Set Up Fixed Asset Maintenance
To manage fixed asset maintenance, you must first set up some general maintenance information, a posting account for maintenance costs, and maintenance codes for types of work, such as Routine Service or Repair.
If you set up the fields for maintenance, you can post maintenance expenses from the fixed asset journal.
- Choose the
icon, enter Fixed Assets, and then choose the related link.
- Select the fixed asset that you to define insurance coverage for, and then choose the Edit action.
- On the Maintenance FastTab, fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
When you post maintenance costs from a general journal, you fill in the Maintenance Code field to record what kind of maintenance has been performed, such as routine service or repair.
- Choose the
icon, enter Maintenance, and then choose the related link.
- On the Maintenance page, set up codes for different types of maintenance work.
To post maintenance costs, you must first enter an account number on the FA Posting Groups page.
- Choose the
icon, enter FA Posting Groups, and then choose the related link.
- Fill in the Maintenance Expense Account field for each posting group.
To define that maintenance costs are allocated to departments or projects, set up an allocation keys. For more information, see Set Up General Fixed Assets Features.
Setting Up Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets
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