How To Run A Soccer Team Site?
I have a problem.
My girlfriend has started playing soccer in a womens' (always unsure where that apostrophe belongs) soccer team. I was pointed to as someone that could make them a website. While I probably could, I'm looking for some kind of off-the-shelf solution, so that a) I don't have to host it on my pitiful 16k upstream pipe and b) I don't have to write, beautify and support it.
If the team were a work thing, I'd have no problem - Sharepoint does pretty much everything I want to neatly, has easy setup, etc. But it's not a work thing, and I don't think Sharepoint does Passport, and doesn't have an account request capability built in (meaning I'd have to ask people to email someone (like me) to ask for a user account, which would then need to be created, and so on), but still has the best content prospects available, so I might invest some time in looking into a more automated account provisioning system.
So here's what I'm looking for - does anyone have a particular favourite that can do this?
- Anonymously browsable All-In-One Portal Page: Next X events, last match reports/announcements.
- Event calendar for matches and social occasions.
- Match reports/Announcements (a blog where anyone can author/edit).
- Pictures! (how could I forget?)
- Must Be Able To Survive Without Me (eg, knowledgable user gets hit by bus must not be game over) (added after Mykre's comment, the original seemed to get lost somewhere in cache land).
- Some sort of team bio pages with contact details (with Authentication of some description; if personal information is going to be published, some level of authentication should be required).
- Web-based discussion
- Calendar integration with Outlook (OK, that's really just for me...) :)
- Modem friendly
- Automated / third-party account signup/validation
Any suggestions?
Yours prostratedly,
- Anonymous
May 07, 2005
why not give DotNetNuke a go? it is pretty good and you could make it do what you want. - Anonymous
May 07, 2005
Why not use Windows SharePoint Services which is free and can easily be customised?
Don't think passport would work but you can just create user accounts...
Or even better - contact the internal MS team that run officeisp and get and then you can create your own user accounts and its already hosted in a lovely datacentre somewhere...
Angus - - Anonymous
May 07, 2005
Daz - DNN I haven't tried, but I'll take a look.
Angus - I should have added, I'd like a site where I don't need to create user accounts as such, and Sharepoint is fairly limited in its user access request capabilities - I'd have to set up and manage a "request an account" process, that it doesn't do for me.
A user creating their own account and asking for access is fine, but SP doesn't do that - anonymous users have no way of requesting an account. - Anonymous
May 07, 2005
I've looked at MSN Groups and Yahoo Groups, both of which come close but don't quite work for me.
NineMSN Groups has a half page of ads on the entry page, and I couldn't get the calendar to work at all with a non-Hotmail Passport.
Yahoo Groups isn't bad, but doesn't let me configure the UI quite how I want it.
Neither seem to let me do the portal thing on one page (at least, not so far). I'll try DotNetNuke sometime soon - any others? - Anonymous
May 08, 2005
Have a look at the club website starter kit here, - Anonymous
May 09, 2005
Thanks Mykre, that only looks just about perfect, I'll try it at home.
It might violate the "must be able to live on without me" clause, but we'll see.
Appreciate the pointer! - Anonymous
May 09, 2005
Hmp, starter kit didn't want to work with my version of Visual Studio (2005 beta 2 on x64).
Might manually extract it and take a look inside anyway. - Anonymous
May 09, 2005
DotNetNuke may be your best bet if you want something that can live without you. Of course you'd probably have to develop your own plugins to get what you want (or you may be lucky and someone beat you to it). DNN was developed from the ISpy Portal starter, so you're getting a starter kit + actual real world code you can use. Those starter kits are just enough to wet your whistle but never enough to use as-is without a ton of modifications to actually make something decent. I suppose that's the idea of a "starter" but I guess some people are looking for a "finisher kit" and aren't finding anything. Then again it's like someone doing your work for you and you only get that with open source (to a degree. They do THEIR work for you and if you happen to like it, kudos)