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Powershell Documentation Pack

In case you did not noticed we released a Powershell documentation pack. This pack contains the following information:


  • The "Getting Started Guide" , a 32-page introduction to using the shell and the Powerscript language supported by the Windows PowerShell.
  • A Windows PowerShell Language "Quick Reference" .
  • The "PowerShell User Guide" , a companion document to the Getting Started Guide. You should get yourself familiar with the contents of the Getting Started Guide as this document will build on the content and concepts of the Getting Started document.
    In this guide, you will find the features of the new shell documented with examples of how to use the new shell along with reasons for the behavioral choices that were made as this shell was being built. Also, this document includes examples of how to migrate VBScript to Powerscript. Lastly, this document contains information for VB and C# developers and how Powerscript differs from those environments and how, as a developer, you can take full advantage of this new shell.

Go ahead and download the pack and start coding or should I say scripting with Powershell.


Technorati tags: Powershell