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Understanding Word Wrap

Keyboard:  CTRL + E, CTRL + W
Menu:  Edit -> Advanced -> Word Wrap; Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> General
Command:  Edit.ToggleWordWrap
Versions:  2008,2010
Published:  2/27/2010
Code:  vstipEdit0022




When you turn on Word Wrap it will automatically make sure your text is always in the visible space.  So if you have a lot of visible space then it doesn't need to wrap:



But if you have less space it will wrap automatically:



And, naturally, if you have almost no space it will still make sure all the text is in the visible space:



The indicators that show the lines being wrapped can be turned on or off using the "Show visual glyphs for word wrap" checkbox.

That is the coolness and power of the legendary Word Wrap. :)