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With David I at BorCon 2005

I spent last week at the Borland Developer's Conference, BorCon 2005, and got to catch this photo with Borland Developer Relations Guru, David Intersimone, known the world over simply as David I.

David I. is the father of technical evangelism. I first met him in the mid 1980's at an IBM OS/2 Developer Conference. David I was THE Borland Guy and I was doing technical evangelism for JPI, a compiler company that was founded by Neils Jensen, who, coincidentally was one of the founders of Borland.

Stephen Fell from Microsoft describes Borland as "The Switzerland of Software Development", and David I is the cornerstone of Borland's success in this regard. I mean, have you EVER heard of anyone who didn't like David I ?

More info on BorCon soon, they're doing some interesting things.