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Loosely Coupled Thinking

Cloud Computing, SOA & other trendy stuff...

Heading to XML 2005?

I'll be there on Tuesday for the XML Masters session on Web Services. Stop by and say hi. BTW - my...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 11/10/2005

Webcast today

Go here to register. Topic: How Windows Workflow Foundation will affect (improve!) your...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 11/03/2005

David Chappell nails it (again!)

David Chappell recently published a great article with a horrible title: "The Case Against BPEL".  I...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 11/03/2005

Fred starts blogging

Fred is a security guru (formerly with IBM Research) and has been working on some security patterns...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 10/19/2005

Another reason to love WF: WFPad

Mark Schmidt is one cool guy. First off, he loves hockey. Secondly (and perhaps more important...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 10/07/2005

Your ears will love you for this - ARCast #1

The first ARCast is now available. ARCast is an Architecture Podcast that my team has developed. The...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 09/27/2005

Thinking about Process and Workflow…

A while ago I blogged some various points about SOA that some people thought was interesting. Lets...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 09/21/2005

Tenets of Workflow

Tenet 1: Workflows coordinate work performed by people and software. The first tenet illustrates how...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 09/12/2005

XML 2005 Speaking Opportunities still available

XML 2005 still has opportunities available for late-breaking, town hall, and product presentations....

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 09/07/2005

Managing Services....

Dave just told me that the work he and others have been doing on Service Management is finally...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 09/06/2005

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should...

Jeffrey clarifies the use of logical address usage with WS-Addressing. I ran into this in a spec...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 09/02/2005

Help Katrina Victims

In case you weren't aware, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina may be worse than the hurricane...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 08/30/2005

Information = Data + Metadata + Context

Here is a presentation (ppt format, natch) I recently gave on EII at an internal event. This...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 08/22/2005

Principles of Service Design

Its been a while since I've blogged. Let's fix that. Tonight I had the first two papers of a...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 08/19/2005

Better Late Than Never...

Slides from my presentation at Tech Ed are available here (ppt format). Contact me if you want the...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 06/29/2005

IMS Advanced Web Services Profiles

IMS (Instructional Management Systems, Global Learning Consortium - is an...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 06/29/2005

Want to succeed with Web Services? Don't plan to build a SOA.

This is a bit of a jaded post but I'm an old guy so I'm allowed to be jaded once in awhile - please...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 06/23/2005

Microsoft is pleased to contribute WS-ReliableMessaging to OASIS...

And so it begins... Today Microsoft, IBM, BEA and Tibco all contributed their work on...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 06/23/2005

PDC05 Registration is now open

Tech Ed is going on this week in Orlando - its a big, exciting show with lots going on (see webcasts...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 06/07/2005

More thoughts on MTOM

Web Services should avoid using SOAP with Attachments (SWA) because it is incompatible with the Web...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 05/07/2005

Indigo Lesson Learned: System.ServiceModel and Trust

Indigo's System.ServiceModel.dll assembly requires that it's callers be fully trusted. Installing...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 05/06/2005

Understanding MTOM

MTOM combines the composability of Base 64 encoding with the transport efficiency of SOAP with...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 05/05/2005

Come Speak at XML 2005

XML 2005 is still accepting abstracts. They are seeking abstracts in the following categories:...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 05/05/2005

Message Versioning

Message Versioning focuses on the data that comprises the messages created and consumed by a...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 05/05/2005

Contract First or Rewrite Later

Reviewing the four tenets for service orientation, note that tenet #2 (Services are Autonomous)...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 04/29/2005

WS-Discovery specification updated

An update to the WS-Discovery spec has been published based upon workshop feedback. Summary of...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 04/22/2005

'Tis But a Flesh Wound...

Could this be the new mascot for Lotus Notes? Forbes seems to think so.

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 04/06/2005

James McGovern on SOA

James is an Enterprise Architect for The Hartford Financial Services Group and wrote a really good...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 04/05/2005

And Now For Something Completely Different...

Don Box and Andrew Layman on improving the performance of XML. Don't miss the wind tunnel test.

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 04/05/2005

Indigo has arrived

You know you want it. Now go get it.

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 03/25/2005

Using WS-Policy for something other than Security

Earlier this week the WS-RM Policy spec was published. WS-RM Policy provides guidelines for defining...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 03/25/2005

Microsoft is acquiring Groove Networks

Read all about it here and here. Try out the new virtual Office here. I doubt people will be very...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 03/10/2005

More Thoughts on SOA and the SO Design Tenets

SOA is an architectural approach to creating systems built from autonomous services. With SOA,...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 03/02/2005

Tasty soundbites

Jason Bloomberg just published an excellent report entitled "Avoiding Bad SOA". There's not a lot...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 03/01/2005

Principles of Interoperability

I gave a rather short webcast on 2/3/2004 on some fundamental principles of interoperability,...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 02/10/2005

HL7 Advanced Web Services Profiles

HL7 is an ANSI-accredited Standards Organization that develops interface requirements for health...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 01/27/2005

Finally! Real Standards for Optimizing and Packaging XML....

Its taken just under seven years, but today the W3C announced that the XML-binary Optimized...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 01/26/2005

Why Architecture?

Sorry no posts in a while. My blog was under attack by Chinese spammers. While Google and others...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 01/24/2005

Thinking about SOA (again)

Eventually we’ll stop talking about SOA and go back to talking about Architecture. When we stop...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 12/17/2004

An informal survey on BPEL adoption

Web Services Pipeline is conducting an informal poll on BPEL adoption, the results of which are a...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 12/15/2004

XML Team Blog

The XML Team here at Microsoft just launched their group blog. Subscribe now and avoid the holiday...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 12/15/2004

Can Web Services Improve the Standardization Process?

Steve Vinoski (chief engineer of Iona) has an article on Web Services Standardization in the...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 12/14/2004

Quick update: Larry Makes His Move

Its official: Oracle is acquiring PeopleSoft for 10.3 billion. Update: Get your potential collectors...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 12/13/2004

Can XML Schemas be considered Open Source?

First off, this article is not designed to bash anyone, especially WPC. I was motivated to post this...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 12/10/2004

Google Scholar - good, not yet great

Péter Jacsó has posted a very detailed review of Google Scholar. I was excited about the prospects...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 12/09/2004

Upcoming webcast: Governance and Compliance in Service-Oriented Solutions

To be presented on Frday (12/3) morning. Sign up here. Here is the abstract: Myriad regulatory...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 11/29/2004

Another WS-ReliableMessaging implementation on WSE 2.0

Andrés G Vettori just posted another WS-ReliableMessaging implementation on WSE 2.0. He's also made...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 11/29/2004

Podcasting will revolutionize broadcast (and satellite) radio

Podcasting is to radio what Tivo is to television. Even better, the content tends to be far more...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 11/29/2004

A quick funny before bed...

I just received an email from Yuichiro Russell. an old (self-described) "code monkey" friend. He had...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 11/24/2004

On product code names...

Whitehorse and Yukon are product code names for the graphical designer in Visual Studio 2005 and SQL...

Author: John_Evdemon Date: 11/23/2004

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