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Home Networking 101

The basic premise for troubleshooting your broadband modem and other home networking equipment often comes with the advice from your broadband provider to "turn it off, wait 60 seconds, and then turn it back on".  I have fielded calls from family members and friends asking me what to do because "...the internet is down".  I remember back to the original IBM PCs with the big red power switch on the back, and when something went wrong people would shout out - "hit the BFRS"  (Big "fine" Red Switch).

A few months back I implemented a rather simple solution for the "internet is down" calls that I get from time to time.  Get a power strip, plug the power block for your broadband modem and router/firewall device into this power strip - do not plug anything else into the power strip.  Now when I get the call, I simply tell them to turn off the power to this power strip, wait 60 seconds and then turn in back on.  If the power strip has a red power switch, then you can say "BFRS it".  This is a lot simpler than saying "unplug the power to the broadband modem, unplug the power to the firewall, ... " - and worrying that they plug the correct power plug back into the correct device.

Troubleshooting is 1/2 art and 1/2 science - if you are a scientist, you can argue about this ratio.  Finding simple solutions to complex problems is often times a wonderful feeling.   While turning the power off isn't considered ideal, it has worked 5 times in a row for "turning the internet back on". 

