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TechReady and ODC Done

A couple large events have finished up for the week - the internal TechReady conference here in Seattle and the Office Developer Conference down in San Jose.

Coming out of ODC, a lot of material is hitting the public wire, with more starting to prime up at stage left for MIX-2008 and the SharePoint conference (for which I'm currently wait-listed for), both in a few weeks. It's an overall exciting time to be at Microsoft, to be a partner of Microsoft, and to be a customer. I just wish our stock was being treated better...but I digress... :-)

On a personal note, there was a lot to get excited about:

  • A new book on building Office Business Applications got highlighted, written by a colleague of mine, Bhushan Nene, along with a few other folks I see on the DLs
  • I learned a lot about C# 3.0 - I took a 'drive around the new features' hands-on-lab that walked through the new syntax and features. I had already learned about a couple of them in watching some VS2008 demos, but it's a whole lot of goodness. And one of the best things is that many of the C# 3.0 features can still be used in VS2008 when you are targeting the .NET Framework v2 runtime.
  • It's amazing how many of my DPE colleagues are blogging, podcasting, and creating just spectacular demos! I was quite inspired, I must admit. And while there isn't much I can publicly blog about in my current role (too many of my conversations are NDA conversations with ISV partners, and really wouldn't be of interest to the general public who aren't AIIM members anyway), it's inspired me to do a lot more internally.
    Along a similar note, I've gone and grabbed a copy of DemoMate and Camtesia - and it will probably yield more interactive content here around my DNN/WoW work, if nothing else.
  • I attended some sessions on WPF, and I feel the need for some WoW/raid analysis tools using WPF and Silverlight at some point in the summer. This should be fun!

All of that being said, I have one more day of TR6 stuff tomorrow, then I get to start catching up on sleep and try to pick up my regular schedule again.