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Implementing Parser Export Functions

The parser export functions provide all the functionality of the parsers in the parser DLL. Each parser DLL must implement ParserAutoInstallInfo and DllMain. The remaining export functions must be implemented for each parser included in the parser DLL.

The following topics show you how to implement the export functions.

Term Description
Implementing ParserAutoInstallInfo Provides a description and code example of implementing the ParserAutoInstallInfo function, which identifies the parsers located in a parser DLL.
Implementing DllMain Parser Provides a description and code example of implementing the DllMain Parser function, which identifies the existence of a parser, and then releases resources that Network Monitor uses for the parser.
Implementing Register Provides a description and code example of implementing the Register function, which records all the properties of a protocol.
Implementing RecognizeFrame Provides a description and code example of implementing the RecognizeFrame function, which identifies an instance of a protocol in a frame.
Implementing AttachProperties Provides a description and code example of implementing the AttachProperties function, which separates the data that the parser recognizes, and then attaches property descriptions to each protocol property that exists in the recognized data.
Implementing FormatProperties Provides a description and code example of implementing the FormatProperties function, which formats the data that is displayed in the details pane of the Network Monitor UI.
Implementing Deregister Provides a description and code example of implementing the Deregister function, which releases the resources used to register protocol properties.