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Dan on eScience & Technical Computing @ Microsoft

eScience & Technical Computing - Web Services and Scientific Research

I use maps.live.com allot especially when I'm traveling - but didn't realize about this feature...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/03/2008

Currently heading back from the 2008 Frontiers of Cancer Nanotechnology Symposium setup by GaTech...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 04/01/2008

The Open Source at Microsoft site is a really good location for information, resources, and links on...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 03/28/2008

I realized I hadn't posted the link to the TED Talk on the WorldWide Telescope  Science...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 03/28/2008

The Windows HPC team has just made public their Computational Finance Pilot where they are enabling...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 03/28/2008

Scientists should find this Word 2007 add-in very useful, especially when submitting to PubMed...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 03/24/2008

In case you didn't see the blog entry on ZDNet about WWT What makes Scoble cry: Microsoft’s...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 02/15/2008

A MSR Tech Report is now available on Statistical Resolution of Ambiguous HLA Typing Data - Here's...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 02/08/2008

It's great to see programs like TechREACH reaching out to middle school students to get them...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 02/06/2008

Now this is different and refreshing - maybe we need some comics highlighting the work of...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/29/2008

Ran across this post on Charlie Calvert's Community Blog using TerraServer's Web Services with...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/29/2008

Savas and I had talked about this idea of using Silverlight-based cycle stealing and wondered how...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/28/2008

There's a Parallel Computing Developer Center up on MSDN that is great resource for finding ways to...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/28/2008

Here's a good opportunity to get the latest information on the next version of the Windows Compute...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/28/2008

In case you didn't get to see the video of Bill's Last day from CES...here's a link to it on Soapbox...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/23/2008

Here's a link to a Russian based project - where they are mining environmental data archives. ...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/22/2008

The January update to the Technical Computing @ Microsoft site (www.microsoft.com/science) is up:...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/19/2008

It's great to see a high-performance .net library for writing MPI apps in C#.  It would be good...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 01/17/2008

Every once in a while you get the privilege to enjoy something you never would have imaged - tonight...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 11/30/2007

It's been a bit hectic for the last few weeks - which included moving into the new MSR building 99...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 11/29/2007

Just heard the MSR Sensors and Device Group in Cambridge updated their SenseCam website with...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 11/27/2007

Was at Supercomputing last week - overall the event went really well.  There was also a few...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 11/22/2007

Early this week Savas and I were discussing social networking ideas and we decided to create a...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 11/09/2007

Just tested out the MapCrucher Beta for VE - it really runs great. As soon as I get a few more...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 10/29/2007

It's great to see that PopFly is now open to a larger audience via it's public beta. I especially...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 10/18/2007

The Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2008 - March 3-6, 2008 in Seattle. Sign up here

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 09/20/2007

Just ran across this Excel 2007 Web Data Add-In from MSR - great way to scrape data from a web page...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 09/13/2007

I think I missed the announcement, but I just saw off of Blake's The Road to Know Where blog the HD...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 09/10/2007

Yesterday I had a really good discussion with Jamie Cromack on her efforts around putting together a...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/31/2007

Here's a really cool C# application for displaying graphs from MSR... Microsoft C#UNG (pronounced...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/27/2007

Saw this post by Qixing on the uses of Silverlight in different sites - I'd like to start compiling...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/27/2007

LiveSide has a really good overview of Tafiti a site that utilizes Silverlight as a way to capture...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/21/2007

For you eScience folks in the Boston area - here's a real opportunity to hear/see how Silverlight...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/18/2007

I've been waiting for it and now it's available more broadly - a way to share files in the...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/11/2007

Here's a very helpful post I ran across from Volker's blog on debugint MPI application on...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/11/2007

Here's are some amazing collections of images of the Space Shuttle...amazing technology. Current...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/09/2007

Ran across Jon Udell's screencast on the Robotics Studio and is' RESTful architecture...I've seen...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/09/2007

Just saw VolkerW post info on the whitepaper to help understand how to setup a cluster to dual boot...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/07/2007

There was some confusion on where to post abstracts for the eScience Workshop - so the deadline was...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 08/04/2007

The latest version of TechNet Flash has some good pointers to details on SQL Server 2008 and the CTP...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/27/2007

Wired Magazine has a really good article on the search for Jim Gray and his boat Tenacious and all...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/24/2007

I wrote about the Data mining Addins previously - Data Mining for the rest of us... and now you can...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/23/2007

I've been using Mobile Search since it was initially released and I find it essential looking for...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/20/2007

Check out the beautiful VE imagery of Niagara Falls, I ran across it on the VE blog...especially...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/20/2007

Thanks to Alex Szalay (JHU) for pointing me to GalaxyZoo - now you can help classify galaxies. This...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/12/2007

Ran across this OneNote PowerToy on Daniel Escapa's OneNote Blog that allows you to output Matlab to...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/11/2007

I meant to do an entry on this paper by Stuart Ozer (MSR) and David Kim & David Baker...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/09/2007

Very cool demo of a Silverlight and a 2D Physics engine... Silverlight 1.1 2D Physics May 22nd, 2007...

Author: Dan_eScience Date: 07/07/2007

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