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InsertAt Callback Function

The InsertAt function inserts the specified attribute at the specified index in the array.

  [in]                 _RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY* This,
  [in]                 DWORD dwIndex,
  [in]                 RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE* pAttr


  • This
    Pointer to the RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY structure that represents the array of attributes in which to insert the specified attribute.

    The GetRequest and GetResponse functions return pointers to RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY structures.

  • dwIndex
    Specifies the index at which to insert the specified attribute.

    Use the GetSize function to determine the size of the array. The largest index is one less than the size of the array.

  • pAttr
    Pointer to a RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE structure for the attribute to insert into the array.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes:

Value Meaning


The plug-in DLL attempted to add an attribute that plug-in DLLs are not allowed to add, or the DLL attempted to add an additional instance of an attribute of which only a single instance is allowed.


The index is out of range.


When the InsertAt function inserts a new attribute into the array, it increments the index of the pre-existing attribute at this index. Similarly, it increments the index of any pre-existing attributes at higher indexes.

To append an attribute to the end of the attribute array, use the Add function.

This function is provided by Internet Authentication Service (IAS). IAS returns a pointer to this function as a member of the RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY structure.



Requires Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003.


Declared in AuthIf.h.

See Also

About Internet Authentication Service
Internet Authentication Service Reference
Internet Authentication Service Functions

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Build date: 10/1/2007