MCP Workshops
"Lisensguru" Jelle Kooi kommer til Norge. Jelle var med på å utvikle og tilpasse dagens MCP eksamener til også å inkludere oss fra Europa. Benytt anledningen til å bli med på en eller flere av workshop-ene som tilbys våren 2011! Kanskje det er noen andre hos dere som også bør delta? Send gjerne invitasjonen videre!! 070-671 og 070-672 har en felles første dag med påfølgende separate dager. 070-673 kjøres over en dag. Meld deg på alle dagene som er aktuelt for deg. Kursene koster 990 NOK per dag. Melder du deg på alle fire dagene er prisen 2500 NOK Målgruppe 671: Licensing specialists, sales consultants, account managers and (inside) sales representatives working for Microsoft and Microsoft channel partners. Målgruppe: 672: Licensing specialists, sales consultants, account managers and (inside) sales representatives working for Microsoft and Microsoft channel partners that focus on organizations with 250+ PCs. Målgruppe: 673: Licensing specialists, consultants, project managers, analysts and other specialists who work for Microsoft® or Microsoft channel partners that offer Software Asset Management services. Beskrivelse 671 og 672: This training prepares you for the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exam 070-671 "Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium-sized Organizations" or exam 070-672 "Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations". You will also learn about the latest developments related to Microsoft licensing, besides matters that may be part of the exam. Moreover commercial aspects will be covered such as positioning Software Assurance and the Volume Licensing programs, and how to deal with common customer concerns. • Day 1: 070-671 and 070-672 joint session • Day 2: 070-671 candidates only • Day 3: 070-672 candidates only After the training between four and twelve hours self-study is required per MCP exam. The training and course material will be delivered in English. The exam is available in English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Korean, Portuguese Brazilian and Simplified Chinese. Some knowledge of and at least six months experience in selling Microsoft products and licenses is strongly recommended Beskrivelse 673: This training session prepares you for the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exam 070-673 "Designing, Assessing and Optimizing Software Asset Management". This exam replaces MCP exam 70-123. Commercial aspects of SAM will also be highlighted, such as the sale of SAM services including dealing with customer concerns and objection handling. The training delivery and course material will be in English. If you prepare for the MCP exam: This training session is a follow-on to the one-day training "Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations" (070-672). Attendees are assumed to have attended that training. If you are involved in matters related to Software Asset Management as part of your job role, but don't intend to take the exam: This training assumes that you have at least basic knowledge of the most important Microsoft license types (OEM license, Product Key Card, Full Packaged Product and Volume Licensing) and of the Product User Rights of key Microsoft products such as Windows®, Office and Windows Server. Lisens Workshop MCP Exam, 070-671 and 070-672 Basics Påmelding, krever Live ID knyttet til Microsoft partnerprogram (les mer om dette her)
Påmelding her. Pris: Kurset koster 990 NOK, med en no show/late cancellation fee på 990 NOK. Sted: Microsoft, Lysaker torg 45, 1326 Lysaker. Lisens Workshop MCP Exam, 070-671, dag 2 Påmelding, krever Live ID knyttet til Microsoft partnerprogram (les mer om dette her)
Påmelding her. Pris: Kurset koster 990 NOK, med en no show/late cancellation fee på 990 NOK. Sted: Microsoft, Lysaker torg 45, 1326 Lysaker. Lisens Workshop MCP Exam, 070-672, dag 2 Påmelding, krever Live ID knyttet til Microsoft partnerprogram (les mer om dette her)
Påmelding her. Pris: Kurset koster 990 NOK, med en no show/late cancellation fee på 990 NOK. Sted: Microsoft, Lysaker torg 45, 1326 Lysaker. Lisens Workshop MCP Exam, 070-673, Designing, Assessing, and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM) Påmelding, krever Live ID knyttet til Microsoft partnerprogram (les mer om dette her)
Påmelding her. Pris: Kurset koster 990 NOK, med en no show/late cancellation fee på 990 NOK. Sted: Microsoft, Lysaker torg 45, 1326 Lysaker. |