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What part of Cider do I work on?

I am the PM for Cider Extensibility.  So, what is the Cider Extensibility story?

Since Orcas will be our v1, the main focus for extensibility in that timeframe is enabling 3rd party control developers to control and customize the design time experience of their controls.  This includes customizing the way a control's properties are edited and the way a control is shown and interacted with on the design surface.

Beyond Orcas we have some ideas about what extensibility may exist and this includes:

  1. Hosting the Cider designer.  i.e. Designing Cider such that other applications can use, control and customize it as a component within their application. 
  2. Using the designer architecture used to build Cider to build your own designer inside and outside of Visual Studio.  This could include your own Visio, your own XSD editor or even your own photo layout application that has a design time layout.

Over the coming months, I will be blogging about these areas, stay tuned...