slipping one in under the radar
Apple has slipped in a product update completely under the radar (so long as we define radar as the various rumour sites). There's a new member of the iPod family: a 1-GB iPod Nano. It's $149. This new iPod Nano doesn't warrant a mention on Apple's front page, and it's below the fold [1] on the iPod/iTunes page. The 512-MB iPod Shuffle got a small price drop to $69, and the 1-GB iPod Shuffle is still $99.
The one-billion song contest gets top billing on the iPod/iTunes page. I like the prizes, although the idea of creating a scholarship in my name at a music school weirds me out a bit. I don't think that the Nadyne Mielke iTunes Scholarship has the right ring to it.
[1] That is, not visible on the page when I have it in my standard browser window. I have to scroll to see it.
- Anonymous
February 12, 2006
Oh come on, it would be such fun. A scholarship that's really hard to spell? It would come with a build-in IQ test! - Anonymous
February 13, 2006
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