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The Configure method submits configuration information used for a capture.



  • hConfigurationBlob
    [in] Handle to the BLOB that contains the configuration information.
  • hErrorBlob
    [out] Handle to an error BLOB that contains additional error information. For information about the contents of an error BLOB, see the Remarks section in this topic .

Return Values

If this method is successful, the return value is NMERR_SUCCESS.

If the method is unsuccessful, the return value is one of the following error codes:

Return code Description
NMERR_CAPTURING The NPP reports that the capture session has started.
NMERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY No memory was available. Shut down windows to free up resources.
NMERR_INVALID_PARAMETER The configuration BLOB specified by the hConfiguration parameter is not valid.


You must apply this method to restart an NPP that has been started, stopped, but not disconnected.

The error BLOB returned by hErrorBlob contains entries that Network Monitor could not understand or find in the configuration BLOB specified in hConfigurationBlob. The returned error BLOB contains error information that the application can use for troubleshooting. For example, if NMERR_BLOB_ENTRY_DOES_NOT_EXIST is returned, the entry Network Monitor could not find is included in the returned error BLOB.


Client Requires Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.

Declared in Netmon.h.

DLL Requires Ndisnpp.dll. Requires Rmtnpp.dll.

See Also

IDelaydC::Connect, IDelaydC::Start, IDelaydC::Stop