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Welcome to BillCan's Place

Originally Posted: 04/23/2004 02:28:52 AM

Welcome to BillCan's Place (working title only).  This blog will chronicle my life here in the Pacific Northwest, primarily focusing on work and professional issues.

I am starting this blog now because I am in the middle of a full court press to become an employee of Microsoft (or Evil Empire, if you will).  I've been very interested in learning about the process of becoming a MSFT employee, but have found very little information on the web about it.  Therefore, as a public service, I will be chronicling my experiences as I go through the process, hopefully culminating in blog entries about New Employee Orientation at Microsoft.  Please wish me luck in my quest.

Right now I have had two interviews and am waiting to be scheduled for the on site interview in Redmond.  In future entries I will provide more background on how I have gotten to this position.

Until then, wish me luck!  Please also post comments, hints, tips, advice, etc.
