best non-Apple laptop?
When I attend conferences like OOPSLA, I'm a laptop watcher. It's interesting to see what hardware everyone is carrying. This year, I'm noticing the Windows-based laptops. There are a lot of nice-looking designs out there. I keep on noticing, and being jealous of, the ultra-light laptops that I'm seeing. In the midst of this, I see an article over on Cult of Mac saying that Apple's design holding pattern needs to end.
What do you think are the best non-Apple laptops out there? Who do you think is innovating in their hardware design?
October 24, 2007
never feel apple laptops are of any good, it's just a cult any way.Anonymous
October 24, 2007
I think the Sony Vaios are pretty innovative. Really slick, in general. As for the best laptop? Dell XPS 1330. No question. My boss just got one for work and had me set it up over the weekend. Dell completely ripped off the aesthetic from the Vaios, but made great improvements. It has a slot loading DVD drive, built-in 8-in-1 card reader, remote control, HDMI output, touch sensitive control bar (no actual buttons), the ability to find wireless networks while powered off, and the ability to play movies and music without powering on. Its sick. That said, I'd still rather have a Mac. :)Anonymous
October 24, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 28, 2007
Hi Nadyne, I think it was my Dell X1 that you were admiring. It's a great machine. Toshiba do nice ultra-laptops (Protege R200 I think). Sony are beautiful to look at, but I'm told they're flaky when it comes to reliability! Apple really need to bring out a machine without a CD-rom. That would wipe up the market I think.