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music to start and end the day

Maybe you didn't realise this, but going to MWSF is living the rockstar life. Well, okay, maybe that's a bit strong, but you do get to both start the day off and close out the day with live music. My morning (after a couple of small announcements from the folks over at Apple Inc today) started off with seeing John Mayer, and ended up with Cheap Trick. (I have to admit that I knew that it was Cheap Trick as the special musical guest at the Macworld Blast party tonight because the guitarist was behind me in the queue for the keynote this morning.)

So with that as my bookends for today, how did it go? Pretty good. My feet are immensely sore right now, but I'd probably be disappointed if they weren't sore. I got to finally meet some great people in person today, not the least of which are some co-workers from Redmond that I only know from email. (With as much as I travel, it's hard to believe that I've missed meeting Redmonders, but there they were.)

Working at the main booth today was quite a lot of fun. Really, it is. Even though I somehow lost my voice about a half-hour into my booth shift, I kept on talking. Well, I tried to listen more than talk, but that's not always possible when someone says something like, 'so tell me about Project Centre'. Which I can do, in detail, since I use it to keep myself on track. But, losing my voice aside (and I really have no idea why I've lost my voice, I feel fine), spending a day in the booth is a great opportunity for me to meet users and find out what's on their minds. Mostly, what seemed to be on people's minds today is when the next version is coming out, and I'm glad to be able to officially say that Office:Mac 2008 will launch in the second half of 2007.

In case you haven't noticed, there have been a few posts over at Mac Mojo today, including a notice that our latest update is available and fixes an Entourage bug. There will be more during the week, since several of us are here and hanging out in the blogger booth (including me on Wednesday from 3-5pm). We've talked to a lot of the press about Office:Mac 2008, so look for their news reports, and we'll probably be posting more to Mac Mojo to talk more about what didn't make it into their stories.