I don't know what it is ...
... but somehow, I'm really bloody good at hitting command-Q instead of command-tab when I'm trying to write a blog post. I never manage to do this in a window where it auto-saves (or tells me 'dude, don't do that!') and thus I won't lose anything.
So I had a post about why I'm a member of the ACM all written, but I didn't quite control-tab out of there to switch to a message that had arrived in Messenger, and it's all gone poof. I know, I know, I should write it in Word so that I don't run into this problem, but I always think that I'm just writing a quick blog post and thus won't lose anything.
There's a real post coming later, but I'm not sure when. I'm currently in Portland for the OOPSLA organising committee, and then I'm in Redmond for the rest of the week for a usability test.
- Anonymous
May 08, 2006
That's why I like ecto. Autosave is your friend. - Anonymous
May 08, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
May 08, 2006
odd that it didn't ask you to save... Well, unless this was inside a web browser.
See, I have this habit of continuously hitting command S when I'm typing anything. This makes it hard for me to type things like this in Safari as a useless window appears. In that case, I repeatedly hit command A, Command C, down arrow key. The clipboard is a type of saving, is it not? - Anonymous
May 10, 2006
I hadn't heard of ecto. Well, I had heard of another ecto, which is a music-related mailing list.
Yes, I've been composing in my web browser window. - Anonymous
May 11, 2006
The comment has been removed