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Expert and Parser Common Functions

The Network Monitor functions, listed in the following table, can be used to develop either parsers or experts.

Function Description
CompareAddresses Compares two given addresses.
CompareFrameDestAddress Compares a given address to the destination address of a frame.
CompareFrameSourceAddress Compares a given address to the source address of a frame.
FilterAddObject Adds a single object to a filter.
FindPropertyInstance Finds the first instance of a given property.
FindPropertyInstanceRestart Finds the next instance of a given property.
GetCaptureComment Retrieves the comment of a capture.
GetCaptureCommentFromFilename Retrieves the comment of a capture from its capture file.
GetCaptureMacType Retrieves the MAC type of the capture.
GetCaptureTimeStamp Retrieves the capture timeout stamp.
GetCaptureTotalFrames Retrieves the total frames in the capture.
GetEnabledProtocols Retrieves a list of all the protocols marked as enabled.
GetFrame Retrieves a handle to a given frame.
GetFrameCaptureHandle Retrieves a handle to a given capture.
GetFrameDstAddressOffset Retrieves the destination address offset for a given frame.
GetFrameFromFrameHandle Retrieves a frame for a given frame handle.
GetFrameLength Retrieves the length of a given frame.
GetFrameMacHeaderLength Retrieves the length of the MAC header for a given frame.
GetFrameMacType Retrieves the MAC type for a given frame.
GetFrameNumber Returns the number of a given frame.
GetFrameRecognizeData Retrieves the protocol identifiers (and their offsets) of all recognized protocols.
GetFrameSrcAddressOffset Retrieves the offset to the source address of a given frame.
GetFrameStoredLength Retrieves the length of a given frame.
GetFrameTimeStamp Retrieves the time stamp of a given frame.
GetPreviousProtocolOffsetByName Retrieves the previous instance of a given protocol.
GetProperty Retrieves a property with a given name.
GetPropertyInfo Retrieves the information of a specific property.
GetPropertyText Retrieves the text of a given property.
GetProtocolFromName Retrieves a specific protocol by name.
GetProtocolInfo Uses the protocol handle to retrieves protocol-related data.
GetProtocolStartOffsetHandle Retrieves the offset of a given protocol.
MacTypeToAddressType Converts a MAC type to an address type.
ModifyFrame Updates an existing frame with new data.

For more information about functions and structures only used by experts, and functions and structures only used by parsers, see the topics listed in the following table.

For more information about See
Expert-specific functions that you can used to develop expert DLLs. Expert Functions, Structures, and Enumerations
Parser-specific functions that you can used to develop parser DLLs. Parser Functions and Structures