my MWSF schedule
Next week's going to be busy! Here's what it looks like (I think; plans subject to change without notice):
Monday evening - vendor table at User Group University
Monday evening - that Mac:Mgr thing that John Welch mentioned in one of the comments here, if I'm still awake :)
Tuesday morning - attend the keynote, I hope
Tuesday afternoon - answer VPC questions at our booth
Wednesday morning - answer Office:Mac questions at our booth
Wednesday evening - dinner with some customers
Thursday morning - answer Office:Mac questions at our booth
Thursday night - MacBowl (I've heard that we're the defending champions; I definitely won't be there to bowl, but probably to cheer on my co-workers), then the Your Mac Life party
Friday morning - answer Office:Mac questions at our booth
Friday night - try to catch up on sleep
Did I miss anything?
- Anonymous
January 06, 2006
The first rule of Macworld is:
<i>There is no sleep at Macworld</i>
Info on Mac-Mgrs:
This will be our FIFTH year at Beale Street, so most of you should
know the way by now. It is an easy walk from most of the hotels
around Moscone, or a very quick cab ride.
We'll be upstairs, as usual.
We get started around 7pm. We'll have some food and of course some
door prizes. I may think up some amazingly difficult contest to award
things, or just draw names out of a hat (Bring you business cards!)
depending how evil I feel. - Anonymous
January 09, 2006
Unfortunately I can't attend MWSF. However, I'd love to know the following about Virtual PC for Mac: will it ever be able to run SQL Server 2005 Express? I've been trying to install this piece of software since November, attempting different setup options, starting from a clean virtual machine, and searching newsgroups for any mention of compatibility. However, SQL Server 2005 Express will never install. At the end of the installation, when the database service is to be started, the setup process fails and rolls back. The only reason I have Virtual PC is to do some light Visual Studio development without the need for a Windows PC at home. That I can not do this with the .NET 2.0 stuff is a big problem. However, I'm not sure if this is due to a bug in Virtual PC, or intentional lack of support (e.g. the SQL Server software which might require a more advanced CPU than the one emulated by VPC). Thanks in advance if you're able to provide some insight. - Anonymous
January 10, 2006
I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer to your Virtual PC question. I suggest posting to the Microsoft public newsgroup news://microsoft.public.mac.virtualpc and seeing if someone there can answer your question. Alternately, you might want to call MS technical support and specify that you're having a Virtual PC issue.