet or MSDN site that you receive access to as a benefit of your Microsoft Partner Network Membership.
  • Please note: product keys distributed through the MSDN and TechNet are single activation keys. As a Microsoft partner, you can obtain your Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key from the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal as soon as available (See “Current Status” above). Partners may use any combination of methods and keys acquired through Microsoft programs to activate machines as long as the systems are properly licensed and appropriate use rights are applied.

If you are a Microsoft partner with an Action Pack Solution Provider subscription:

  • You should download the Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials bits from the TechNet site that you receive access to as a benefit of your Microsoft Action Pack Solution Provider subscription.
  • Please note: product keys distributed through the TechNet are single activation keys. As a Microsoft partner, you can obtain your Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key from the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal as soon as available (See “Current Status” above). Partners may use any combination of methods and keys acquired through Microsoft programs to activate machines as long as the systems are properly licensed and appropriate use rights are applied.

If you are a Microsoft partner with an Action Pack Development and Design subscription:

  • For Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard:
    • You should download the Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard bits from HERE.
    • This is a 30 day evaluation copy and no product key is required. (Although it is a 30 day evaluation copy, as stated in the “NOTE” above, these bits are final version, fully-functional bits of Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard, not a limited functionality version.)
    • While the evaluation period is 30 days, it can be rearmed twice, meaning you can actually use it for up to a 90 day time period before requiring your MAK key.
    • As a Microsoft partner, you can obtain your Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key from the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal as soon as available (See “Current Status” above) and convert your trial into a full production copy (no expiration date).
    • If by April 15th we are unable to resolve all regional certification compliance processes required to allow us to provide the Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard bits and keys on the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal, partners with Action Pack Development and Design subscriptions whose evaluation periods are approaching expiration can contact their Microsoft Regional Service Center for assistance in obtaining keys needed to convert the bits to remove the expiration date.
  • For Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials:
    • You should download the Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials bits from HERE
    • This is a 30 day evaluation copy and no product key is required. (Although it is a 30 day evaluation copy, as stated in the “NOTE” above, these bits are final version, fully-functional bits of Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials, not a limited functionality version.)
    • While the evaluation period is 30 days, it can be rearmed twice, meaning you can actually use it for up to a 90 day time period before requiring your MAK key.
    • As a Microsoft partner, you can obtain your Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key from the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal as soon as available (See “Current Status” above) and convert your trial into a full production copy (no expiration date).
    • If by June 1st we are unable to resolve all regional certification compliance processes required to allow us to provide the Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials bits and keys on the Microsoft partner digital distribution portal, partners with Action Pack Development and Design subscriptions whose evaluation periods are approaching expiration can contact their Microsoft Regional Service Center for assistance in obtaining keys needed to convert the bits to remove the expiration date.

NOTICE FOR PARTNERS IN CHINA: Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials are not currently available in China and the software cannot be provided to any partners in China. We are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

As I mentioned above, we are working to resolve the current situation as soon as possible, and will make the download and keys available on the digital distribution site as soon as we can. We realize this is not the ideal situation but we are committed to make sure you have access to and know how you can obtain the bits for Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials for your internal use. As such, please utilize the steps above, if you haven’t already, to get your bits of Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials to use under your license entitlement*.

* = The License Summary page is scheduled to be updated to include Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Essentials around 7 PM Pacific Time on April 6th)”

Originally posted here:
