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ASPNET RC1 has launched


We are close to the end of November, and you may hear the footsteps of winter coming, for the north!

For the ones, who are following ASP NET 5, it is now open source, cross-platform and portable, more charismatic then ever. Its exciting to see that it is reshaping itself for the Cloud world. We are now, close to the first release such that this month first release candidate (RC1) is unleashed. You can take a look to the road map from github.  

Milestone Release week
Beta6 27 Jul 2015
Beta7 2 Sep 2015
Beta8 15 Oct 2015
RC1 Nov 2015
1.0.0 Q1* 2016

Basically there are 3 main components for ASP.Net 5: 

  • DNVM(.Net Version Manager) which lets you to select the version from a list of ASP.Net versions.
  • DNX(.Net Execution environment) which is the SDK and run-time environment that has everything to build and run .Net applications, for Windows,Mac and Linux.
  • DNU(.Net development utilities) which is fundamental for developing ASP.Net applications. 

With these components, you can develop and build Asp.Net applications which can run on different platforms. Setting up that environment is quite easy and you can follow the guidelines on website. On an untested version of linux, you may go into some issues, due to prerequisites of DNX especially.

In this blog, i want to make a quick overview of setting up an environment on latest version of Ubuntu - 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) on Hyper-v, and want to tell you the difficulties i had, and you can also have.I also set up "Visual Studio Code" for an IDE and "Yeoman" for a code scaffolding tool. 

The officially supported Ubuntu version for "beta-8" version was "Ubuntu 14.04". Because of this, i got some issues on installation of environment and utilities. One was because of a DNX prerequisite, in particular "libicu", and the other was when setting up "Yeoman". Luckily, there is everything you need on internet to workaround these problems. For a Windows guy like me, that was all i need. Here is a summary of the challenges i had, if you also plan to install DNX on "Ubuntu 15.10":

#1 - First of all, i recommend you to first update the package index before applying the instructions on site for DNVM and DNX - Coreclr installations. Below command updates the local package index with the latest changed made in the repositories: 

sudo apt-get update

#2 - After you install the "coreclr" with "DNVM", "dnx" and "dnu" commands was not producing any output. With the following trace output (DNX_TRACE is an environment varible), i discovered that i had the same issue on this github article

DNX_TRACE=1 dnx --version

It is an issue with the "libicu" module (a prerequisite for DNX) since "Ubuntu 15.10" uses "libicu55" but "Ubuntu 14.04" was using "libicu52". Installing "libicu52" is finxing the issue on "Ubuntu 15.10".

#3 - You may get a warning on Yeoman installation like "node:not found". It is an issue about remaing of Node.js, for a naming collision with another package. As far as i can see, it can be recovered by following command: 

sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy

After that you can install "yo" with following command.

sudo npm install -g yo generator-aspnet

Finally i have managed to run my first application on "Ubuntu 15.10" :


Finally i want to give some more small notes about commands for DNVM:

  • "-u" switch let you to install the most recent version: "dnvm install -r coreclr latest -u"
  • You may also want to work with the samples from site via cloning them on linux.
  • A link of "Visual Studio code" should be added like this, to launch it from Terminal easily: "sudo ln -s /path/to/vscode/Code /usr/local/bin/code"


These are the major things i recall.

Happy coding!
