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John R. Durant's WebLog

Blog of "The" Office Developer

XSL Transforms and WordML

I was recently reviewing some tech comments from the product team for an article we wanted to...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 02/10/2004

Diving into DirectX...the shallow end of the pool

I have been spending a little time trying to figure out how to mess around with some audio settings...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 02/06/2004

My team just pushed some great stuff. Bill Coan (way cool Word guy) wrote this gem for us: Getting...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 02/05/2004

New info on Web Queries

There is a new MSDN article (as of a few minutes ago) on Web queries in Excel: Different Ways of...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 02/03/2004

Microsoft Publisher Blog!

In case it slipped under the radar, Andrew May, programmability writer for Publisher and PowerPoint,...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 02/03/2004

One take on OneNote

OfficeZealot kingpin (and fellow Minnesotan!) Chris Kunicki has posted some insightful commentary on...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 02/03/2004


OK- everyone reading my blog knows that I love NewsGator. (Hey- NG dudes: why aren’t you...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 02/03/2004

New doc on doc properties

We just published a new article “Reading and Writing Custom Document Properties in Microsoft...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/30/2004

Taming Outlook

Chris Kunicki’s recent blog entry ( on taming...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/30/2004

.NET GroupBox controls and the reverse ordering of numbers

So, I found this interesting thing happening in the way .NET orders controls to a collection. I am...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/29/2004

What do you want?

I was sitting here planning the Web site ( getting things in place,...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/29/2004

Get going with Smart Documents

If you are looking for tutorials on how to get going with smart documents, I recommend the following...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/26/2004

Spotlight on InfoPath

Our main dev center page just (moments ago) went live with a new spotlight on InfoPath. Lots of...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/23/2004

Tablet PC and Office

OK- so I just got out of this meeting, wherein we were discussing some up-coming content for the...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/23/2004

Newsgator is growing on me fast

One of the features that is outrageously good is that you can right-click on a link for an RSS feed...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/23/2004

newsgator adds value in more ways than one.

I just installed newsgator, and I am not sure if I can adore it as others seem to have. I’ll...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/23/2004

Beatles-Let it be...

Yesterday, my new Beatles CD arrived from, and it is the new unadorned version of the Let...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/21/2004

Office and a short, bald man

I figured I would get the truth about my demographic out there right from the start. Actually, this...

Author: John R. Durant Date: 01/21/2004
